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Structural Materials for DEMO: Development, Testing and Modelling. R. L ä sser 1 , N. Baluc 2 , J.-L. Boutard 1 , E. Diegele 1 , S. Dudarev 3 , M. Gasparotto 1 , A. Möslang 4 , R. Pippan 5 , B. Riccardi 1 and B. van der Schaaf 6.
Structural Materials for DEMO: Development, Testing and Modelling R. Lässer1, N. Baluc2, J.-L. Boutard1, E. Diegele1, S. Dudarev3, M. Gasparotto1, A. Möslang4, R. Pippan5, B. Riccardi1 and B. van der Schaaf6 1 EFDA Close Support Unit Garching, D-85748 Garching, Germany 2 CRPP-EPFL, CH-5232 Villigen-PSI, Switzerland 3 Euratom/UKAEA Fusion Association, Culham Science Centre, OX14 3DB UK 4 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, 76021 Karlsruhe, Germany 5 Erich Schmid-Institute, Leoben, Austria 6NRG, Petten, The Netherlands R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
Content Introduction • Path to DEMO • European breeder blanket strategy Materials Development • Similarities and differences of fusion and fission neutrons • Neutron damage Portfolio of structural materials for DEMO • RAFM steel EUROFER • ODS steels • Tungsten and tungsten alloys • SiCf/SiC European Modelling Programme for irradiation effects • Scales and tools for multi-scale modelling • He thermodynamics and desorption in Fe Issue of additional He and testing under fusion relevant conditions Conclusions R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
Path to DEMO StructuralMaterials Test Blanket Modules IFMIF Tech- nology R&D • Components • SC Magnets • Tritium Handling System • Plasma Facing Components • Remote Maintenance System • Heating System • Safety Blanket tests in ITER • Facilities • Confinement • Impurity Control • Plasma Stability • ITER/DEMO Physics Support DEMO Physics R&D ITER R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
Comparison: ITER, DEMO and Power Reactor R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
The European Breeder Blanket Strategy Near Term: A) Helium-Cooled Lithium-Lead (HCLL) Blanket, B) Helium-Cooled Pebble-Bed (HCPB) Blanket. Their Test Blanket Modules (TBMs) will be tested in ITER. They use EUROFER as structural material. Long Term: C) Dual-coolantconcept: LiPb blanket with He-cooled steel box and divertor, uses ferritic-martensitic steel (EUROFER) for structures and SiCf/SiC for insulating flow inserts, Even Longer Term: D) Self-cooled LiPb blanket with SiCf/SiC as structural material. HCLL TBM First wall Long-term Issue: Future fusion reactors (starting with DEMO) will require tritium self-sufficiency. Breeder Blanket Strategy + Materials Development are stongly coupled. R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
blanket divertor Materials for Blanket and Divertor according PPCS Model D or Self-cooled Model AB or HCLL Model A or WCLL Model B or HCPB Model C or Dual-Coola. Structural material EUROFER EUROFER EUROFER EUROFER SiCf/SiC H2O He Coolant He LiPb/ He LiPb 285 / 325 Coolant I/O T(°C) 300 / 500 480 / 700 300 / 480 700 / 1100 300 / 500 300 / 500 Breeder LiPb Li4SiO4 LiPb LiPb LiPb TBR 1.06 1.12 1.15 1.12 1.13 W alloy Structural material CuCrZr W alloy W alloy SiCf/SiC Increasing Attractiveness Increasing Development „Risk“ W Armour material W W W W Coolant H2O He He LiPb He Coolant I/O T(°C) 140/167 ~ 540/720 ~ 600/990 ~ 540/720 ~ 540/720 Materials listed above require R&D. R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
Materials Development: Mission driven In ITER: Use of austenitic steels SS316 for shielding blankets and vacuum vessel is acceptable (low neutron fluence and low temperature application). In Fusion Power Reactors (DEMO, PROTO): Other types of structural materials are required due to the effects of high energy fusion neutrons and higher operation temperatures. In particular, these materials have a different crystal structure (bcc) to avoid excessive volume changes under n-irradiation. • The materials design requirements for DEMO-relevant materials include: • Good physical (e.g. thermal conductivity, thermal expansion) and mechanical (tensile and fracture) properties, in particular also good creep strength and fatigue resistance. • Ductile to Brittle Transition Temperature (DBTT) well below 250°C at the end of life (irradiation dose up to 70 dpa at least). • Minimum embrittlement due to transmutation products (hydrogen-isotopes and Helium). • Good compatibility with lithium lead (corrosion resistance) and low hydrogen permeation. • Low residual activation under neutron irradiation. • Dimensional stability under fusion reactor relevant conditions (low swelling). R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
