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Explore protein structure, functions, and new designs. Develop software tools. Engage in Bioinformatics, Engineering, and Biochemistry. Promote sustainable development through research in protein science.
PRESENTER Prof.PurnanandaGuptasarma Dean, Research and Development Coordinator, Technology Business Incubator Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, & Director CoE (Centre for Protein Science, Design and Engineering) IISER Mohali
Activities Studies of protein structure, function, stability, folding and aggregation; Designing proteins/peptides with new/improved function; Development of databases and software tools for protein sequence, structure and function. Structural Biochemistry;Structural Biophysics;Protein Engineering; Biomolecular Spectroscopy;MolecularSeparations; Biochemical Engineering; Structural Bioinformatics;Protein Modelling.
Promotionofsustainabledevelopment • The research work of the participating faculty covers the following areas which are crucial to developing and consolidating the country’s strengths in research and education/trainingintheareasofproteinscienceandengineering,asillustratedbysome representative activities outline below – in which the participating faculty excel at the national and international levels : • Understanding mechanisms underlying ultra-high thermal stabilities ofproteins from hyperthermophile organisms • Understanding and manipulating mechanisms underlying the aggregation of proteins, particularly into amyloid fibers associated with various neurodegenerativedisorders • Understandingthemechanismsofactionofbacterialtoxinsfromorganismssuch as those causing cholera • Developing technologies for therapeutic proteins and industrially important enzymes, in particular, those important to the biofuels initiative of the government, for substitution of natural fuels • Developing techniques for the design and engineering of proteins to alter structure, stability, function, folding and misfolding • Understanding protein structures and developing novel structural and bioinformatics-based concepts and tools for the analyses of proteins, including methods for the automated threading-based prediction of protein structures through comparative modeling, and analyses of the contact networks of amino acids using graph theoryto elucidate, e.g., allosteric changes. • Involvement in holding training workshops and conferences in frontier and interdisciplinary areas in Biophysics and Computational biology for the host institution’s students (BS-MS-Ph.D) and other undergraduate students, college teachers, and research personnel.
APPLICATIONS-ORIENTEDACTIVITIESFROMCPSDE CPSDEReport 2016 4 • HIGHLIGHTS • MoU with Bio-AgeLifeSciences, Mohalifor transfer of knowhow on 4 specialty protein reagents(2015) • Pyrococcus furiosus DNAPolymerase for thermal cycling • Beta-2-microglobulin-basedprotein molecular weight markers • Cel12Aendoglucanasefor cellulase applications • Interferon Gamma for immuno-biological lab applications • MoU with Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai,for sharing of recombinant enzymeclones for bio-energyapplications(2015) • Participation in a Technology Business Incubator (TBI)being set up at IISER Mohali (2016);Prof. Guptasarma, Director CPSDE, is also TBI coordinator • Participation in DBT Task Forceon Bio-EnergyApplications(2014- Guptasarma, Director CPSDE, is member of theTask Force) • Talks on witha Bio-Pharmamajorand with aBio-Processing majorfor establishment of KnowledgeCentres at IISER Mohali (2016) • Patent filedfor a new surface-treatment techniquefor protein binding forAtomic Force Microscopyapplications • From previous work, but defended successfullyafter the CPSDE began– US PATENT&4 EU PATENTS obtained byProf. Guptasarma’s group for a process and product in the domain of enzyme engineering Date
MOU signedfortransferofknowhow forspecialityprotein laboratoryreagentsbetween IISER,Mohali,andBALS,Mohali A memorandum of understanding was signed on Saturday, December 26, 2015, between IISER Mohali (IISERM), represented by its Centre for Protein Science, Design andEngineering(CPSDE),aCentreofExcellenceundertheFrontierAreasinScienceand Technology (COE-FAST) program of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD),Govt.ofIndia, andM/SBio-AgeLifeSciences(BALS),Mohali,representedby its management, for the transfer and licensing of knowhow for production and commercialization of certain specialityprotein laboratory reagents with research applications. TheMOUwassignedonIISERM’sbehalfbyProf.AnandK.Bachhawat, Dean,R&D,and on BALS’ behalf by Mr. Shashi Kumar Rana, CEO, BALS, in the presence of Prof. N. Sathyamurthy,Director,IISERM,Dr.P.Bapaiah,Registrar,IISERM,Prof.P.S.Ahuja(past Director-General of the CSIR), Adjunct Professor, IISERM, and Prof. P. Guptasarma, Professor,DepartmentofBiologicalSciences,IISERM,andDirector,CPSDE.Alsopresent ontheoccasionwereMs.PallaviKaila,Mr.PrinceTiwari,Dr.ArpanaKumari,Mr.Nitin KishorandMr.BhishamThakur,membersoftheresearchgroupofProf.Guptasarma,in addition to members of the management of BALS, including Mr. Sudesh Kumar Rana, Manager, Production, Mr. Randhir Guleria, Manager, Product Development, and Dr. Ayesha Pandit, Coordinator, Training andR&D. The present MOU covers four speciality protein reagents : (a) an enzyme used for genetic engineering, (b) a cytokine for immune cell activation, (c) an enzyme for polysaccharidehydrolysis,and(d)aprotein-basedsetofgelmolecularweightmarkers. Inthefuture,IISERMand CPSDEplantoaddtothisportfolioofproductsthroughthe transfer of knowhow for more protein reagents and other protein products in agreementswithBALS,as wellas other interestedparties.Theoccasionwasalandmark event, being the first engagement in the important area of ‘academia-industry’ interactionsforIISERM,asanacademicinstitution,aswellasforBALS,asanindustry. TheoccasionwasalsoimportantinthattheMOUfostersthedevelopmentofcapability forindigenousmanufactureofspecialityproteinreagents.AchequeforRs.1,00,000/- washandedoverbyCEO,BALS,totheRegistrar,IISERM,asaone-timeMOUfee.Ten percentofthetotalsalesvalueofreagentscommercializedundertheMOUwillaccrue toIISERM, as per terms andconditions. MoU SIGNING-PHOTOGRAPHS Inthepictureshownbelowonthetopleftpanel,seensitting(LtoR)areProf.Anand KumarBachhawat,Dean, R&D, IISERM,andMr.Shashi KumarRana,CEO,BALS. Inthesamepicture,seenstanding(LtoR)areDr.P.Bapaiah,Registrar,IISERM,Prof.N. Sathyamurthy,Director,IISERM,Prof.P.S.Ahuja(pastDirector-General,CSIR),Adjunct Professor,IISERM, andProf. P.Guptasarma, Professor,IISERMandDirector,CPSDE.
