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THE ZUMBETTES NEWSLETTER March 2012 www.zumbettes.weebly.com. Welcome to the March edition of The Zumbettes Newsletter and to any new Zumbettes that have joined us. After the ‘hectic’ last few months, this month is a lot quieter so time to relax and just enjoy your Zumba.
THE ZUMBETTES NEWSLETTER March 2012 www.zumbettes.weebly.com Welcome to the March edition of The Zumbettes Newsletter and to any new Zumbettes that have joined us. After the ‘hectic’ last few months, this month is a lot quieter so time to relax and just enjoy your Zumba. If anybody has any stories or events they would like to share with everyone via the newsletter then please get in touch with me (Deborah) either at Elim class or via my email – mrsmulder@hotmail.com Happy Birthday this month to: Deborah (Elim class) 43 years young on 13th March & Steph on 29th March Get Well Wishes go to Sue & Amy (from DW class) all the Zumbettes are wishing you a speedy recovery Thank you……….. A huge well done and thank you to everyone who turned out in the snow to raise money for the British Heart Foundation, it was truly appreciated. The Zumbathon was a great success and raised over £1,500 for this charity very dear to our Zumba hearts. (The final amount is still to be confirmed as sponsor money is still coming in) Special thanks again too: Lisa and all the staff at Hitchen and Co for saving the day Hannah for the wonderful poster/flyers she created for the event All the Zumba instructors for giving up their time Katie for signing at the event Lesley for organizing the BHF t-shirts And finally to Sue from the British Heart Foundation
Congratulations Congratulations to Mandy at Elim class as she is now a very proud grandma to Alicia her beautiful and healthy granddaughter. Alicia was born on Thursday 1st March weighing 6lb 8oz. For those of you who started Amanda’s class at Sowerby Bridge and followed her to Elim Church congratulations to you as it has been one year since you started your Zumba journey. Zumba Convention 2012 Congratulations to Amanda & Steph Amanda completed her Zumbatomics training and is hoping to start classes for children in the future. Steph completed her Zumba Toning training They had a fantastic time at the Zumba Conference and ‘bumped’ into Beto accidentally on purpose everyday!
Getting to know you……….. Hi, MY NAME IS SUE AND I’M A ZUMBAHOLIC……………………….. I’m a young 49 year old wife and mother to 3 boys. Due to my addiction my family have had to become involved and now both my parents, my father in law, sons and their girlfriends join in with my many trips out to various events all related to Zumba of course…. 15 months ago I underwent a gastric bypass and started to lose the weight that was holding me back. I did everything that I was told to do and followed instruction to the letter, but in the Feb of 2011 I saw an advert for Zumba classes at Sowerby Bridge Baths and that was the beginning of my new addiction. I went to Amanda’s first class 12 months ago with 2 left feet sewn on the right hand side, but after 1st class I thought I was the No1 Zumba queen and I loved every minute of it which I didn’t think was possible. Like all mistresses you like to know your loves other women and after a couple of weeks I was asked by a member of Sowerby Bridge pool staff to take Amanda’s register as she was running late. So I started thinking why don’t I do the register every week, that way I could get to know the other women in my beloved Zumbas life and who knows make some new friends. That then became my focus trying to remember names to faces (something I do have a problem with as another of my claim’s to fame is I have problem with my head) but that’s another story ha ha….. So I did my bit took over Amanda’s class register. When I got talking to Amanda I realised I had worked with her mum! All the gossip came out then and now Amanda and Grandma Joyce have become part of our extended family. Amanda now has 2 new nephews not bad for an only child…… I was asked by Amanda if I would assist her when she moved to Elim Church and because I needed my next Zumba fix I knew I couldn’t resist. And that is where you will see me on Tuesday and Thursday evenings 6.45 on the door taking your money, stamping your cards and trying my best to remember every one’s name. Then I move onto the floor giving as much as I’ve got or not as sometimes happens, to the other LOVE in my life ZUMBA ……………………. Thank You for reading my story The next ZUMBAHOLIC MEETINGS ARE TUESDAY AND THURSDAYS 7PM TILL 8PM ALL WELCOME Mary & Katie sat on Craig’s bench
