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thermae In this chapter, we will be learning about Roman baths and the custom of visiting the baths for exercise, socializing and cleanliness. This story helps to introduce both a cultural background as well as a new noun function (indirect object) using a new noun case – The Dative Case.
thermae In this chapter, we will be learning about Roman baths and the custom of visiting the baths for exercise, socializing and cleanliness. This story helps to introduce both a cultural background as well as a new noun function (indirect object) using a new noun case – The Dative Case.
cives Pompeiani tres thermas habuerunt. omnes cives cotidie ad thermas ibant. senatores aut agricolae, argentarii aut pauperes, omnes ad thermis ambulabant et inter se garriebant. servi post dominos ambulabant. oleum et strigiles dominis ferebant. cotidie = everyday : aut = or : inter se = among themselves : strigiles = scrapers (for oil) 1) How many baths did the Pompeian citizens have? • In the second sentence, what is the best transltion of the verb “ibant” • a) used to go b) went c) go 3) Highlight the Latin sentence above that has no subject noun, just uses the verb’s ending
cives Pompeiani tres thermas habuerunt. omnes cives cotidie ad thermas ibant. senatores aut agricolae, argentarii aut pauperes, omnes ad thermas ambulabant et inter se garriebant. servi post dominos ambulabant. oleum et strigiles dominis ferebant. cotidie = everyday : ad = to, toward : aut = or : et = and : inter se = among themselves : post = after, behind : strigiles = oil scrapers 1) Make all subject nouns and adjectives red (8) • Make all direct object nouns and adjectives blue (3) • Make all prepositional phrases green (4) 4) Make all indirect object nouns (Dative case) purple (1)
cives Pompeiani tres thermas habuerunt. omnes cives cotidie ad thermas ibant. senatores aut agricolae, argentarii aut pauperes, omnes ad thermas ambulabant et inter se garriebant. servi post dominos ambulabant. oleum et strigiles dominis ferebant. cotidie = everyday : ad = to, toward : aut = or : et = and : inter se = among themselves : post = after, behind : strigiles = oil scrapers 1) Make all plural imperfect tense verbs red (5) • Make all plural perfect tense verbs blue (1) • Make all adverbs green (1) 4) Make all conjunctions purple (4)
cives Pompeiani tres thermas habuerunt. omnes cives cotidie ad thermas ibant. senatores aut agricolae, argentarii aut pauperes, omnes ad thermas ambulabant et inter se garriebant. servi post dominos ambulabant. oleum et strigiles dominis ferebant. cotidie = everyday : ad = to, toward : aut = or : et = and : inter se = among themselves : post = after, behind : strigiles = oil scrapers • Which is the best summary of this passage? • a) Romans used all of their skill in making baths • Slaves have to do whatever their masters tell them • Roman citizens of different classes used different baths • d) All baths were open all day long for everybody • e) Roman citizens of all classes were regular users of the baths
cives et servi, postquam thermas intraverunt, athletas et pugiles videbant. populi in palaestra exercebant. multi iuvenes saliebant, multi viri discos emittebant. servi civibus discos quaerebant. servi, postquam discos invenerunt, ad cives reveniebant. tum servi civibus discos tradebant. postquam = after : viri = men : ad = to : tum = then 1) Make all subject nouns and adjectives red (8) 5) Underline any singular verbs 6) Bold any plural verbs 7) Italicize any other words • Make all direct object nouns and adjectives blue (7) • Make all prepositional phrases green (2) 4) Make all indirect object nouns (Dative case) purple (2)
cives et servi, postquam thermas intraverunt, athletas et pugiles videbant. populi in palaestra exercebant. multi iuvenes saliebant, multi viri discos emittebant. servi civibus discos quaerebant. servi, postquam discos invenerunt, ad cives reveniebant. tum servi civibus discos tradebant. postquam = after : viri = men : ad = to : tum = then • Which is the best summary of this passage? • The baths were hubs of physical activity in Roman cities • Citizens rented out their slaves to athletes as discus fetchers • While all citizens were allowed, no slaves could enter the baths • You had to be phyically fit to enter the baths • 2) Which activity is not mentioned in the passage? • boxing b) bathing • c) discus d) fetching
cives, postquam exercuerunt, apodyterium intrabant. omnes cives in apodyterio togas deponebant, et tepidarium intrabant. servi civibus togas custodiebant. cives in tepidario paulisper sedebant, tum ad caldarium ibant. in caldario erant multae sellae. cives et alii populi in sella sedebant et garriebant. servi dominis oleum et strigiles inferebant. dominos diligenter radebant. domini boni servos laudabant, sed domini crudeles servos vituperabant. tum frigidarium intrabant et oleum purgabant. postquam = after : apodyterium =changing room : tepidarium = warm room : paulisper = for a bit caldarium = hot room : tum = then : frigidarium = cold room : purgabant = would clean off 1) Make all subject nouns and adjectives red (10) • Make all direct object nouns and adjectives blue (10) • Make all prepositional phrases green (5) 4) Make all indirect object nouns (Dative case) purple (2)
cives, postquam exercuerunt, apodyterium intrabant. omnes cives in apodyterio togas deponebant, et tepidarium intrabant. servi civibus togas custodiebant. cives in tepidario paulisper sedebant, tum ad caldarium ibant. in caldario erant multae sellae. cives et alii populi in sella sedebant et garriebant. servi dominis oleum et strigiles inferebant. dominos diligenter radebant. domini boni servos laudabant, sed domini crudeles servos vituperabant. tum frigidarium intrabant et oleum purgabant. postquam = after : apodyterium =changing room : tepidarium = warm room : paulisper = for a bit caldarium = hot room : tum = then : frigidarium = cold room : purgabant = would clean off 1) Which is the best summary of this passage? a) The Romans use impressive technology in the baths b) The slaves are all treated rather poorly in the baths c) The people travel to and from different rooms in the baths d) People had to leave the baths as soon as they were done