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IP project Vilnius Sustainable Refurbishment, Retrofit Energy Management in Housing

IP project Vilnius Sustainable Refurbishment, Retrofit Energy Management in Housing. Sea Turtle Group (no.4) Veronica Biondi, Lucie Lespagnol Anna Zabezsinszkij, Sérgio Costa. Sea Turtle Group. Anna Zabezsinszkij (DK). Veronica Biondi (IT). Sérgio Costa (PT). Lucie Lespagnol (FR).

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IP project Vilnius Sustainable Refurbishment, Retrofit Energy Management in Housing

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  1. IP project Vilnius Sustainable Refurbishment, Retrofit Energy Management in Housing Sea Turtle Group (no.4) Veronica Biondi, Lucie Lespagnol Anna Zabezsinszkij, Sérgio Costa

  2. Sea Turtle Group Anna Zabezsinszkij (DK) Veronica Biondi (IT) Sérgio Costa (PT) Lucie Lespagnol (FR) Group Intro

  3. Why Are SeaTurtlesEndangered???

  4. Seaturtleshaveroamedouroceans for millionsofyears.

  5. Humans hunt seaturtles for their meat &eggs.

  6. The shells are used to make expensive jewelry

  7. Sea turtles get trapped and entangled in the net of fishermens.

  8. Sea turtles die from consuming plastic debris left behind by humans.

  9. Sea turtles are greatly affected due to climate change

  10. Oil spills are one of the biggest problems sea turtles face today

  11. Will you HELP to PROTECT me? • TAKE ACTION TODAY! • Use less PLASTIC BAG • Dont buy turtle shell jewelery • Act against climate change • Think globally ACT locally

  12. Sea Turtle Group Introduction Urban Planning Building Services • AT & Project Manage-ment • Law & energy policy • Sustainable Solutions

  13. Sustainable design & construction • Sea Turtle Group • Local, Regional sustainable VS general sustainable s. • Balconies (version A, B, C, D) – insulate around, box-it-up, alternative „underpinning” technology (balcony connectors) , Cut&New • Version C • Reinforcement continuity, thermal separation • No cold bridge, min heating/cooling costs & CO² • Internal condensation & muld controlled • Diamond disc (DIY, handcut)

  14. Sustainable design & construction • Sea Turtle Group • External Cladding Experiment • Looking for Manufacturers willing to TEST their products William McDonough and Dr. Michael Braungart

  15. Sustainable design & construction • Sea Turtle Group

  16. Sustainable design & construction • Sea Turtle Group • ECOSCREEN™gold certified-1mm painted aluminumcontrols light &air movement • FOAMWALLsilver certified- rain screen, weather resistant wall system, strength and durability, U=0.44 W/m2K, Lightweight metal composite panels permit quick and economical installation, Fire Tested, no water leakage • RHEINZINK ROOF &FAÇADEbasic certified, titanium zinc, Rainproof • SUPER WOOD™PEFC certificate, Small maintenance requirements, Durability, Workability, SustainabilityISO14001+ DS/OHSAS18001, Pay ability, Saves on time, surface treatment, nails and tools, disposal • FIBER CEMENT – Composite material made of sand, cement and cellulose fibres, Low maintenance, Easy to install, Use in the same way as wood, Stands up to the harshest weather conditions, Recycling plans in progress

  17. Sustainable design & construction • Sea Turtle Group • Literature • http://www.schoeck.co.uk/en_gb/solutions-uk/concrete-to-concrete-120-mm-107 • http://www.halfen.co.uk/t/25_13142.html • http://www.ancon.co.uk/products/insulated-balcony-connectors/isolan-systems • https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=diamond+disc&hl=en&source=lnms&sa=X&ei=6RVlUZDuJZTS4QSz9IGgBQ&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAA&biw=1440&bih=695#q=diamond+disc&hl=en&sa=X&source=univ&tbm=shop&tbo=u&ei=-hVlUZW0BIeP4gSK4IBo&ved=0CFkQsxg&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44990110,d.bGE&fp=87a80e1a0c654603&biw=1440&bih=695 • http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081004133428AAkGB50 • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwwtKEG-yY4 • http://www.concretecare.com.au/index.php?fuseaction=categories.sub&lvl=1&type=27 • http://www.c2ccertified.org/product_certification/c2ccertified_product_standard • http://www.ivarsson.dk/ • http://www.centriaperformance.com/products/wall/profile_series_metal_panels/ecoscreen/ecoscreen.aspx • http://www.rheinzink.co.uk/surfaces/our-material/ • http://www.centria.com/wallpanels/foamwall/Pages/default.aspx • http://www.superwood.dk/22/ • http://www.superwood.dk/en/superimpregnation/ • LIFE-CYCLE ASSESSMENT OF CLADDING PRODUCTS • http://isse.utk.edu/ccp/projects/naturalstone/pdfs/LCACladdingProducts_FINAL_Dec2009.pdf • http://www.xeroflor.com/index.php?cat=40_Systems • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiber_cement_siding • http://www.ivarsson.dk/Tag-9214.aspx

  18. Sea Turtle Group Rainwater Harvesting System • Landscaping/urban planning

  19. Sea Turtle Group • According to the data of 1 January 2013, over 90% of drinking water supplied by the company is of a very good quality.  • Drinking water quality is monitored by the Drinking Water Laboratory on a regular basis. • Water situation in Lithuania

  20. Sea Turtle Group Presently you should pay:- drinking water consumed and/or waste water collection and treatment- sale cost (subscription fee) • Water in Lithuania • Prices of additional services • Replacement of water meter in apartment of multi-storey house: 78.14 LTL • Metrological inspection of DN 15 water meter: 12.46 LTL • Flushing and disinfection of house connection: 4.40 LTL per 1 meter • Single microbiological test of water quality: 35.00 LTL

