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DSD Strategic Plan 2007-2010 . Presented to Portfolio Committee on Social Development 07th March 2007. Presentation outline. Part A Overview Strategic Perspective Part B Strategic Outputs for 2007 Challenges Part C Strategy & Budget Alignment. PREFACE.
DSD Strategic Plan2007-2010 Presented to Portfolio Committee on Social Development 07th March 2007 "Building a caring society. together"
Presentation outline • Part A • Overview • Strategic Perspective • Part B • Strategic Outputs for 2007 • Challenges • Part C • Strategy & Budget Alignment "Building a caring society. together"
PREFACE • The Government Gazette Notice no. 29644 (dated 20 February 2007) calls on government departments and Chapter 5 entities to table their strategic plans with a minimum of 10 days before the budget vote’s discussion. • I am happy to report that: • The Department of Social Development; and • All entities reporting to the Minister (SASSA and NDA), indeed complied with this requirement, well in advance. "Building a caring society. together"
Part A "Building a caring society. together"
CONTEXT • Challenges facing the department of Social Development and the sector are varied. • Poverty, unemployment, inequality and absence of essential services and their concomitant social ills are common denominators that cut across most of these challenges • The complexity of the challenges is further exacerbated by the fact that developmental welfare services is labour intensive and depends largely on skilled social workers and community development practitioners, both these professionals are in short supply to meet the service delivery demand "Building a caring society. together"
CONTEXT • In addressing these challenges, the Department identified three client categories • Poor; • Vulnerable; and • Marginalised groups • Central priority of the department is the provision of a range of social services to meet the socio-economic needs of the poorest and most vulnerable within the constraints of available resources "Building a caring society. together"
DSD Strategic Perspective • The department has premised its strategies and services on two platforms: • services that deal with assisting society to deal with what they are currently experiencing as a result of poverty and social dislocation and • strategies to deal with the factors that give rise to and sustain poverty, inequality and social discord. "Building a caring society. together"
Vision A caring and with integrated system of social development services that facilitates human development and improves the quality of life. Mission To ensure the provision of comprehensive, integrated, sustainable and quality social development services against vulnerability and poverty and create an enabling environment for sustainable development in partnership with those committed to building a caring society. "Building a caring society. together"
Create an enabling environment for social and human capital investment. Promotion of social integration. Social protection initiatives to build the capacity of vulnerable groups. Provide a comprehensive social security system. Leadership in social development to ensure the deepening of the social policy discourse and evidence-based decision-making. Effective and efficient management of social development programmes and activities in partnership with civil society and other social partners. Good governance. Steering national involvement in African and International frameworks and agreements with respect to socio-economic development. Strategic Priorities "Building a caring society. together"
Functional areas per programme • Programme 1: Administration • To provide for policy and strategic direction by the ministry and top management and for overall management and support services to the department. • Programme 2: Comprehensive Social Security • Ensure the development of norms and standards, facilitate financial and economic planning and monitor compliance with social assistance policy prescripts for the provision of a comprehensive system of social security. Facilitate the payment of Social Assistance to households. • Programme 3: Policy Development, Review and Implementation Support for Welfare • Create an enabling environment for the delivery and accessibility of integrated social welfare services in partnership with all relevant stakeholders. "Building a caring society. together"
Functional areas per programme • Programme 4: Community Development • Develop, monitor and facilitate the implementation of appropriate policies, strategies and programmes aimed at strengthening the potential of communities, including youth, to sustain and improve their livelihoods and further human development. • Programme 5: Strategy and Governance • Lead the strategic management component of the department; foster operational efficiency through improved alignment between mandates, strategies and institutional capacity. Provide strategic guidance on social policy development, co-ordination and evaluation; facilitate and develop the department’s strategic plan; oversee all entities, agencies and boards reporting to the department; and co-ordinate monitoring and evaluation across the sector. "Building a caring society. together"
Key Performance Areas • Developing appropriate regulatory mechanisms for promotion and protection of rights of the poor, vulnerable and marginalized. • Develop, monitor and facilitate the implementation of Social Development policies, strategies, programmes and service standards • Contribution to Human Capital Investment by developing skills in social development. • Expanded Public Works Programme in the Social Sector • Coordinating EPWP in the social sector by setting up institutional structures and mechanisms at national and provincial levels of government • Improve Institutional Performance • Transform and restructure the Department to ensure effective and efficient service delivery. "Building a caring society. together"
Part B Strategic Outputs per Programme "Building a caring society. together"
Comprehensive Social Security • PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE: • To enhance the human well-being of all through measures that address income poverty through adequate incomes throughout a person’s life-cycle, including equity and efficiency of benefits • Social Assistance • Facilitate progressive realisation of all Social Security rights through the following: • Develop tools to facilitate uniformity in assessing disability • Revise policy on comprehensive social security for children • Develop policies and strategies on income support for families • Create social protection measures for youth "Building a caring society. together"