Fusion and Fission Neutrons in Materials: Similarities and Differences • In fission most neutrons have energies below 2 MeV. • In fusion the D-T generated neutrons have 14.1 MeV and are used • to transfer 80% of fusion energy from the plasma into the blanket for further power conversion, • to reproduce the tritium burnt in the fusion reaction or lost elsewhere to achieve tritium self-sufficiency. • Both, fission and fusion neutrons, cause activation and irradiation damage. • The more energetic fusion neutrons causefar larger damage(multiplecascades)andmore transmutationproducts, e.g. H and He, (due to many new nuclear reaction channels) andhigher activation than fission neutrons. As a consequence: Structural materials developed for conventional fission have to be improved and modified for fusion application • to be resistant to the fusion environment and fusion loading conditions • to fulfill the requirement of low activation waste (recycling after 100 years). • In particular, some alloying elements acceptable in fission have to be avoided in fusion. R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
0,3 ps 0,7 ps 1,5 ps PKA 2,5 ps 10,3 ps 10,3 ps 7 keV Cascade in Ni (fcc) Neutron Damage in Materials (Primary Damage) High energy PKAs in Fe (bcc) Fission: Emax (n) = 2 MeV, Emax (PKA)=0.14 MeV. Fusion: E (n) = 14.1 MeV, Emax (PKA)= 1 MeV. • Neutron irradiation • destroys the crystal structure and affects the chemical bonds, • creates point defects, He and H, clusters, modifies the microstructure and leads to hardening/embrittlement. • causes degradation of physical and mechanical properties. Yellow: Vacancies + V-clusters; Brown: Interstitials + I-clusters; BLUE: Atoms displaced but on regular positions (no effect in metals, but large one in ordered alloys) R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
The Portfolio of Structural Materials for DEMO Reduced Activation Ferritic Martensitic (RAFM) steel EUROFER9%Cr-W-V-Ta-steel (0.1% C) The EU reference structural materials for breeding blankets in DEMO (and in the first Power Plant according to „Fast Track“) Will be used in the EU Test Blanket Modules (TBMs) to be installed in ITER. Operational limits ~300º - 550°C. ODS-RAFMsteels Developed to increase the upper temperature limit to 650°C, or even 700°C for nano-structured ferritic steels (12-14% Cr),in order to achieve higher thermal efficiency of the breeder blanket concepts. In addition, ODS materials can be also used as backbone material of the He cooled divertor concept. SiCf/SiCceramic composites for advanced Breeding Blanket concepts Considered in the long term for their potential to increase thermal efficiency (model D of PPCS). Operational T-window 600-1200°C. First use likely as functional material (flow channel inserts for Dual Coolant BB Concept). Tungsten alloys for structural application in gas cooled divertor Candidate material in the high temperature region of the gas cooled divertor concepts. R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
EUROFER Alloy Development Development Strategy EUROFER is a RAFM steel developed on the basis of conventional 9%Cr-1%Mo steels used in fission, where • Highly activating alloying elements(Mo, Nb) were replaced by those (W, Ta) offering lower activation. • 8-10% Cr: optimized concentration for good fracture properties and corrosion resistance. • 1-2% W: optimized for mechanical properties (ductility, strength, fracture properties). • 0.07% Ta: stabilizes grain size and improves strength • Highly activating impurity elements (Nb, Mo, Ni, Cu, Al, Si, Co,..)are reduced to the “lowest” content, that is technically achievable at reasonable cost. • As, Be, H, Sb, P, O, S, Sn should be avoided because they degrade mechanical properties, same holds for P and B (transmute and generate He). R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
