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Defining Fitness for the 21 st Century. COL Beverly Land, DO, FASCM Director, Operational Medicine and Medical Force Protection Office of Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Health Protection & Readiness Programs. December 7, 2009. Total Fitness for the 21 st Century.
Defining Fitness for the 21st Century COL Beverly Land, DO, FASCM Director, Operational Medicine and Medical Force Protection Office of Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Health Protection & Readiness Programs December 7, 2009
Total Fitness for the 21st Century • OBJECTIVES • Provide current status on Department of Defense (DoD) Issuances pertaining to fitness • Describe DoD Issuances that provide policy and/or implementation of policy
Total Fitness for the 21st Century • DoD Directives • Directives establish policy • Delegate authority to Departments and Services • Assigns responsibilities for aspects of the Directives
Total Fitness for the 21st Century • DoD Directives (continued) • 2 types • Direct Oversight-responsibility is primarily the responsibility of the Secretary of Defense or Deputy • Chartering Directive-major DoD missions, responsibilities, functions, relationships generally assigned by the SecDef or DepSecDef
Total Fitness for the 21st Century • DoD Fitness Directives • DOD Directive 1010.10, “Health Promotion and Disease/Injury Prevention,” August 22, 2003 • DOD Directive 1308.1, “DoD Physical Fitness and Body Fat Program,” June 30, 2004
Total Fitness for the 21st Century • DoD Instruction • Establishes or implements policy • Assigns responsibility • Provides procedures on how the policy is to be accomplished
Total Fitness for the 21st Century • DoD Instruction • Contains overarching procedures and must contain Office of Secretary of Defense component charter as reference • 2 types • Policy • Non-policy • Signed by OSD component Head, Principal Deputy or Political Appointee
Total Fitness for the 21st Century • DoD Instruction (continued) • DoD Instruction 1308.3, “DoD Physical Fitness and Body Fat Programs Procedure,” November 5, 2002
Total Fitness for the 21st Century • DoD Manuals • Implements a Directive or Policy • Provides detailed procedures for carrying out policy • May NOT establish policy so it is only a reference • No manual exists for fitness at this time
Total Fitness for the 21st Century • Directive Type Memorandums (DTM) • Time sensitive (less than 180 days) and may establish or implement policy • If establishes policy-must be signed by OSD Component Head • If implements policy-OSD, Principal Deputy, PAS • There are no current DTMs on fitness
Total Fitness for the 21st Century • DoD versus Joint Chiefs of Staff • CJCS directives are more narrowly defined to the Services • Have own Directives, Instructions, Manuals and DTMs
Total Fitness for the 21st Century • Future Guidance • No overarching fitness intiative is on the horizon within the DoD at this time • Separate policies on specific areas (mTBI, PTSD for example) tend to be where DoD issues guidance • Does Total Fitness require this level of oversight?
Total Fitness for the 21st Century Questions?