Comprehensive Social Security • Social Assistance (Cont…) • Re-engineering of the Social Relief funds • Present policy proposal for consolidation of social relief funds into a single institutional arrangement • Reduce of turn around time to process application to 2 months • Social Insurance • Draft legislation to effect reform of retirement provisions • Social Budget • Undertake a comprehensive social budget exercise covering public and private investment in social services. "Building a caring society. together"
SOCIAL WELFARE SERVICES • PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE: • To develop, facilitate and monitor the implementation of policies, strategies and programmes on integrated social welfare services that meet the needs of all vulnerable groups. • Transformation of Welfare Service delivery: • Develop Policies and strategies focusing on • social welfare services to children with special needs including orphans • victims of crime and domestic violence, and • programmes to promote functional families "Building a caring society. together"
SOCIAL WELFARE SERVICES • Transformation of Welfare Service delivery (cont): • Review and implementation of relevant legislation and policies • Develop legislation on social services • Table substance abuse legislation in parliament • Promulgate Older Persons Act, 2006 • Complete regulations for the implementation of the Child Care Act, 2005 • Develop costing models for the finalisation of policy on disability "Building a caring society. together"
SOCIAL WELFARE SERVICES • Transformation of Welfare Service delivery (cont): • Development of norms and standards • Develop norms and standards for social service provision • Develop norms and standards for in-patient and out-patient services for treatment of substance abuse • Develop minimum standards for services to people with disabilities • Develop integrated guidelines for rehabilitation of persons with disabilities • Developing capacity for delivery of social services • Implement the recruitment and retention strategy for social workers • Coordinate training of service providers on the Integrated Service Delivery Model • Coordinate training of service providers in the field of substance abuse • Conduct capacity building programmes for service providers within the disability sector • Conduct capacity building programmes for probation officers • Coordinate training of Home Community Based Care projects on management principles • Capacitate residential care service providers on management of HIV/AIDS "Building a caring society. together"
SOCIAL WELFARE SERVICES • Transformation of Welfare Service delivery (cont): • Implementation support for Welfare Services • Create linkage of district social services offices with the National Child Protection Register. • Improve foster care and residential care services • Establish a database for adoptable children and prospective adoptive parents • Develop an implementation plan on the SA Victims Charter of Rights. • Develop HIV/AIDS management programme for children and youth in residential care "Building a caring society. together"
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT • PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE: • To develop, monitor and facilitate the implementation of appropriate policies, strategies and programmes aimed at sustainable livelihoods and human development. • Develop Community Development Policy • Improve conditions of service for community development practitioners • Implement the recommended salary levels for CDPs • Develop norms and standards for CDPs • Standardise education and training for Community development "Building a caring society. together"
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT • Improved governance and institutional capacity of NPOs • Improve Regulatory framework • Cost implementation of legislation • Registration and compliance of registered organisations • Turn around time for registration of NPOs reduced to two months • Improve compliance with NPO Act • De-register non-complying organisations • Enhance institutional capacity of the sector • Conduct training • Institutionalise platform for dialogue between government and NPO sector • Create an environment to access information on registered organisations. "Building a caring society. together"
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT • Develop framework to link DSD programmes with Sustainable Livelihoods Approach. • Develop conceptual document on Sustainable livelihoods Approach • Develop strategy to link grants to livelihoods and cooperatives • Promote and support youth development and the massification of the National Youth • Cost the Integrated Youth Development Plan • Escalate the implementation of the National Youth Service Programme • Develop the Integrated Youth Development Strategy • Professionalise Youth Work "Building a caring society. together"
SPECIAL PROGRAMMES • Expanded Public Works Programme within the Social Sector • Expanded Public Works Programme: Sector Coordination • Manage and coordinate Social Sector Expanded Public Works Programme • Develop mainstreaming framework and guidelines for integrating EPWP in the Social Sector. • Develop strategy for the massification and sustainability of EPWP jobs • Implementation of the EPWP within ECD and HCBC • Develop and implement training module for HCBC accredited by the HWSETA • Train Care givers and offer stipends • Fast track registration of new ECD sites in line with EPWP business plan. • Develop M&E system for ECD and HCBC "Building a caring society. together"
STRATEGY AND GOVERNANCE • PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE: • To ensure good governance, operational and enhance service delivery efficiency capacity within the department and the sector. • Improved governance and oversight of public entities • Ensure transfer of funds in line with mandate and delivery goals • Develop regulatory framework for the management of interface • Establish and review key institutions that report to the minister • Strategy development, business and programme performance • Align DSD strategic plan with public service priorities, planning cycle and Treasury regulations • Standardise annual performance plan and long term strategy framework "Building a caring society. together"
