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Satellite Mobile Systems Choosing Technologies and System Architectures

Satellite Mobile Systems Choosing Technologies and System Architectures. Nera SatCom ASMS-TF Meeting 24.04.01. Goal. Make mobile satcom a healthy business Make the right choices Mobile satcom can not afford more mistakes

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Satellite Mobile Systems Choosing Technologies and System Architectures

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  1. Satellite Mobile SystemsChoosing Technologies andSystem Architectures Nera SatCom ASMS-TF Meeting 24.04.01

  2. Goal • Make mobile satcom a healthy business • Make the right choicesMobile satcom can not afford more mistakes • Looking back:Did ASMS-TF mean a difference ?Did we find and propose the right path ahead ? ASMS-TF Meeting 24.04.01 / KPS

  3. Key questions for mobile satcom:Market and services • What are the market segments and user profiles ? • What kind of services and QoS are required ?Can they be fulfilled at an acceptable cost ? • How big is the true mobile market compared to semi-fixed ?How often is handover required ? • How many will use a large dual-mode terminal ? • What kind of roaming and mobility management services are necessary ? ASMS-TF Meeting 24.04.01 / KPS

  4. Key questions for mobile satcom:Cost issues • What are the critical air-time tariffs ?How much more than terrestrial mobile ? • Will there be acceptance for extra roaming costs on top the basic cost of satellite ? ASMS-TF Meeting 24.04.01 / KPS

  5. Key questions for mobile satcom:Rollout, timeframe and risks • When will T-UMTS be debugged and ready for widespread use ? • Can we afford the risk of introducing S-UMTS simultaneously or even before T-UMTS ?When will the S-UMTS risk level be acceptable ? • Can we wait for stable S-UMTS systems or must we have other solutions before with comparable capacity and services ? ASMS-TF Meeting 24.04.01 / KPS

  6. Market and requirements - Segments - Needs ServicesQoS Market sizeCustomer base Performance/capacityEfficiency Cost and pricing TechnologySystem architecture Timeframe Available technology Choice of technologies and system architectures for mobile satcom ASMS-TF Meeting 24.04.01 / KPS

  7. What brings success to mobile satcom ? • Being integrated with the land mobile networks ? or • Being directly connected to the world wide fixed terrestrial network ? or • A combination ? ASMS-TF Meeting 24.04.01 / KPS

  8. Nera standpoint on mobile satcom • Mobile satcom will mainly fill a complementary role • Primarily professional markets Þ Mobile satcom is a niche marketThe mobile satellite business is small • Cost-effective solutions for small market • Roaming is expensive and can be handled by other methods • Primarily semi-fixed (UMTS data rates) • Focus on services really needed • Optimal and efficient air interface designed for satellite • Evolutionary approach to healthy business ASMS-TF Meeting 24.04.01 / KPS

  9. Nera’s conclusion and primary choice • Linked to the fixed terrestrial network • Keeps it simple and low risk on network side: • Dial up packet data service to Internet (VoIP to PSTN) • Standard ISP technology • IP routing in the network • The terminals can be “simple dial up” customers to an existing Internet Service Provider • Not dependant on the unpredictable launching of terrestrial 3G • Optimal air interface and optimal resource usage • DVB-RCS based approach is one solution ASMS-TF Meeting 24.04.01 / KPS

  10. IP IP IP IP IP IP System overview DVB-RCS Gateway DVB-RCS and satellite interface Internet Service Provider Internet IP Fwd:450kb/s PSTN VoIP Ret:200 kb/s IP X*100 000 users ASMS-TF Meeting 24.04.01 / KPS

  11. Main alternatives • Fixed network extension • Phase 1: DVB-RCS with basic modifications for mobile (physical layer, minor adaptation for low rates) • Phase 2: Optimal fixed-based standard for mobile systems • Land mobile extension (S-UMTS) • Fixed network based and S-UMTS complementary or mutually exclusive ? • All the eggs in the same basket ? ASMS-TF Meeting 24.04.01 / KPS

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