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Leadership for Inclusive Education: A Cognitive Coaching Approach

Leadership for Inclusive Education: A Cognitive Coaching Approach. Elizabeth B. Kozleski January 20, 2011. The Agenda. Coaching is Part of a Learning, Improving Culturally Responsive Inclusive Education System

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Leadership for Inclusive Education: A Cognitive Coaching Approach

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  1. Leadership for Inclusive Education: A Cognitive Coaching Approach Elizabeth B. Kozleski January 20, 2011

  2. The Agenda • Coaching is Part of a Learning, Improving Culturally Responsive Inclusive Education System • Culturally Responsive Leadership for Inclusive Education – Essential for 21st Century • Research Foundations of Culturally Responsive Coaching • Brass Tacks

  3. http://www.niusileadscape.org/

  4. Systemic Change Coaching is Part of a Learning, Improving Culturally Responsive System

  5. Systemic Change Framework

  6. Practitioners

  7. School

  8. District

  9. Coaching: An Integral Part of the School Improvement Process

  10. Culturally Responsive Leadership: A 21st Century Essential

  11. Why this kind of coaching? School leaders often engage in coaching in order to respond to a problem or react to a specific incident. These kinds of conversations are necessary to manage school operations, but they do not address the type of “deep change” necessary to transform school practices to be inclusive of all students. 1 1Marzano, R. J., Walters, T. & McNulty, B.A. (2005). School Leadership that Works. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

  12. Culturally Responsive Leadership

  13. Foundations of our Coaching Approach Learning Sciences Third Space Dialogue Multicultural Research Cultural Historical Activity Theory

  14. How People Learn Learning scientists concur: Deeper conceptual understanding comes from active participation in one’s own learning , (Sawyer, 2005)

  15. Perception

  16. Culturally Responsive: ThirdSpace Coach Coachee ThirdSpace

  17. Respect, Reciprocity, and Responsiveness Respect the identity of others – recognize boundaries and allow differences to be accepted. Responsiveness Integrate diverse strengths to create more inclusive options ThirdSpace Reciprocity Understanding that one point of view need not dominate or exclude diverse points of view.

  18. Dimensions of the Culturally Responsive Matrix From Understanding Cultural Contributions to Action for Equity

  19. Understanding Culture as a Variable

  20. Understanding Culture as the Dynamic Ingredient in Human Interaction Cultural Histories What people bring with them What’s already there The work people do together The Institutional Culture The Culture We Create

  21. Down to Brass Tacks: How To Do It!! Steps to: Technical Contextual Critical

  22. Components of a Coaching Conversation

  23. Three ways of entering coaching discussions Critical Contextual prompts reveal underlying beliefs and cultural practices of a school that afford and/or constrain culturally responsive practices. Technical coaching conversations support coachees in solving specific and direct problems of practice in their schools. Coaching Discussion Critical prompts guide the coachee to examine underlying beliefs and practices that maintain and sustain the status quo in power and privilege and the coachee’s role in that process. Technical Contextual

  24. Technical coaching conversations support addressing changes in practice

  25. Example of Technical Prompts The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. – Albert Einstein

  26. Contextual coaching conversations help to make school culture transparent

  27. Example of Contextual Prompts We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are. – Anaïs Nin

  28. Critical prompts guide the coachee to examine her own beliefs and practices in supporting CR practices. Critical coaching dialogues examine power and privilege, who benefits from school practices, and how to bring students who have been marginalized into the “center” of school culture Plan moves/ activities to initiate change Expand awareness

  29. Example of Critical Prompts He who cannot change the very fabric of his thought will never be able to change reality, and will, therefore, never make any progress. – Anwar Sadat

  30. How are divergent viewpoints honored and shared in your staff culture? In what ways are your IEP meetings structured to encourage team discussion and sharing of ideas? Critical, Contextual, or Technical? In what ways do you consciously infuse awareness of power and privilege in your team discussions?

  31. Coaching for Culturally Responsive Practices includes . . . establishing cognitive, reflective frameworks for action . . . ThirdSpace Developing a culturally responsive ThirdSpace . . . Coach Coachee where you can work together to target equity outcomes!

  32. Collaborate to create shared expectations of collaboration, participation, and differentiated instruction Use ThirdSpace to develop a shared understanding of inclusive practice Use cognitive strategies to help others broaden their perspectives Don’t spend all of your time in a problem-solving space!

  33. If there is any great secret of success in life, it lies in the ability to put yourself in the other person’ s place and to see things from his point of view as well as your own. – Henry Ford

  34. Download from our website: http://www.niusileadscape.org/docs/FrameworkCulturally_Web_031810.pdf

  35. For more information about NIUSI-LeadScape’s community of inclusive, equity-minded school leaders http://www.niusileadscape.org/application/LS_Application.pdf

  36. Summary • Coaching is Part of a Learning, Improving Culturally Responsive System • Culturally Responsive Leadership – Essential for 21st Century • Culturally Responsive Coaching builds on learning sciences, CHAT, Third Space Dialogues, and Multicultural Research • Brass Tacks

  37. Thank You!!

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