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2 nd meeting of the Team of Specialists on Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Exchange of experiences on countries’ challenges and success stories for forest policy formulation & implementation Turkey ’s experience. 20-22 September 2010, Istanbul. By Kenan KILIÇ, PhD
2nd meeting of theTeam of Specialists on Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Exchange of experiences on countries’ challenges and success storiesfor forest policy formulation & implementation Turkey’s experience 20-22 September 2010, Istanbul By Kenan KILIÇ, PhD Chief of UN Bureau Ministry ofEnvironmentandForestryGeneral Directorate of Forestry UNECE
Strategic Plan (2010-2014): ogm.gov.tr • Strategic Objectives of GDF: • Protecting the Forests • Developing Existing Forests, Increasing their Productivity and Enlarging their Areas • Multifunctional and Sustainably Utilization from Forests • Ensuring Organizational Development http://web.ogm.gov.tr/birimler/merkez/StratejiGelistirme/Dokumanlar/Stratejik_Planlama/STRATEJIK%20PLAN%202010-2014.pdf #2 2nd ToS on “Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Istanbul 21/09/2010
Strategic Plan (2010-2014): ogm.gov.tr • Strategic Targets of Objective 1:(Protecting the Forests) • Preventive precautions in combating with forest fires will be increased, fire combating organization will be strengthened, and in this content, the first intervention period of forest fires will be reduced to the 20 minutesin the first degree sensitive regions to the forest fires • The cadastral and delimitation proceduresof forests will be finished until the end of the 2014. The registration procedures of the forests of which cadastral procedures finished will be completed #3 2nd ToS on “Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Istanbul 21/09/2010
Strategic Plan (2010-2014): ogm.gov.tr • Fire Fighting Strategy User name: mLife2009 User code1: mLife2009 User code2: mLife2009 http://yanginyonetimi.ogm.gov.tr/ #4 2nd ToS on “Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Istanbul 21/09/2010
Strategic Plan (2010-2014): ogm.gov.tr • Cadastral Information System http://izin.ogm.gov.tr/yonetici/Login.aspx #5 2nd ToS on “Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Istanbul 21/09/2010
Strategic Plan (2010-2014): ogm.gov.tr • Strategic Targets of Objective 1:(Protecting the Forests) • Determination of biodiversity will be done in the forest areas, biodiversity will be integrated to the management plans as a function, and 450.000 hectares of areaswill be planned for this aim. These areas will be regularly observed and those need to be protected will be protected • Health of forest ecosystemswill be observed and obtained evidenceswill be evaluated through measuringthe atmospheric pollution, climate change and the other factorson the forests until end of the 2014 #6 2nd ToS on “Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Istanbul 21/09/2010
Strategic Plan (2010-2014): ogm.gov.tr • Biodiversity Monitoring System http://www.nuhungemisi.gov.tr/ #7 2nd ToS on “Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Istanbul 21/09/2010
Strategic Plan (2010-2014): ogm.gov.tr • Monitoring Forest Ecosystem http://web.ogm.gov.tr/diger/icp2/Sayfalar/default.aspx #8 2nd ToS on “Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Istanbul 21/09/2010
Strategic Plan (2010-2014): ogm.gov.tr • Strategic Targets of Objective 2:(Developing Existing Forests, Increasing their Productivity and Enlarging their Areas) • Rehabilitation works of degraded forestswill be carried out in 300,000 Ha.and productive forest area will be increased to the 12.000.000 Ha. each year • In order to provide products to market demand; pruning will be done in plan period towards the quality of wood, seeds and fruit efficiency at totally 85.000 Ha.of areas #9 2nd ToS on “Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Istanbul 21/09/2010
Strategic Plan (2010-2014): ogm.gov.tr • Rehabilitation of Forest Areas through the Action Plans http://web.ogm.gov.tr/languages/English/News/DisplayNews.aspx?List=31d69d5d%2D5f24%2D4320%2Dbff7%2D933e439d71ca&ID=3455 #10 2nd ToS on “Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Istanbul 21/09/2010
Strategic Plan (2010-2014): ogm.gov.tr • Pruning Activities #11 2nd ToS on “Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Istanbul 21/09/2010
