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Strategic Plan 2007-2010, Budget and Operational Plans 2007-8

Strategic Plan 2007-2010, Budget and Operational Plans 2007-8. 12 June 2007 Samuel BA Isaacs. Overall Objectives of the NQF. Create an integrated national framework for learning achievements Facilitate access to, and mobility and progression within education, training and career paths

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Strategic Plan 2007-2010, Budget and Operational Plans 2007-8

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  1. Strategic Plan 2007-2010, Budget and Operational Plans 2007-8 12 June 2007 Samuel BA Isaacs

  2. Overall Objectives of the NQF • Create an integrated national framework for learning achievements • Facilitate access to, and mobility and progression within education, training and career paths • Enhance the quality of education and training • Accelerate the redress of past unfair discrimination in education, training and employment opportunities • Contribute to the full personal development of each learner and the social and economic development of the nation at large

  3. SAQA’s Vision A World Class NQF For SA

  4. SAQA’s mission • To ensure the development and implementation of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) that contributes to the full development of each learner and to the social and economic development of the nation at large

  5. Seven directorates with twelve operating units Meeting the NQF objectives reporting to an Executive Office Executive Office Secretariat Standards Quality Strategic Support: I&IT HR Finance Setting and and Assurance and Communications, Development Admin. Development Research, NLRD CEEQ Resource Centre

  6. Objectives of Strategic Plan 2007-2010 • Take the lead and partner major stakeholders to ensure systemic co-ordination, coherence and resource alignment to the benefit of learners in support of national imperatives, including the HRD strategy, NSDS and ASGISA-JIPPSA initiative.

  7. Objectives of Strategic Plan 2007- 2010 • Support targeted education, training and development communities to become effective leaders in NQF best practices through providing client focused information services in the implementation of the NQF.

  8. Objectives of Strategic Plan 2007- 2010 • Continue to provide leadership and professional expertise to ensure that high quality nationally relevant and internationally comparable unit standards and qualifications are registered.

  9. Objectives of Strategic Plan 2007 - 2010 • As the NQF apex organisation, provide leadership to deepen, broaden and strengthen NQF implementation with a strong focus on effective partnerships and informed decision-making based on quality research

  10. Objectives of Strategic Plan 2007- 2010 • Continue to provide leadership and professional expertise through systemic monitoring, evaluation, reporting and reviewing of education and training for continuous quality improvement.

  11. Objectives of Strategic Plan 2007- 2010 • Continue to be recognised, through the National Learners’ Records Database (NLRD), as the key national source of information for human resource development in policy, infrastructure and planning.

  12. Objectives of Strategic Plan 2007- 2010 • Advise and inform policy makers on all matters relating to the NQF.

  13. Objectives of Strategic Plan 2007- 2010 • Make recommendations regarding remedial and development work through conducting and commissioning research on national imperatives, NQF impact, legislation and policy development and implementation, to enable the SA education and training system to meet the objectives of the NQF.

  14. Objectives of Strategic Plan 2007- 2010 • Conduct ongoing strategic advocacy for the NQF.

  15. Objectives of Strategic Plan 2007- 2010 • Represent SA on international qualifications framework fora, and support the development of qualifications framework initiatives, especially in SADC and in support of NEPAD.

  16. Objectives of Strategic Plan 2007- 2010 • Maintain and develop SAQA’s role as the national recognition information centre on foreign and domestic learning and qualifications.

  17. Risk Management Plan 2007- 2010 • A number of high risks identified. • A detailed risk management plan was developed.

  18. METF Projection 2007 - 2010

  19. Medium-term revenue estimate

  20. Budget assumptions • That the budget is based on the implementation of the recommendations to the Ministers on the outcome of the NQF study report. • That personnel costs will be adjusted for the effects of inflation. • That performance and broad banding level adjustments for all levels is not yet included in the amounts as reflected below. • That inflation in income and costs will be around 6 percent. • That inflation in the cost of airfares will be around 10 percent.

  21. Budget assumptions • That travel reimbursement rates will increase by about 10 percent. • The NLRD will continue to generate negligible income. • The funding from government will be at least R 35,7m. • That project funding will be sought for clearly defined and discrete projects. • SAQA's equipment replacement strategy will be partially implemented.

  22. Programmes & plans 2007- 8

  23. Five Programmes • Programme 1: Administration and Support (including finance and administration, human resources, Information technology, strategic support) • Programme 2: National Standards Setting and Development • Programme 3: National Quality Assurance and Development • Programme 4: National Learners’ Records Database • Programme 5: Evaluation of Foreign Qualifications:

  24. Expenditure Projection 2006/7

  25. Approved Budget 2007/8

  26. Planning Assumptions 2007- 8 • Carry out legislative mandate. • Ensuring the NQF’s responsiveness to government priorities. • Prepare for possible changes that may be introduced by the NQF Review Process.

  27. Overview of Plans 2007-2008 • Establish the National Learners’ Records Database (NLRD) as the national education and training database • Address problems experienced with: • Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs), • Education and Training Quality Assurance Bodies (ETQAs) and • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

  28. Overview of Plans 2007-2008 • Establish Research and Development capacity and credibility to lead policy, legislative and conceptual debates • Achieve shared meanings, purposes and strategies amongst key stakeholders (reconfirm one NQF through an authoritative document).

  29. Changes in Environment • Ascendancy of the 3 QC Model. • Development work on QCTO by DoL. • Improvement in shared meanings, understandings and strategy in implementing the NQF by key development partners. • Growing realisation of SAQA’s leadership role.

  30. Key Challenges • Apex role of SAQA clearly defined. • Evaluative role in standards setting and quality assurance. • Acknowledgement and support for the NLRD as the main education and training database. • SAQA grows as an intellectual organisation providing leadership in all NQF matters.(R&D function further expanded). • Continue to identify systemic gaps and facilitate possible solutions.

  31. Key Challenges • Apex role of SAQA clearly defined. • Evaluative role in standards setting and quality assurance. • Acknowledgement and support for the NLRD as the main education and training database. • SAQA grows as an intellectual organisation providing leadership in all NQF matters.(R&D function further expanded). • Continue to identify systemic gaps and facilitate possible solutions.

  32. Key Challenges • Relationship between SAQA and Departments. • Shared meanings, understandings, purposes and strategies. • Clear agreement on transitional arrangements. • Maintaining a strategic conversation. • Adequate financial arrangements.

  33. Key Challenges • Development of the Proposed 3 QCs. • Establishment and development of the QCTO. • Transitioning of Umalusi and CHE/HEQC to QCs. • Clarification of roles of SETA-ETQAs and professional bodies. • Relationship between the three QCs. • Relationship between SAQA and the QCs.

  34. Key Challenges • Transitional Arrangements. • Coherent agreed planning and implementation. • Realistic timeframes. • Legislative steps. • Adequate financial arrangements. • Clear and targeted communication with all affected parties.

  35. Strategic Plan 2007-2010, Budget and Operational Plans 2007-8 12 June 2007 Samuel BA Isaacs

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