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Implementing Fog Harvesting Technology for Social, Environmental and Economic Benefits

Implementing Fog Harvesting Technology for Social, Environmental and Economic Benefits. Overview. FogQuest Background Geography The Aymara Community Goal Fog Harvesting Basics & Technology Objectives & Timeline Stakeholders Budget Results and Monitoring Questions.

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Implementing Fog Harvesting Technology for Social, Environmental and Economic Benefits

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  1. Implementing Fog Harvesting Technology for Social, Environmental and Economic Benefits

  2. Overview • FogQuest Background • Geography • The Aymara Community • Goal • Fog Harvesting Basics & Technology • Objectives & Timeline • Stakeholders • Budget • Results and Monitoring • Questions

  3. FogQuest is an innovative, international, non-governmental, non-profit organization, which implements and promotes the environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable use of fog, rain and dew as sustainable water resources for people in arid regions of developing countries. • FogQuest was founded in the year 2000 • Operates from the Province of Ontario, Canada • It has become actively engaged in projects and in fund raising since the completion of the second Fog Conference in July 2001.

  4. Geography

  5. The Aymara Community • Mountainous, rural, indigenous society • Territory expands from Titicaca Lake and the Andean Mountains to the northeast of Argentina • According to some estimates, the Aymara have persevered in this area for over 2,000 years • Primarily herders with some agriculture at lower elevations, much livelihood depends on trading • Only about 12,000 Aymara live in their original territories • Droughts, children's education and religious conflicts are the principal causes for Aymara migration to the cities

  6. Goal To provide asustainableand clean source of water for the Aymara through community involvement and fog-harvesting technology.

  7. Basics of Fog Harvesting • Mesh/nylon nets are erected to capture the water molecules in fog • As the drops gather together, they get heavy and flow down the net • Water droplets are then collected in a trough at the bottom • This trough is slanted, and at the lower end is a screened pipe (to collect insects, plant debris, etc.) • These smaller pipes connects with the main PVC pipe • Gravity brings the water to the village, where it is stored in an underground tank

  8. Fog Harvesting Technology Small Fog Collectors (sFCs) • 1m X 1m mesh net supported by metal or wooden beams on each end • Water is collected daily and weekly totals are recorded • Used for testing potential permanent sites • Large Fog Collectors (LFCs) • Same format, but on a larger scale • 2m X 24m mesh nets • 150m PVC pipe from the net cluster to the village (about 500ft) • Water is stored in 30m⌃3 closed cistern, built of waterproofed reinforced concrete, and equipped with flow control and cleaning valves

  9. Objective #1 : First YearPrepare for the installation of fog harvesting nets by assessing community needs and initiating community involvement by providing a forum for participation Timeline Activities Host community meetings Meet with individual family units to determine household water needs Map three possible locations for small fog collectors (sFCs) Months 1-12 Months 5-10 Months 9-12

  10. Objective #2 : Second Year Implement three small fog collectors (sFCs) to determine which location yields the best results Timeline Activities Months 12-14 Months 14-16 Months 16-18 Months 18-24 • : sFC materials are received and transported to their trial locations • LFC material is received and placed in temporary storage • Hold training seminars for local technicians and volunteers on how to install sFCs • Mount the sFCs • Record total harvest every week for six consecutive months

  11. Objective #3 : Third YearPut into service ten large fog collectors Timeline Activities Month 24 Months 24-26 Months 26-32 Months 32-36 • Identify most lucrative location • Hold training seminars for local technicians and volunteers on how to install the LFCs • Install large fog collectors • Record total harvest every week for four consecutive months to ensure proper functioning

  12. Objective #4 : Fourth Year (part one)Train community about proper maintenance of the LFC and responsible proper water use Timeline Activities Month 36-39 Months 36-40 • Hold training seminars for technicians and local volunteers on how to handle minor repairs to the LFC net and frame • Create and apply one-week yearly course on water importance and preservation for children ages 5-10

  13. Objective #5 : Fourth Year (part two)Form Harvest Committee to oversee the proper maintenance of the LFC and responsible use of water resources. Also establish connections with other water organizations for solidarity and support. Timeline Activities Month 40 Months 41-44 Months 44-48 • Ask dedicated volunteers if they would be interested, or if they have suggestions of other people to approach • Establish Harvest Committee schedule and structure (based on LFC maintenance requirements and community needs/availability) • Elect specific positions • Hold first meetings, address any structural or logistical aspects that need adjustment • Establish strong correlation with FogQuest and other local and regional agencies

  14. Stakeholders • AguasNuevas • Chilean Organization of Consumers and Users • Inter-American Water Resources Network • Network of Sustainable Development • Pan-American Health Organization

  15. Budget Funder In-Kind ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Personnel • Full-Time Project Staff (2) 150,000 100,000 • Project Consultant 20,000 10,000 • Community Staff (15) 60,000 60,000 • Community Volunteers 20,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transportation • International airfare 4,500 • Project vehicle, gas, maintenance 30,000 • Shipping of materials 5,000 • Temporary storage 1,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Materials • Small Fog Collectors (3) 1,000 • Large Fog Collectors (10) 15,000 • Main Pipeline 3,000 • Storage tank 12,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Events and Meetings • Community meetings 1,000 • Home visits 1,000 • Education workbooks 5,000 • Training seminars 5,000 • Harvest Committee establishment 2,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total ($315,000) ($191,000)

  16. Results and Monitoring • Tangible Results • Increase in readily available water by about 25 liters per person per day • About 240 liters harvested per LFC per day = 2,400 liters / 100 people • Increase in community inclusion and cooperation in the form of regular meetings and open forums • Establishment of Harvest Committee to oversee water use and storage • Monitoring • Visits from a FogQuest representative once per year • Attendance at training seminars • Treats and discussions with children after their weeklong water course • Monthly Harvest Committee meetings with bi-monthly open forum for community input • Correspondence with FogQuest every four months for questions/concerns

  17. …. sustainable water solutions Thank you! Any Questions??

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