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Newsletter – May 2012. Contact : nutritionDay Team office@nutritionday.org Hoefergasse 13/5, 1090 Vienna, Austria + 43-680 55 24 917. nutritionDay in nursing homes:
Newsletter – May 2012 Contact: nutritionDay Teamoffice@nutritionday.orgHoefergasse 13/5, 1090 Vienna, Austria+43-680 55 24 917 nutritionDay in nursing homes: Since the beginning of May it is possible to transfer your 180 days outcome (to be assessed on May 8th 2012) into the online database. Please login as usual with your login-codes (username: unitcodenhcentercode, password: unitcode) and fill in the outcome data at each patient’s sheet 2. You have the possibility to transfer your data to the online data base until June 20h 2012. After that analysis of your data will be started. Please ensure that you have transferred all resident and outcome data prior to this date. Data that reaches our office afterwards can not be accepted. nutritionDay in ICU At the moment your ICU data is analyzed. We endeavour to finish the reports as soon as possible and provide them to you for download approximately at the beginning of June. Please disseminate to your ICU friends the opportunity to participate in the next nutritionDay (November 8th 2012) and get information about ICU nutrition practice with the updated report. We cooperate with the World Society on Abdominal Compartment Syndrome (www.wsacs.org) and would like to ask you to document carefully all elements related to intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) on sheet 4! Thank you! List of participating centers – update for 2011 The list of centers participating in nutritionDay in Hospitals/ICU/nursing homes will be updated for 2011. If you do not wish your center to be listed please inform us until June 8th 2012 via email! BANSS-Meeting: In April, a geriatric expert meeting in Biedenkopf(Germany) (BANSS Meeting) was held together with some colleagues of the nutritionDay team. In thismeetingnewideasandinnovationsfor nutritionDay in nursinghomesweregatheredand will berealizedsoon. We will keepyouinformed! Evaluation of nutritionDay in hospitals and nursing homes nutritionDay thanksverymuch all participantswhocompletedthequestionnaireforevaluating nutritionDay in hospitalsandnursinghomes. Over 280 unitsacceptedourinvitationandfilled in thequestionnaireaboutachievementsandbarriersofnDparticipation. We will keepyouinformedaboutresultsandactions. CertificatefornDparticipants: Itisplannedtoprovide a certificatetothoseparticipantswhomeetcertaindatacriteria. You will beinformedaboutdetails via email soon. New Address for the nutritionDay office: The nutritionDay team has moved into a new office. Please observe new contact details: Hoefergasse 13/5 1090 Vienna phone.: 0043 680 55 24 917 nutritionDay website in French language – a students’ project: We would like to point out that two dedicated students from Switzerland created a helpful website (in French) for nutritionDay →www.nd-ems.ch All facebookusersbecome a friendof nutritionDay worldwide!