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Nehemiah – Rebuilding Our Broken World Nehemiah 1:1-2:8. 1. Define the Reality of the Predicament
Nehemiah – Rebuilding Our Broken WorldNehemiah 1:1-2:8 • 1. Define the Reality of the Predicament • Nehemiah 1:2,3 (NIV) Hanani, one of my brothers, came from Judah with some other men, and I questioned them about the Jewish remnant that survived the exile, and also about Jerusalem. They said to me, “Those who survived the exile and are back in the province are in great trouble and disgrace. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire.”
When our world seems like it is falling down we need to be honest with ourselves to clearly define the reality of the problem. • Jerusalem was without protection. • Jerusalem was God’s holy city. • Nehemiah 1:4 (NIV) - When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. • Have you stopped to assess the reality of your own broken world?
Let us learn this lesson from Nehemiah: you never lighten the load unless you first have felt the pressure in your own soul. You are never used of God to bring blessing until God has opened your eyes and made you see things as they are. There is no other preparation for Christian work than that. Nehemiah was called to build the wall, but first he had to weep over the ruins. • Alan Redpath – Victorious Christian Service
2. Seek God in Prayer • Nehemiah 1:4 (NIV) - For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven. • Prayer helps us take our eyes off of ourselves and put them on God! • Nehemiah 1:5 (NIV) “O Lord, God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and obey his commands.
Nehemiah: - the priority of prayer • - persistence in prayer. • Nehemiah 1:6 (NIV) - …let your ear be attentive and your eyes open to hear the prayer your servant is praying before you day and night for your servants, the people of Israel. • Prayer is a vital part of beginning the process of rebuilding. • We need to see our problems from God’s perspective.
3. Confess Our Part in the Problem • When we bring our problems to the Lord in prayer, God’s Spirit begins to work in us. • Be willing to admit that we have contributed to the situation – confession • Nehemiah recognized that the condition of the city of Jerusalem was a direct result of the sin of the people. • Intercedes on behalf of the people but also confesses his own sin.
Nehemiah 1:6b,7 (NIV) - I confess the sins we Israelites, including myself and my father’s house, have committed against you. 7 We have acted very wickedly toward you. We have not obeyed the commands, decrees and laws you gave your servant Moses.
Nehemiah does some self-examination • Rebuilding requires that we humble ourselves, confess our sin that contributed to the problems we face, and humbly seek God’s forgiveness. • “accepting your piece of the mess” • Ronald Heifetz. • Failure to act? • Failure to respond? • Failure to listen?
Nehemiah 1:8,9 (NIV) - “Remember the instruction you gave your servant Moses, saying, ‘If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the nations, 9 but if you return to me and obey my commands, then even if your exiled people are at the farthest horizon, I will gather them from there and bring them to the place I have chosen as a dwelling for my Name.’
4. Move Ahead in Confidence of God’s Provision • Nehemiah 1:11 (NIV) 11 O Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of this your servant and to the prayer of your servants who delight in revering your name. Give your servant success today by granting him favor in the presence of this man.” • Faith needs to take over.
Nehemiah 2:5 (NIV)“If it pleases the king and if your servant has found favor in his sight, let him send me to the city in Judah where my fathers are buried so that I can rebuild it.” • Nehemiah 2:8–9 (NIV) 8 And because the gracious hand of my God was upon me, the king granted my requests. 9 …The king had also sent army officers and cavalry with me. • God rewarded Nehemiah for stepping forward in faith
People’s methods of facing their problems and finding solutions vary: • Some ignore the problem even exists. • Some are just overwhelmed by the problem and give up • Some try to avoid the problem by working around it • Some try to solve the problem by diving in head first without thinking, only to exacerbate the situation • Nehemiah: Saw the problem from God’s perspective and trusted him to lead him in the process of rebuilding.