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Digital Accountability: The Line Between Producing and Preserving Digital Government Information

Digital Accountability: The Line Between Producing and Preserving Digital Government Information. Mary Alice Baish Superintendent of Documents Indiana State Library Government Information Day April 9, 2013. Overview. Attributes of digital accountability

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Digital Accountability: The Line Between Producing and Preserving Digital Government Information

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  1. Digital Accountability: The Line Between Producing and Preserving Digital Government Information Mary Alice Baish Superintendent of Documents Indiana State Library Government Information Day April 9, 2013

  2. Overview • Attributes of digital accountability • Principles of Government Information and the FDLP • GPO Re-Branding: “Official, Digital, Secure” • LSCM Acquisitions • NAPA Report Recommendations • FDLP Forecast Study and IN SFAP • 2013 Preservation Week virtual training

  3. What is digital accountability? • Assurance of trustworthiness • Trusted source (.gov) • Trusted repository • Version control • Digital authentication • Permanent public access • Digital preservation

  4. Principles of Government Information • The public has the right of access to government information • Government has the obligation to disseminate and provide broad public access to its information • Government has an obligation to guarantee the authenticity and integrity of its information • Government has an obligation to preserve its information • Government information created or compiled by government employees or at government expense should remain in the public domain

  5. FDLP Vision and Mission VISION The Federal Depository Library Program will provide Government information when and where it is needed in order to create an informed citizenry and an improved quality of life. MISSION The mission of the Federal Depository Library Program is to provide for no-fee ready and permanent public access to Federal Government information, now and for future generations.

  6. GPO Re-Branding: “Official, Digital, Secure” Strategic Mission and Vision Statements Mission “what we do” Keeping America Informed Produce, protect, preserve, and distribute the official publications and information products of the Federal Government Vision “where we are going” Continue to transform ourselves into a digital information platform and provider of secure credentials

  7. GPO Re-Branding: “Official, Digital, Secure” GPO Strategic Vision Print-Centric Model Content-Centric Model

  8. Federal Digital System • Content management system and digital repository with 60 collections • Nearly 700,000 titles • More than 13 M downloads per month • Assurance that digital publication is a complete, unaltered, digitally certified PDF • Digital signature/chain of custody • GPO: A NARA Affiliate Archive • GPO: A NARA Affiliate Archive

  9. LSCM Acquisitions • GPO publishes congressional and OFR titles • “Ride” agency tangible orders • Manual Web harvesting • Automated Web harvesting (pilot) • Collaborate with Federal partners for ingest into FDsys • Formal digitization partnerships with FDLs

  10. NAPA Overview • 27 Findings and 15 Recommendations • Supported conclusions of previous studies • “The GPO has played a critical role in Keeping America Informed over 150 years and its core mission remains valid to this day.”

  11. NAPA Positioning the Federal Government for the Digital Age

  12. NAPA Positioning the Federal Government for the Digital Age

  13. NAPA Rec 3 WG’s Charge • Develop comprehensive plan and timeline to preserve the tangible collection, including: • Cataloging, digitizing, and preserving tangible copies • Ingest into FDsys • Congress should appropriate funds • Questions: who, what, how, when, cost, QA

  14. The FDLP Forecast Study Process

  15. FDLP Forecast Study Development of a National Plan for the FDLP • Program Governance • Preservation, Digitization, Access, and Harvesting • Training and Education • Cataloging and Bibliographic Control • Item Selection and Distribution

  16. SFAPs: In Your Words

  17. Congratulations Indiana! • Library Forecast submitted by 71% (22) of Indiana FDLs • State Forecast • 17 people participated • State Focused Action Plan • 5 initiatives • 21 action items • Doable • Participation in discussions • Live • Virtually

  18. SFAP: IN depository libraries will: • Create a comprehensive collection in IN that includes preservation (print and digital) • Improve discoverability • Increase awareness of non-FDL community • Increase education & training • Explore new services, including social media • Increase collaboration and training opportunities for depository libraries. • Provide a description of collection strengths to be included on the DANJ Web page (NJ depositories with legacy collections).

  19. 2013 Preservation Week Virtual Week Training, April 23-25 • “Partners in Preservation: Government Information for Future Generations” • Focus groups on tangible collection preservation & the Digital Registry • Training sessions on how to implement a digitization project & how to become a FDLP partner

  20. Questions? Mary Alice Baish PH: 202-512-1313 mabaish@gpo.gov

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