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Prodcom ESTP course 20 - 22 October 2010 Confidential data

Understand the guidelines for reporting confidential data in Prodcom ESTP course. Learn when to mark data as confidential and how it is handled to ensure privacy. Explore the rules and procedures for publishing EU totals while maintaining confidentiality.

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Prodcom ESTP course 20 - 22 October 2010 Confidential data

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  1. Prodcom ESTP course 20 - 22 October 2010Confidential data

  2. Confidential data • Data is declared confidential by reporting countries: • When too few enterprises (typically 1, 2 or 3) report production of the heading • When one or two enterprises have a dominant share (typically > 85%) of national production Prodcom ESTP course

  3. Confidential data • Confidential data must be reported to Eurostat. • It is entirely up to the reporting country to decide which data should be marked confidential. • Eurostat accepts the confidential flags without question. Prodcom ESTP course

  4. Confidential data Under the Statistical Law, Eurostat must avoid divulging confidential data, by taking the following measures when preparing data for dissemination: Prodcom ESTP course

  5. Publishing Confidential data • All confidential items are suppressed from the published national data • EU totals containing confidential data may only be published if the original confidential items cannot be derived from the total. • A set of rules for evaluating each case have been agreed with the Member States, taking into account the number of confidential countries, the number of producing enterprises in each one and the possibility of dominance. • The rules are set out in a Confidentiality Charter Prodcom ESTP course

  6. Prodcom Confidentiality CharterSummary of the rules • If there is no dominance, the EU total may be published if 3 or more countries are confidential. • If there is no dominance, the EU total may be published if 2 countries are confidential, as long as there are at least 3 units in total in the two countries. • The EU total may be published if no enterprise exceeds its country’s dominance threshold within the confidential cluster. Prodcom ESTP course

  7. Prodcom Confidentiality Charter • The dominance threshold is set individually according to the wishes of each Member State. Countries may choose a dominance threshold in the range 85% to 100%. This is based on the assumption that only the dominant country is affected if the EU total is published. Countries have indicated the threshold they wish Eurostat to apply. Prodcom ESTP course

  8. Publication of EU totals If an EU total is unsafe to publish, Eurostat applies rounding to it. This allows the approximate value to be published, without being so precise that the confidential data is revealed. Prodcom ESTP course

  9. Thank you Prodcom ESTP course

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