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Sustainable Refurbishment , Retrofit, Energy Management

ŽIRMŪNŲ G. 116. Sustainable Refurbishment , Retrofit, Energy Management. TEAM : Norbert Varnyu Andre Zeferino Laury Rocca S erra Kotryna Supejevaitė Liudmila Rapin. Team introduction. Norbert. Laury. Andre. Liudmila. Kotryna. Greater Bamboo Lemur. Greater Bamboo Lemur.

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Sustainable Refurbishment , Retrofit, Energy Management

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  1. ŽIRMŪNŲ G. 116 Sustainable Refurbishment, Retrofit,Energy Management TEAM : Norbert Varnyu Andre Zeferino LauryRocca Serra KotrynaSupejevaitė LiudmilaRapin

  2. Team introduction Norbert Laury Andre Liudmila Kotryna

  3. Greater Bamboo Lemur

  4. Greater Bamboo Lemur Factsaboutthegreaterbamboolemur: • it was believed to have become extinct by the early 20th century. • only 60-160 lemurs are left in the wild. • onlylivesinthejunglesandforestsofMadagascar; • a starintheanimatedmovieMadagascar.

  5. Content • Problem statement • Energy efficiency • Heating system • Design & construction • Penthouse proposal • Calculation of the investment & return

  6. Why renovate? PROBLEMS: • Most in poor condition. • Inefficient heating systems andengineering equipment. • No insulation. • Bad quality windows, roofs. • Unattractive design.

  7. 1. Energyefficiency • Insulation of externalwalls ExternalInsulation Insulation : 140 mm isover 32  λ = 0,032 W/m.K U-Value = 0,21 W/m2.K ϕ = 5,5 kW

  8. 1. Energyefficiency • Green roof Extensive green roof Insulation : 200 mm polyurethane  λ = 0,025 W/m.K U-Value = 0,12 W/m2.K ϕ = 1,98 kW Green roof substrate Filtre Layer Drainage layer Protection mat Waterproof membrane Insulation Vapour control layer

  9. 1. Energyefficiency • Groundfloor Insulation of groundfloor Insulation : 200 mm polyurethane  λ = 0,025 W/m.K U-Value = 0,123 W/m2.K ϕ = 0,6 kW Insulation Slab

  10. 1. Energyefficiency • Sustainable and alternative insulation Embodiedenergy

  11. 1. Energyefficiency • Windows and balconydoors

  12. 1. Energyefficiency • Windows and balconydoors • PVC windows and balconydoors • Double glass 4/16/4 mm • λglass = 1,2 W/m.K • λair = 0,027 W/m.K • U-Value = 1,98 W/m2.K • ϕ = 18,2 kW

  13. 1. Energyefficiency • Apartmentaccessdoors PVC Apartmentaccessdoors U-Value = 1,2 W/m2.K ϕ = 0,77 kW

  14. 1. Energyefficiency • DifferencesActual/After HEAT LOSSES KW

  15. 1. Energyefficiency • Total heatlosses

  16. 1. Energyefficiency • Consumption

  17. 2. Heating system • Choice of heatpump 28,5 kW of heatlosses  36kW for the heatpumps 1 heatpump for each part of building  2 heatpumps

  18. 2. Heating system • Choice of sensors Heatpump Horizontal sensors Depth : 60/120cm Vertical sensors Depth : 100m

  19. 2. Heating system • For the project • Vertical sensors : 570 m of sensors  6 drilling of 95 m • Horizontal sensors : 2880 ml of sensors 3000-3500 m2 of surface area

  20. 2. Heating system • Choice of sensors

  21. 2. Heating system • 2 waysto installsensors Severals strates of sensors 1 strate of sensors

  22. 2. Heating system • Heatpump and system for 1 block of the building

  23. 3. Design & constructionCladding alternatives

  24. 3. Design & constructionEmbodied energy for façade materials

  25. Fiber cement board – Simple & Sustainable 3. Design & construction The nice thing about FCB is that its + usually made with recycled content, + has a long life span, + requires little maintenance, + economical,+ unique design, + defense to moisture, rain, snow, or hail. The down side is - the embodied energy in its creation.

  26. Costeffective 3. Design & construction "CostVersusValueReport" Remodelingmagazine 2009: „Sidingreplacementwithfibercementproducts–numberoneforfouryearsastheleaderinreturningvalueforresidentailremodelingandhomeresales.„

  27. Cladding system 3. Design & construction • The original facade would insulated and overcladed

  28. Cladding system 3. Design & construction

  29. Cladding systemFire Barrier 3. Design & construction

  30. Cladding systemFrame 3. Design & construction

  31. Windowinthefacade 3. Design & construction

  32. 3. Design & construction Balcony

  33. 3. Design & construction Lets bring a facade to life

  34. ENCLOSING orOPEN BALCONIES ? 3. Design & construction

  35. Framelessslidingsystem 3. Design & construction inexpensiveand “lightweight” design Construction techniques • Glass with casters, slides in two-track enclosed frame. • 6mm thick, tempered glass. • Windowscan slide through entire length of the balcony. • Seal brush inhibits wind vibrations.

  36. 3. Design and Construction • The design idea: Recycling or up-cycling shipping containers • Use simple and compact design; possibility for standardization or even prefabrication

  37. 3. Design and Construction • Penthouses 56m2 each • 4 penthouse all together • Possibility to enhance the basic model and use renewable resources

  38. x. Green penthouse

  39. 5. Calculation of the investment & return Phases • Assumptions • Costcalculation • Financingoptions • Returnscalculation • Performance indicators

  40. 5. Calculation of the investment & return Assumptions • Growth rate ofenergy and electricityprices: 5 %/y; • Interest rate: 3 %/y; • Inflaction rate: 2,6 %/y; • Loanduration: 20 years; • Project duration: 10 years; • Duration of construction and retrofit : 6 months; • Energy consuption: before 275KWh/m²/y, after 13 KWh/m²/y

  41. 5. Calculation of the investment & returnCost calculation

  42. 5. Calculation of the investment & return Financing options

  43. 5. Calculation of the investment & returnReturnscalculation - energysaving

  44. 5. Calculation of the investment & return Returnscalculation - sale ofpenthouse We assume that: • bank loan for 10 years with intrests 4,5% • the apartments will be sold within 1 year of construction: and the present value is € 275.757,58 THE GAIN IS (275.757,58 – 187.989,12) = 87.768,46 €

  45. 5. Calculation of the investment & return - Performance indicators • withoutPentahouse ROI = 187 % • with Penthouse ROI = 234 % Investmentscost = 338.314,38

  46. 5. Calculation of the investment & return Goals - Results: • Needto continue renovationeffort; • Needtorevive the constructionsectorduring the crisis; • Reduce the dependancy on importedfossilfuelsupplies .

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