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RITMER. Network for Research and Technological Innovation on Marine accidental pollutions and their ecological consequences Jean Croquette. Network for Research and Technological Innovation: RITMER. RITMER network présentation Projects certification: Results Innovation-Coordination tasks
RITMER Network for Research and Technological Innovation on Marine accidental pollutions and their ecological consequences Jean Croquette JEAN CROQUETTE Ritmer - Seatechweek Oct. 2004
Network for Research and Technological Innovation: RITMER • RITMER network présentation • Projects certification: Results • Innovation-Coordination tasks • Future Priorities • Conclusion, JEAN CROQUETTE Ritmer - Seatechweek Oct. 2004
Network for Research and Technological Innovation: Objectives • Encourage collaborationbetween public researchand industry, • On research topicsof mutual concern, • Undertaken on an as needed basis, responding to economic and societal needs, • Identifying technological problems, and • Involving SME, SMI whenever possible. JEAN CROQUETTE Ritmer - Seatechweek Oct. 2004
Existing Networks (1) • PREDIT (ground transport) 1996 • Telecommunications (RNRT) 1998 • Micro- and nano- technologies (RMNT) 1999 • Civil and urban engineering (RGCU) 1999 • Genoplant 1999 • Fuel cells (PACo) 1999 • Genhomme 2000 • Software technologies (RNTL) 2000 JEAN CROQUETTE Ritmer - Seatechweek Oct. 2004
16 Existing Networks (2) • Materials and methods 2000 • Health technologies (RNTS) 2000 • Water and environment (RITEAU) 2000 • Earth and Space 2000 • Supersonic Aeronautics (RAS) 2000 • Audiovisual and multimedia (RIAM) 2001 • European Food Standards (RARE) 2001 • Accidental marine pollution (RITMER) 2001 JEAN CROQUETTE Ritmer - Seatechweek Oct. 2004
Network for Research and Technological Innovation: RITMER • Subject:“Accidental marine pollution events and ecological consequences” 2001/04/19, Minister of Research • Objectives : increase the capacity of response technologies through multi-partner projects (research/industrial user, organisations implicated in management of the crisis, professional organisations,…) • Features:the goal of RITMER projects is to create tools, systems, procedures and methods useful in the management of accidental marine pollution events. JEAN CROQUETTE Ritmer - Seatechweek Oct. 2004
Steering committee • 30 persons representing • MANAGER : Michel Huther Bureau Veritas • RESEARCH: Ifremer, Iuem, Cedre, Lne, Meteofrance, Cnrs Toulouse, Ifp, Ineris,Nantes University, • INDUSTRY : Sycopol,Total, Doris ,Cepm, Rhodia • INTERVENTION : Cedre, Cetmef, Ceppol • ADMINISTRATION : Ministries of Research, Environment, Equipment-transport, Defense, Industry, Regional Administrations JEAN CROQUETTE Ritmer - Seatechweek Oct. 2004
Coordination and Organisation Group • IFREMER Jean CROQUETTE Edith UGUEN (Secretary) • UBO Monique GUILLOU • http://www.ritmer.org • ritmer@ifremer.fr JEAN CROQUETTE Ritmer - Seatechweek Oct. 2004
RITMER: Major Themes • 1 - Characterisation of products transported • 2 - Technologies of localisation and monitoring • 3 – Recovery and treatmentat sea and land • 4 – Management of wrecks • 5 – Management of risks to ecosystems • 6 - Technologies for protectionand rehabilitationof sensitive sites and ecosystems • 7 - Technologies for treatment of collected waste • 8 - Methods of risk management JEAN CROQUETTE Ritmer - Seatechweek Oct. 2004
ResultsApril 2001 October 2004 Partners N Total Public Private 60 projects evaluated 36 M € 80 82 39 different projects 25 M € 52 52 26 certified projects 13 M € 40 39 Governmental funding7.7 M € JEAN CROQUETTE Ritmer - Seatechweek Oct. 2004
Certified Projects JEAN CROQUETTE Ritmer - Seatechweek Oct. 2004
Certified Projects JEAN CROQUETTE Ritmer - Seatechweek Oct. 2004
Certified Projects EXCAPI : Experiments with acoustic sensors for tracking oil underwater CEDRE, GESMA, IFREMER, LMP Paris VI, LMA Marseille - Evaluation et optimisation of acoustic methods for the tracking of slicks - Trials in tank with sensors JEAN CROQUETTE Ritmer - Seatechweek Oct. 2004
Certified Projects ECOPEL:Study of the behaviour of chemical products released into the ocean: Laboratory experiments and pilot studies CEDRE, IUEM, AKVAMILJO, IFREMER Characterisation, in seawater, of different chemical substances: solubility, dispersion, evaporation, interaction with suspended particles, degradation, and biological reactivity. CLARA : Calculations relative to release of chemicals into the ocean EC.Mines d ’Ales, CEDRE, IFREMER, ARC, Meteofrance Development of software, in order to predict the evolution and the impact of the pollution. JEAN CROQUETTE Ritmer - Seatechweek Oct. 2004
Certified Projects - POLLUCOM :Propose a system architecture for optimising the communication between field personnel, and the collection and exploitation of field Atlantide, ENSTB Propose a system architecture for optimising the communication between field personnel, and the collection and exploitation of data on field DETECSUIV :Detection and tracking of marine pollution by airborne methods and radar satellite images Avelmor, Univ.Paris VI, ENSTB Detection with IR radiometry and ERS or Radarsat images. Trials with air-launched buoys sunk at 1 meter under the sea surface . . JEAN CROQUETTE Ritmer - Seatechweek Oct. 2004
Certified Projects SCOPMAR :Operational mapping system of marine pollutionLNE, THALES Development of an airborne software tool designed to link the geographic position with images from different sensors (radar, IR/UV scanners, cameras) and with the comments of an expert observer. Transmission to PC by Internet, or other means JEAN CROQUETTE Ritmer - Seatechweek Oct. 2004
Certified Projects EVABIODEG : Evaluation of a chain of biological and chemical treatments of waste E. Mines Nantes, IUT la Roche/Yon, Vérité SA, CEDRE Evaluation and qualification of combined biological and chemical treatment procedures for waste from a marine pollutant spill. BIOREHABILITATION :Comparative study of the biodegradability of hydrocarbons by planktonic bacteria or bacterial biofilms as a function of environmental parameters .UBS, CNRS Rennes I, INRA, CEDRE - Study of the metabolic pathways of HC bioemulsification and bioassimilation, and their regulation, using bacteria strains and bacteria sampled from polluted zones JEAN CROQUETTE Ritmer - Seatechweek Oct. 2004
Innovation and coordination tasks • Ritmer Seminars • Sensors and probes May 2003 • Coast recovery assistance November 2004 • International activities • Trans national projects : Spain, Japan NMRI • Europe Eranet 9 partners : Spain, France, Norway (Research Council of Norway) ... JEAN CROQUETTE Ritmer - Seatechweek Oct. 2004
Orientations • Priorities • Behaviour ou chemicals at sea • Monitoring of slicks in coastal areas • Monitoring of wrecks • Treatment of wastes (recovery ships) JEAN CROQUETTE Ritmer - Seatechweek Oct. 2004
Conclusions • Projects :performant systemfor the selection of projects. • Seminars : priority to innovation. • Improvements in response capacity: Starting now. • Priorities : defined but covered inequally. • International coordination : to be developped : ERANET, Trans national programmes and projects. JEAN CROQUETTE Ritmer - Seatechweek Oct. 2004