  21. Sea Turtle Group • Collective areas: • These recreation areas give to the community a place to gather and participate in the hobby they enjoy. Normally attached to sports or physical activities. And an active community is a healthy community!!! • Skate Park • Outdoor Basketball Court • Outdoor gym zone Park • Solutions for the Collective Space

  22. Sea Turtle Group • Cost : from 21,000 LT to 67,500 LT per 1,000 square feet. • Studies have shown skate parks are a haven for crime. (drugs, gang activities, vandalism) . • Not environmental friendly • 1. Skate park

  23. Sea Turtle Group • Cost: An outdoor basketball court price (depending of what type of paviment we use; is this case asphalt) would go around 54,000 LT. • Why basketball you ask?? Basket is know as the most popular sport in lithuania. • Also it’s not very good for • the environment. • 2. Basketball Court

  24. Sea Turtle Group • Cost • Approximately10.000 LT to 40.000 (depending of what equipment we buy and from where) a simple model like this should go around 12,300. • 3. Outdoor Gym Zone

  25. Sea Turtle Group • Collective area_ Conclusion

  26. Sea Turtle Group • Landscaping/ Urban planning

  27. Sea Turtle Group • Landscaping/ Urban planning

  28. Sea Turtle Group • Seasonal ThermalEnergyStorage (STES) • The thermal energy can becollected • whenever availablein one season • and be used inthe opposing season. • Experient on the roof • Green roof/facades design & construction

  29. Sea Turtle Group • Integrated Design • Give multiple use • to building elements • Green roof/facades design & construction

  30. Sea Turtle Group • Vegetables on the façade • Vertical Garden • Providing fresh produce • Cooling the building, enhancing the atmosphere • Right plants for each LiveWall project • Sustainable, durable, low maintenance • Flexible, modular systems (outdoor, indoor walls) • Green roof/facades design & construction

  31. Sea Turtle Group • The lifespan of green roof’sare twice as long • Protected from UV radiation • Reducing greenhouse gas, and air pollution • Lowering cooling/heating demands, insulation layer • Retaining up to 85% of the dust particles • Reduce and slow stormwater runoff • Clean, cool down and moisten the air • Indoor comfort by reducing heat transfer • Create habitats • Green roof/facades design & construction

  32. Sea Turtle Group References: http://www.greenbuildingforum.co.uk/newforum/comments.php?DiscussionID=7879 http://www.preheat.org/fileadmin/preheat/documents/intersolar/Rainer_Tamme_Storage_Technology_for_Process_Heat_Applications.pdf http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seasonal_thermal_energy_storage_(STES) http://www.rehau.com/GB_en/Building_Solutions/Renewable_Energy/Underground_Thermal_Energy_Storage_new/ http://pure.ltu.se/portal/files/41770693/UTES_Nordell.pdf http://tumbleweedtraveller.blogspot.com/2011/03/how-to-build-your-own-living-wall-or.html • Green roof/facades design & construction

  33. Sea Turtle Group • Building services- System 4 in1

  34. Sea Turtle Group • Building services

  35. Sea Turtle Group • Thermodynamic double flow ventilation • Mechanical ventilation double flow with heat exchanger + heat pump • Capture 92% energy • Reversible system

  36. Sea Turtle Group • Thermodynamic water-heater • Ball + heat pump. • Heat of air to produce domestic hot water. • COP = 5 => produce 5x more energy than it consumes.

  37. Sea Turtle Group • Building services- PRICE 1 system for 3 flats For 30 flats: ≈ 160.000 € IN FRANCE !! Change both filters 1x /year (≈ 30 €/filter)

  38. Sea Turtle Group • Conclusion • Gather 4 essential functions: • Heating • Cooling • Ventilation • Domestichot water • High Energy Performance

  39. Sea Turtle Group Iwill talk about: • JUSTIFICATIONS FOR A EUROPEAN ENERGY POLICY • EU DIRECTIVES • BARRIERS • JESSICA An EnergyPolicyfor Europe

  40. Sea Turtle Group “An audit has found that EU-funded energy efficiency projects are not cost-effective in EU member states. The projects examined by the Court of Auditors were in the Czech Republic, Italy and Lithuania. Those countries received the most EU funding for such projects in 2007-2013. National authorities used the funds to refurbish buildings, but the spending would not be recouped for 50 years on average, the report said. That time scale was "far too long". http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-21009707 EU auditors criticise energy efficiency projects


  42. Sea Turtle Group • New buildings • All buildings will be nZEB (nearly zero Energy Buildings) by2020, with energy production 'to a very large extent' from renewable sources. • Renovation • The Members State shall develop policies to stimulate the transformation of buildings that are refurbished into very low energy buildings. • A more detailed and rigorous procedure for issuing energy performance certificates • EPBD does not enforce a specific ventilation system but • Its ambitious targets push towards energy efficient systems • It requests assessment methods to enable calculation of energy performance of the building • Two important directives:EPBD(Directive on Energy Performance of Buildings) Recast Directive 2010/31/EUEED(Energy Efficenty Directive) Directive 2012/27/EU

  43. Sea Turtle Group Economic Market Finance Technical Legal • There are lotsof barriers

  44. Sea Turtle Group • urban infrastructure  • heritage or cultural sites  • redevelopment of brownfield sites • creation of new commercial floor space  • university buildings • energy efficiency improvements • JESSICA Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas

  45. Sea Turtle Group In recent years, the EU created projects to be created in a certain period of time: it has set goals and you are given a time to reach them, always with the use of directives. I believe that to achieve the objectives in energy policy, the Member States need of stronger measures, more specific provisions and decided at community level. • CONCLUSION

  46. If you have any Questions feel free to ask!

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