Getting to know you……….. Lisa’s story This has been my journey. I stopped smoking two years ago and literally took up eating loads instead! I managed to gain 5 1/2 stone very quickly, how you may ask? Simply by lifting the wrong food too frequently to my mouth! I'd always been a healthy weight so being a larger lady was very strange. You are treated differently by others and yourself as well. It felt weird staring in the mirror and not recognising me. I found myself not doing things because I felt I couldn't or didn't deserve to. After falling off the stair master on my first visit to the gym (not a good look), a work colleague suggested delicately that a class may be a better option. That's how I joined Zumba. It's taken 12 months of healthy eating, Zumba classes and swimming to lose four and a half stone. Contrary to popular belief, having more weight to lose does not make it easier to lose weight. I put my success down to the support of my family and the dedication and energy that Amanda puts into her Zumba Classes. If it hadn't of been such fun I doubt I would have stuck at it so long. Zumba is the happy part of my week, the time to forget all cares and just feel the music and enjoy the moment. Happily singing away to the songs and trying (badly, left and right is still a mystery to me!) to follow the moves. I was honoured to help with the Zumbathon; I knew that if I told Amanda how much her classes had meant to me she would humbly just say it was her job. To me it's so much more than that. When I realised I could help with the Zumbathon I thought that it was a great chance to give something back. You know what I did Amanda, that's how much you mean to me. When my family came to see me at the Zumbathon they told me they hadn't seen me so happy in ages and were so pleased to get a chance to see the "Zumba World" with its bright clothes, pumping music and happy dancers that I'd been telling them about. To me one of the most exciting thing is it isn't over, my journey is just beginning. I now recognise myself in the mirror. But it's a slightly different person staring back, someone who appreciates what it feels like to have gained and lost weight. To have felt that understanding and happiness of your friends as they shared in your success. I have made some fantastic friends, got great memories, and feel lucky that the future holds so many more electrifying Zumba times ahead. Ribby Hall here we come!
JUST FOR FUN…… Guess the Zumbette Last months Zumbette’s were Deborah & Grandma Joyce Can you guess this months Zumbette? This Zumbette is 61 years old (you wouldn’t think so) She is a very glamorous grandma with 5 grandchildren She has 3 children She is originally from Sowerby Bridge Her hobby is Zumba She went to Amanda’s very first class She has a very special tattoo She always has her nails done with very fancy nail art Can you guess who?
Events ZES Exhilarate Weekender June 15th - 18th Ribby Hotel & SPA 3 Day fully inclusive weekend pass £99 2 Day pass for Sat & Sunday £55 Both options include the spa facilities at Ribby Hall Accommodation is an additional £80 for 3 nights See Amanda, Cheryl, Lesley or Steph for more details Party Night Special Saturday 29th Sept Pyjama party at Hotel Campanile Bradford Tickets will be £10 Disco & nibbles Hotels rooms are £36 if you would like to stay over There will be group dance competition so get thinking about your routines More details will follow later once tickets go on sale If any of the Elim zumbettes would like to join our dance group for the competition please see Deb, Julie or Elaine (amateurs only) Huddersfield Giants – Date to follow Due to the rain the Zumba routine that was planned to entertain the crowds was postponed. They still want us back and a new date will follow in due course The special Valentines night at Elim and the single ladies night out in Leeds were both a great success and everybody enjoyed these events
Class times Elim Church, Sowerby Bridge Zin Instructor – Amanda Class - £4 Tuesday & Thursday 7pm – 8pm To book please text or call Amanda on the day – 07527575102 Remember to fetch your loyalty card, once its full you get a free class Fitness First Halifax Zin Instructor – Steph Class - £5 Monday 6pm - 7pm Thursday 11am - 11.45 Bailiff Bridge Community Centre, Brighouse Zin Instructor – Steph Class £4.50 (Loyalty Card 10th visit Free) Wednesday 8pm – 9pm DW Sports Halifax – MEMBERS ONLY Monday 9:00 – 9:30am – Steph Monday 7:00 – 7:45pm – Amanda Tuesday 7:45 – 8:30pm - Steph Wednesday 9:30 - 10:30am – Steph Friday 6:00 – 7:00pm – Amanda Aqua Zumba with Amanda Friday 7:15 – 8:00pm Carr Green Primary School, Rastrick Zin Instructor Steph Class - £4.00 Tuesday 6.15pm - 7.15pm The Dance Studio, Calderdale College Zin Instructor – Steph Class - £4 Wednesday 6.15 -7.15pm