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2130 Personality Psychology “ Know Thyself ”

2130 Personality Psychology “ Know Thyself ”. Professor Ian McGregor Research Methods. Quiz 2 Written Answer Questions. Compare and contrast contemporary research on the Big-5 to Freud’s view of personality development? (4 marks; two double spaced pages max).

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2130 Personality Psychology “ Know Thyself ”

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  1. 2130 Personality Psychology “Know Thyself” Professor Ian McGregor Research Methods

  2. Quiz 2 Written Answer Questions • Compare and contrast contemporary research on the Big-5 to Freud’s view of personality development? (4 marks; two double spaced pages max). • Describe four ways that people can come to “know what isn’t so,” i.e., hold false beliefs with such conviction? (4 marks; two double spaced pages max) ADVICE: Compose your exact answers before test!!!

  3. Lecture 4 Outline • Traits review and links to goals and attitudes—how are traits transmitted? • The case of agreeableness and testosterone. • How we know what isn’t so • Research Methods (how to know what is so) Correlational Experimental

  4. Myers Briggs (Based on Jung’s Theory) • Circle your summary on Table of Types • From previous slide • Matches vs. mismatches? • Correlated with 4 of the Big-5 • Simple, less pejorative labels & appreciating “Gifts Differing” • Good for marriages and workplaces! • Beyond the golden rule…

  5. Big-5 (NEOAC) & Plato, Galen, Freud, MBTI • Brass/Iron, Silver, Gold • Choleric, Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Melancholic • Oral, Anal, Phallic • EI, SN, TF, PJ • The role of Mom?

  6. Genetics and PersonalityCorrelations of Big-5 Traits Between Adopted kids and parents Adopted siblings Biological kids and parents Biological siblings Non-identical (dz) twins Identical (mz) twins Identical twins raised apart 0 0 .1 .1 .25 .5 .5

  7. Heredity Estimate • (rmz – rdz) x 2 x100 = % Variance from genes • No effect of parents? (stay tuned!) • Non-Shared Environment? • Harris: Where is the Child’s Environment? • Is it Error? Multiple raters boost genes to 70% • Culture? People are getting taller, and smarter, and more anxious… • Change is possible, genetic predisposition not absolute destiny. • Young adulthood is difficult. Neur. goes down!

  8. Openness: Awed or odd? • Openness to Experience • Aesthetics • Fantasy • Values • Actions • Ideals • Feelings Sex, politics, and religion Ideal friends and marriage

  9. Traits and Divorce • What if MZ twin and parents • a) got divorced? • 80% divorced • b) stayed married? • 10% divorced • Trait Divorce Proneness • high E, high O, low C, high N, r=.4 • Traits also predict MZ twin’s divorce, r=.4!

  10. Trait Correlations with Major Life GoalsRoberts & Robins, 2000, PSPB • $$ success: E = .3; C = .2; O = -.3; A = -.2 • Career and graduate school: C = .2 • Aesthetic: O = .4 • Social Welfare: A = .3 • Relationships and Children: E = .3 • Political Influence: E = .3 • Fun and Excitement: E = .4 • Personal Growth: O = .3 • Traditional Marriage: O = -.3

  11. Traits and AttitudesOlson et al., 2001, JPSP MZ DZ • Crossword puzzles 46 11 • Immigration 47 20 • Euthanasia 45 21 • Racial discrimination 37 0 • Organized sports 52 10 • Looking one’s best 42 14 • Abortion 53 28 • Organized religion 43 21 • Leading groups 40 08 • Reading books 55 24

  12. How Can Traits be Heritable but Not Run In Families? • 7 rings, fire captains, fashion design etc… • Son of a Baptist minister and traditional religious belief…???? • How can traits and attitudes be genetic but not run in families? • Emergenesis: jigsaw puzzle analogy • How do genes translate into traits? • E.g., oxytocin, testosterone, & agreeableness

  13. Disagreeable Forms of Coping(Reinisch, 1981, Science)

  14. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia and “Boy Toys”(Berenbaum & Hines, 1992, Psychological Science)

  15. Higher or Wider?

  16. Longer? Wider?

  17. Chase Scene?

  18. How We Know What Isn’t So 1. Representativeness heuristic 2. Overinterpreting chance: Excessive impact of vivid confirming information 3. Knowing what we expect 4. Knowing what we want

  19. Representativeness Heuruistic • Joseph is a very quiet, timid, introverted, and organized person. If you had to bet money, would you bet that he was: • Truck driver or librarian? • phenomena that resemble each other seem likely to be functionally related.

  20. WWII Strategic Bombing of London?

  21. Psychic Powers?

  22. Psychic Powers? 1/10 1/10

  23. Seeing What We Expect • Is my Father a Baptist Minister? • Divide class in half for next exercise, and look at image for 5 seconds…

  24. Gary

  25. Switch and other half close eyes and other half look for 5 seconds.

  26. Mary

  27. What do you see when I flash the next image?

  28. Who saw a man in the last slide? • Who saw a women

  29. TAT: What do you see?

  30. Try not seeing Spot

  31. Believing What They Expected to Believe About Capital Punishment: Polarizing Effect of Exposure to Mixed Evidence(Idealized pattern of results from Lord, Ross, & Lepper, 1979, JPSP)

  32. Believing What They Wanted to Believe about Extraversion(Idealized pattern of results from Kunda, 1987, JPSP)

  33. Need for Research • Correlational • Theories and hypotheses • Operational definitions of variables • Scatter Plots

  34. Correlations Vary from -1 to 1 Around r = .2 Around r = .5 r = 1.0

  35. Need for Research • Correlational • Theories, hypotheses, variables • Width of scatter and steepness of slope • Reliability decreases scatter (error) • Problems • Confounding “third” variables • Reverse causation • External validity but cant get at causes

  36. Experiments • Random assignment to conditions • Manipulation independent variable • Experimental control can “bottle causal relations in the lab” • Internal validity but limited external validity sometimes

  37. The Smart Unconscious(Dijksterhuis, Science, 2006) Correct Incorrect

  38. “Transference” onto Interaction Partner Who Resembles Your Own Lover (Anderson, 2004) Good 1.Good Actions 2. Good Feelings 3. Good Memory Bad Interaction Partner Described as Resembling

  39. Displaced of Aggression(Idealized pattern of results from Marcus Newhall, Pedersen, et al.,2000)

  40. Dream Rebound (Idealized from Wegner, et al.,2004) Yes No

  41. Participants Asked to Talk about “Worst Moments”(Idealized pattern of results from Weinberger & Davidson, 1994) Also blood pressure and HR up Also, more Hedges and Qualifications Slow Here Slow Fast

  42. Responses of Repressors to Seeing Horrible Movie(Idealized pattern of results from Boden & Baumeister, 1997) Slow Fast

  43. Reasons for Personality Science Revival • Big-5 • Experimental Personality Research • Trait aggression • X situational frustration or priming (press)

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