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Nuclear Chemistry. Radioactivity. One of the pieces of evidence for the fact that atoms are made of smaller particles came from the work of Marie Curie (1876-1934). She discovered radioactivity , the spontaneous disintegration of some elements into smaller pieces.
Radioactivity • One of the pieces of evidence for the fact that atoms are made of smaller particles came from the work ofMarie Curie(1876-1934). • She discoveredradioactivity, the spontaneous disintegration of some elements into smaller pieces.
Nuclear Reactions vs. Normal Chemical Changes • Nuclear reactions involve the nucleus • The nucleus opens, and protons and neutrons are rearranged • The opening of the nucleus releases a tremendous amount of energy that holds the nucleus together – called binding energy • “Normal” Chemical Reactions involve electrons, not protons and neutrons
Nucleus Neutral neutrons + Protons mass electrons quarks leptons number A Protons neutrons number Z Protons charge 13 14 27 13 15 28
A X Mass Number Element Symbol Z Atomic Number a particle proton neutron electron positron or or 1H 1p 0b 0e or 1 1 +1 1n 0e +1 0b 0 -1 -1 4a 4He or 2 2 Atomic number (Z) = number of protons in nucleus Mass number (A) = number of protons + number of neutrons = atomic number (Z) + number of neutrons A 1 1 0 0 4 1 0 -1 +1 2 Z
same Neutrons masses attraction charge closest Repulsion +
repulsion attraction ratio unstable Particle decays element element decay
Nucleus; 2 p + 2 n 0 piece of paper 42 He β ; 1 e’ piece of aluminum 0-1e Ϫ energy thick sheet of lead 21082Pb 42 20983Bi 0-1 electron 0-1e
Types of Radiation • Alpha (ά) – a positively charged (+2) helium isotope - we usually ignore the charge because it involves electrons, not protons and neutrons • Beta (β) – an electron • Gamma (γ) – pure energy; called a ray rather than a particle
Other Nuclear Particles • Neutron • Positron – a positive electron • Proton – usually referred to as hydrogen-1 • Any other elemental isotope
Geiger Counter Used to detect radioactive substances
time half mass decay second years not external
+ + + + + 2 + 2 1n 1n 1n 1n 96 96 0 0 0 0 Rb Rb 37 37 138 235 138 235 Cs Cs U U 92 55 92 55 Balancing Nuclear Equations • Conserve mass number (A). The sum of protons plus neutrons in the products must equal the sum of protons plus neutrons in the reactants. 235 + 1 = 138 + 96 + 2x1 • Conserve atomic number (Z) or nuclear charge. The sum of nuclear charges in the products must equal the sum of nuclear charges in the reactants. 92 + 0 = 55 + 37 + 2x0 23.1
or alpha particle - 212Po 4He + AX 2 Z 84 212Po 4He + 208Pb 2 82 84 4a 4He 2 2 212Po decays by alpha emission. Write the balanced nuclear equation for the decay of 212Po. 212 = 4 + A A = 208 84 = 2 + Z Z = 82 23.1
14C 14N + 0b + n 6 7 -1 40K 40Ca + 0b + n 19 20 -1 1n 1p + 0b + n 0 1 -1 11C 11B + 0b + n 6 5 +1 38K 38Ar + 0b + n 19 18 +1 1p 1n + 0b + n 1 0 +1 n and n have A = 0 and Z = 0 Nuclear Stability and Radioactive Decay Beta decay Decrease # of neutrons by 1 Increase # of protons by 1 Positron decay Increase # of neutrons by 1 Decrease # of protons by 1 23.2
37Ar + 0e 37Cl + n 18 17 -1 55Fe + 0e 55Mn + n 26 25 -1 1p + 0e 1n + n 1 0 -1 212Po 4He + 208Pb 2 82 84 252Cf 2125In + 21n 98 49 0 Nuclear Stability and Radioactive Decay Electron capture decay Increase # of neutrons by 1 Decrease # of protons by 1 Alpha decay Decrease # of neutrons by 2 Decrease # of protons by 2 Spontaneous fission 23.2
Learning Check What radioactive isotope is produced in the following bombardment of boron? 10B + 4He ? + 1n 5 2 0
Learning Check What radioactive isotope is produced in the following bombardment of boron? 10B + 4He 13N + 1n 5 2 7 0
Artificial Nuclear Reactions New elements or new isotopes of known elements are produced by bombarding an atom with a subatomic particle such as a proton or neutron -- or even a much heavier particle such as 4He and 11B. Reactions using neutrons are called g reactions because a g ray is usually emitted. Radioisotopes used in medicine are often made by g reactions.