Strategic Plan (2010-2014): ogm.gov.tr • Strategic Targets of Objective 3:(Multifunctional and Sustainably Utilization from Forests) • Turkey's National Forest Inventorywill be prepared until the end of 2014 • Implementation of Sustainable Forest Management (SFM)Criteria and Indicatorswill have been ensured in all Forest District Directorates until end of the 2014. #12 2nd ToS on “Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Istanbul 21/09/2010
Strategic Plan (2010-2014): ogm.gov.tr • Strategic Targets of Objective 3:(Multifunctional and Sustainably Utilization from Forests) • Standardization, certification/ green label model studieswill be started and applied at least three Forest District Directorates until end of 2014. • Total 250 urban forestsand promenade areas will be established and 5 infrastructures of arboretums will be completed in order to ensure further benefit to the society from social, cultural, scientific, sporting and aesthetic services of forests. #13 2nd ToS on “Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Istanbul 21/09/2010
Strategic Plan (2010-2014): ogm.gov.tr • FSC Certification #14 2nd ToS on “Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Istanbul 21/09/2010
Strategic Plan (2010-2014): ogm.gov.tr • Urban Forests http://www.ogm.gov.tr/kentorman/turkiye.htm #15 2nd ToS on “Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Istanbul 21/09/2010
Strategic Plan (2010-2014): ogm.gov.tr • Strategic Targets of Objective 4:(Ensuring Organizational Development) • In the framework of Strategic Management approach, organizational structure, work processes and norm staff works of General Directorate will be reviewed internal audit systemwill be established. • Customer and employee satisfactionrate will be increased #16 2nd ToS on “Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Istanbul 21/09/2010
Strategic Plan (2010-2014): ogm.gov.tr • Strategic Targets of Objective 4:(Ensuring Organizational Development) • Infrastructure of the information and communication technologiesin the central and provincial organization units of General Directorate will be completed and management information systemwill be established. • Integration of decisions to our forestry taken in international forestry process will be ensured and collaboration on forestry with near and neighbor countrieswill be developed #17 2nd ToS on “Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Istanbul 21/09/2010
Strategic Plan (2010-2014): ogm.gov.tr • GIS Implementations http://orbisgenel.ogm.gov.tr/ #18 2nd ToS on “Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Istanbul 21/09/2010
Strategic Plan (2010-2014): ogm.gov.tr • ESRI announced GDF the Winner in “Web Based Applications” http://www.ogm.gov.tr/GDF_NEWS/details.aspx?id=17 #19 2nd ToS on “Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Istanbul 21/09/2010
Strategic Plan (2010-2014): ogm.gov.tr • Functional Forest Management Plans • Wood & Non-wood Products • Nature Conservation • Erosion Control • Hydrologic • Aesthetics • Ecotourism & Recreation • Climate Regulation • Public Health • National Defence • Scientific #20 2nd ToS on “Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Istanbul 21/09/2010
Strategic Plan (2010-2014): ogm.gov.tr • Quality Management System; ISO 9001 Certificate http://web.ogm.gov.tr/diger/iso/Sayfalar/default.aspx #21 2nd ToS on “Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Istanbul 21/09/2010
Strategic Plan (2010-2014): ogm.gov.tr • Corporate Identity Project http://web.ogm.gov.tr/diger/iso/Sayfalar/KurumsalKimlik.aspx #22 2nd ToS on “Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Istanbul 21/09/2010
Strategic Plan (2010-2014): ogm.gov.tr • Forest Information System http://orbisgenel.ogm.gov.tr/website/public/genelorbis/ #23 2nd ToS on “Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Istanbul 21/09/2010
Strategic Plan (2010-2014): ogm.gov.tr • ORBIS (Forest Knowledge System) http://web.ogm.gov.tr/diger/bilisim/Sayfalar/default.aspx #24 2nd ToS on “Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Istanbul 21/09/2010
Strategic Plan (2010-2014): ogm.gov.tr • Syrian Project http://web.ogm.gov.tr/diger/SuriyeProjesi/Sayfalar/default.aspx #25 2nd ToS on “Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Istanbul 21/09/2010
Strategic Plan (2010-2014): ogm.gov.tr • Forest Fire Education Center http://web.ogm.gov.tr/birimler/bolgemudurlukleri/antalya/Haberler/HaberGoruntule.aspx?List=0c166ab1%2D5d26%2D492a%2D857c%2D8e2b363c4210&ID=10 #26 2nd ToS on “Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Istanbul 21/09/2010
Thank You for Your Attention kenankilic@ogm.gov.tr 2nd ToS on “Forest Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Istanbul