Expenditure and fund position (in Rs. Lakh only) The pacing of the expenditure during the 24 months since September, 2014 (when the CoE began) has been as follows By September, 2016 – Rs. 1.579 crores, by the end of two years. In the next six months, we intend to spend another 60-70 lakhs. During the last 1.5 years of the CoE, we shall spend the remainder of the funds, utilizing funds both for research and for process and product patents, as well as for movement towards commencialization through start-ups under our TBI. Therefore, if MHRD wishes, it can either send the remaining 2.5 crores now, or send 1.5 crores now, and the remaining 1 crore when we run into a negative balance by end of 2017.
CPSDEReport 2016 3 Research PublicationsfromCOE-FAST (CPSDE) PUBLICATIONS IN THE LAST SIX MONTHS (APRIL 2016-SEPTEMBER 2016) SUMMARY : The work presented in these publications and the ones listed on the next page sheds light on the disease-causing mechanisms of a type of pore-forming toxin of Vibrio cholerae – which causes diarrheal diseases - as well as on the disease-causing mechanisms of certain amyloids - known to cause human neurodegenerative disorders. Some of the work sheds light on the functioning of enzymes from heat-loving microorganisms. Some describes novel techniques in proteomics and microscopy. Ongoing work explores bioinformatics-based approaches to the study of protein architectures (internal contact schemes) and multiplicity of functions (promiscuity), forces that are involved in the functioning of proteins that are involved in human hearing (cadherins) and disease models in yeast. Date
CPSDEReport 2016 7 MANPOWER-DEVELOPMENTACTIVITIESOFTHECPSDE • Researchersarecurrently undergoing trainingin theseven(7)researchlaboratories of CPSDEfaculty: • 7postdoctoral fellows, • Over30doctoralstudents, • Over10 Masters’levelstudents, • 5Integrated-Ph.D level students, • Over20JRF/SRF levelproject assistants • 1postdoctoral level researchassistant • Theresearchconsumablesexpenses for theaboveresearchmanpowerdevelopment activities arepartiallybeingborne fromCOE-FASTfunds. • Oftheabove, onlytheresearch stipends oftheJRF/SRFproject assistantsandresearch assistantarebeingborne fromCPSDE funds. • Theremainingmanpowerderivesits stipendsfromDST-INSPIRE, CSIR,UGC,DBT, ICMRor IISERdoctoral fellowships, orIISERPostdoctoral fellowships. Date
VISITS/TALKS/POSTERSINVOLVINGCPSDE CPSDE facultymembershavedeliveredover 60 invited research seminarsoutsidethehost institution, sinceSeptember, 2014 CPSDE facultymembershavemadeover 20 research presentations outsideIndia, sinceSeptember, 2014 Work from theCPSDE has been highlighted inover 15 Symposia/Conferences withinIndia, or abroad, through research talks, plenarytalks, poster presentations etc. SeveralCPSDE-sponsored special talks were held.
FUTUREVISIONANDPLANSFOR THE COE-FASTCPSDE • The presentation demonstratesthat theCPSDEhasfulfilled alarge part of its original mandate,havingbegunthe filingof patents, transferof know-howsto industry,having publishedsignificant numbersofresearchpublications(withmore in thepipeline),havingtrained researchpersonnel atseveral different levelsof experience andproficiency (project assistants, Ph.Dscholars,integratedMS-Ph.Dscholars,postdoctoral fellows) andhavingconductedseveral national levels meetingsandone intense5-day workshop. • Inthe immediate future,the CPSDE hopesto have: • Higherimpactresearchpublications(current publicationsare injournals of impact factorvarying from2.00-0.00; we hope tohave at least1-2 papersperyearin journals of higherimpact) • Highernumbersofresearchpublications(8-10per year) • Greaterengagementwith industry inthe protein technologies sector(moretechtransfers),and maybe thespinning-offof a company throughtheTBI. • Greaterengagementwithapplications-oriented research • More transfersofknow-howsortechnologiesto industry • Filingof largernumbersofpatents fromR&Dconductedin the CPSDE (1-2 patentsperyear) • Greatermanpowerdevelopment inthe area ofproteinscience, designandengineering, through R&Dactivitiesandworkshops • Intenseengagement intheTechnology BusinessIncubatorrecently granted bythe DSTto IISER Mohali