Artificial Nuclear Reactions Example of a g reaction is production of radioactive 31P for use in studies of P uptake in the body. 3115P + 10n ---> 3215P + g
Transuranium Elements Elements beyond 92 (transuranium) made starting with an g reaction 23892U + 10n ---> 23992U + g 23992U ---> 23993Np + 0-1b 23993Np ---> 23994Pu + 0-1b
Nuclear Stability • Certain numbers of neutrons and protons are extra stable • n or p = 2, 8, 20, 50, 82 and 126 • Like extra stable numbers of electrons in noble gases (e- = 2, 10, 18, 36, 54 and 86) • Nuclei with even numbers of both protons and neutrons are more stable than those with odd numbers of neutron and protons • All isotopes of the elements with atomic numbers higher than 83 are radioactive • All isotopes of Tc and Pm are radioactive 23.2
3115P 21H, 63Li, 105B, 147N, 18073Ta 199F Stability of Nuclei • Out of > 300 stable isotopes: N Even Odd Z 157 52 Even Odd 50 5
Half-Life • HALF-LIFE is the time that it takes for 1/2 a sample to decompose. • The rate of a nuclear transformation depends only on the “reactant” concentration.
Half-Life Decay of 20.0 mg of 15O. What remains after 3 half-lives? After 5 half-lives?
Kinetics of Radioactive Decay For each duration (half-life), one half of the substance decomposes. For example: Ra-234 has a half-life of 3.6 daysIf you start with 50 grams of Ra-234 After 3.6 days > 25 grams After 7.2 days > 12.5 grams After 10.8 days > 6.25 grams
Nuclear Fission Fission is the splitting of atoms These are usually very large, so that they are not as stable Fission chain has three general steps: 1. Initiation. Reaction of a single atom starts the chain (e.g., 235U + neutron) 2. Propagation. 236U fission releases neutrons that initiate other fissions 3. Termination.
235U + 1n 90Sr + 143Xe + 31n + Energy 0 38 0 54 92 Nuclear Fission Energy = [mass 235U + mass n – (mass 90Sr + mass 143Xe + 3 x mass n )] x c2 Energy = 3.3 x 10-11J per 235U = 2.0 x 1013 J per mole 235U Combustion of 1 ton of coal = 5 x 107 J 23.5
Non-critical Critical Nuclear Fission Nuclear chain reaction is a self-sustaining sequence of nuclear fission reactions. The minimum mass of fissionable material required to generate a self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction is the critical mass. 23.5
Nuclear Fission & POWER • Currently about 103 nuclear power plants in the U.S. and about 435 worldwide. • 17% of the world’s energy comes from nuclear.
35,000 tons SO2 4.5 x 106 tons CO2 70 ft3 vitrified waste 3.5 x 106 ft3 ash 1,000 MW coal-fired power plant 1,000 MW nuclear power plant Nuclear Fission Annual Waste Production 23.5
Nuclear Fission Hazards of the radioactivities in spent fuel compared to uranium ore 23.5 From “Science, Society and America’s Nuclear Waste,” DOE/RW-0361 TG
Chemistry In Action: Nature’s Own Fission Reactor Natural Uranium 0.7202 % U-235 99.2798% U-238 Measured at Oklo 0.7171 % U-235
Nuclear Fusion Fusion small nuclei combine 2H + 3H 4He + 1n + 1 1 2 0 Occurs in the sun and other stars Energy
2H + 2H 3H + 1H 1 1 1 1 2H + 3H 4He + 1n 2 1 0 1 6Li + 2H 2 4He 2 3 1 Nuclear Fusion Fusion Reaction Energy Released 6.3 x 10-13 J 2.8 x 10-12 J 3.6 x 10-12 J Tokamak magnetic plasma confinement 23.6
Nuclear Fusion Fusion • Excessive heat can not be contained • Attempts at “cold” fusion have FAILED. • “Hot” fusion is difficult to contain
Radioisotopes in Medicine • 1 out of every 3 hospital patients will undergo a nuclear medicine procedure • 24Na, t½ = 14.8 hr, b emitter, blood-flow tracer • 131I, t½ = 14.8 hr, b emitter, thyroid gland activity • 123I, t½ = 13.3 hr, g-ray emitter, brain imaging • 18F, t½ = 1.8 hr, b+ emitter, positron emission tomography • 99mTc, t½ = 6 hr, g-ray emitter, imaging agent Brain images with 123I-labeled compound 23.7
10 worst nuclear energy disasters • http://youtu.be/TLBRT_OY2No