STRATEGY AND GOVERNANCE • PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE: • To ensure good governance, operational and enhance service delivery efficiency capacity within the department and the sector. • Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Assessment • An integrated monitoring and evaluation framework including guidelines is available • Develop comprehensive impact assessment and client satisfaction survey tools • Social policy development and coordination • Policy coordination, integration and analysis framework is available • Develop collaboration framework with academia on policy formulation, coordination and analysis • Promotion and implementation of population policy • Enhance awareness and understanding of population and development trends and dynamics "Building a caring society. together"
Strategic Challenges • Since the Department’s newfound vision, mandate and programmes emphasise its policy role, a healthy tension exists between the expansions of core business vs. the strengthening of support services. • South Africans are somewhat ambivalent in their values attached to social security. On the one hand there is a fear that we will develop a citizen with a dependency culture; on the other hand there is no doubt about government‘s of the leadership’s commitment to the plight of the poor and the objective of building a better life for all. The consequence of this is an ongoing, yet constructive debate. It nevertheless poses challenges for us; in that there is a constituency that still needs to be convinced of the value add of social security policies. It is for this reason that the department will continue to invest in research which will continue to inform us of the benefits and unintended consequences of our programmes • Redressing the historical under-funding of developmental social services still remains the greatest challenge. The achievement of the above-mentioned priorities will be dependent on adequate funding being received, particularly given the previous focus on the provision of personnel and the lack of support for programmes. "Building a caring society. together"
Strategic Challenges • Non – compliance with the NPO Act. • The Department is in the process of appointing additional staff members to enhance its capacity to administer and monitor approx. 40 000 NPOs currently registered. • The slow process of filling of posts. • In order to achieve a reasonable vacancy rate the current vacancy rate will be reduced by 10% each progressive year. • We have reviewed our Recruitment and Selection Policy with the intention of shortening the turn around time of recruitment in the Department. • Financial administration of the social assistance function poses many challenges due to dual responsibilities between SASSA and the Department which impacts on accountability. • We are working with National Treasury and SASSA to come up with measures to reduce the risk • Lack of effective management information systems for social welfare and community development programmes, limit our capacity to monitoring and ev • The integrity of the non-financial data provided by provinces is questionable "Building a caring society. together"
Challenges: Matters of emphasis • General weaknesses with SOCPEN • Lack of general controls surrounding the SOCPEN System. • Safe keeping of accounting records "Building a caring society. together"
Part C "Building a caring society. together"
MTEF FINANCIAL YEARS 2007/08 TO 2009/10 "Building a caring society. together"
MTEF GROWTH TRENDS • Total additional allocation over MTEF is R683 million • Total budget grows at an average rate of 8,3% p.a. • Socdev budget, excl transfers to SASSA & NDA grows at average rate of 27,5% p.a. • Prog 1 : 7,3% • Prog 2 : 8,9% • Prog 3 : 56,3% • Prog 4 : 6,8% • Prog 5 : 30,1% "Building a caring society. together"
MTEF GROWTH TRENDS • Additional allocations were mainly for: • Social dev policy implementation support (R45m: 07/08; R48m: 08/09; R59m: 09/10) • Oversight & Support of key institutions (R10m: 07/08; R10m: 08/09; R11m: 09/10) • Implementation of MIS - SASSA (R70m: 07/08; R20m: 08/09; R20m: 09/10) "Building a caring society. together"
MTEF GROWTH TRENDS • Additional allocations were mainly for: • Integrated MIS – Welfare Services (R25m: 07/08; R0m: 08/09; R0m: 09/10) • Social Worker Scholarships (R50m: 07/08; R105m: 08/09; R210m: 09/10) "Building a caring society. together"
BUDGET COMPARISON "Building a caring society. together"
Earmarked Funds 2006/07 – 2009/10 "Building a caring society. together"
Budget Allocation per Programme (excl Public Entities) - 2007/08 "Building a caring society. together"
2007 ESTIMATES OF NATIONAL EXPENDITURE (ENE) "Building a caring society. together"
2007 ADDITIONAL FUNDS ALLOCATED "Building a caring society. together"
Programme 3: Policy Development, Review and Implementation Support for Welfare Services "Building a caring society. together"
Programme 4: Community Development "Building a caring society. together"
Programme 5: Strategy and Governance "Building a caring society. together"
OUTCOMES OF 2006/07 FINANCIAL YEAR "Building a caring society. together"
2006/07 DEPARTMENTAL SPENDING 99% Estimated Spending "Building a caring society. together"
EXPENDITURE PER PROGRAMME2006/07 "Building a caring society. together"
STATUS OF SOCIAL ASSISTANCE EXPENDITURE FOR THE 2006/07 FINANCIAL YEAR • Adjustments have been proposed to the initial budget allocations to the provincial Departments of Social Development based on the actual cash flow requirements (SOCPEN extraction data and refunds up to January 2007) for the payment of social assistance grants up the end of the 2006/07 financial year. • A preliminary net saving to an estimated amount of R200,741 million is projected up to the end of the 2006/07 financial year on social grant transfers after refunds up to January 2007 have been deducted. "Building a caring society. together"
Budget Allocation You might want to along these lines. • Based on the allocation letter and the bids • We might want to align the budget allocation and its forecast to the emerging priorities covered in the overview (I,e, Social Insurance). • Any other thing that Mr Pakade thinks is strategic. "Building a caring society. together"
Thank you "Building a caring society. together"