Issues and Objectives identified for RAFM Steels • Critical issues at lower operational temperature limit (300°C): • Radiation hardening and embrittlement, • Additional effect of superimposed helium (He/dpa), • Reduction of the uncertainties in the DBTT and in fracture toughness. • Critical issues at upper operational temperature limit (550°C): • Thermal creep, • Compatibility (corrosion by Pb17Li above 500°C) • Detailed analysis of the irradiation data is being performed for a better understanding of the role of the major elements (Cr, Ta, W) in order to improve possibly the composition of the EUROFER and to focus the R&D on the most critical area (i.e. temperature range for the irradiation) leading to EUROFER-2. • Production of EUROFER heats with controlled impurity contents to confirm the reproducibility of the properties and the low activation potential (EUROFER-3). • The development of sound welds and dissimilar connections with improved properties requires post-heat treatment at about 730°C. More generally, particular attention should be paid on the welds and joints development. This is necessary for the production of the TBMs. R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
Yield stress of unirradiated EUROFER • The properties of unirradiated EUROFER are today well known. • The data of EUROFER achieved in the past are stored in relevant Data base. • Further high temper-ature (HT) rules and Structural Design Criteria (SDC-IC) are still needed. Upper temperature limit: 550ºC R&D for highly irradiated EUROFER is ongoing and needed in future. F. Tavassoli, CEA R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
Degradation of Impact Properties under neutron irradiation ~32 dpa, 332°C, ARBOR 1 irradiation Irradiation effects Ductile-Brittle Transition -30% Unirradiated ~ 200 K Irradiated EUROFER 97 C. Petersen, FZK TBM design window Concerns: i) ΔDBTT > 200 K ii) Effect ofHelium? Operational window R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
Embrittlement behavior of irradiated RAFM steels Irradiation conditions: 16 dpa, 250 - 450°C • Higher DBTT are observed at lower irradiation temperatures (Tirr ≤ 300°C). • DBTT shift is of less concern for Tirr > 350°C. EUROFER F82H E. Gaganidze, FZK • Irradiation is highest and thus most critical at FW, but only small volumes around the cooling channels are at T ~ 300°C to 370°C during steady state (TBM: plasmaheat flux 0.25 MWm-2 and NWL = 0.78 MWm-2). R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
A potential Strategy for Recovery of Impact Properties • Annealing at ~ 500°C • Recovery of properties Unirradiated Irradiated and annealed Irradiated 15 dpa, 330°C EUROFER 97 EUROFER 97 C. Petersen, FZK • How often can this recovery be achieved? What about memory effects? • How is the degradation and recovery under subsequent irradiation? • Can such an annealing step at 500°C also be done with BBs? • What happens if large concentrations of He are present? R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
RAFM Steels – Fabrication ProcessesComparative study on Post Weld Heat Treatments (PWHTs) Notches of charpy specimens in the weld centre. M. Rieth, FZK EB 5mm LASER 5 mm Laser 5mm TIG 5 mm TIG 5mm Base material TIG 10mm EB 5 mm Various PWHT performed Heat Treatment at 700°C for 2 h, considered as „limiting“ case R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
Results on Irradiated EUROFER (Welds) TIG EB J.W. Rensman, NRG-FOM Preliminary Results ----- unirradiated EUROFER base material ----- irradiated EUROFER base material ~2 dpa Irradiation of TIG welds might be of concern even at low dose (~2 dpa) and Tirr = 300°C R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
ODS Steels Composition: EUROFER powder plus 0.3 wt% Y2O3. Nb, Mo, Ni, Cu, Al and Co < ppm values. Advantage: EUROFER based RAFM-ODS material exhibits higher thermal creep resistance than conventional RAFM steels due to the oxide particles and can be used at temperature up to 650°C – 700°C . Critical issues: The main problem is the embrittlement at low temperature (higher DBTT) and reduced fracture toughness compared to conventional (EUROFER) steels. The oxide dispersion has to be stable under irradiation to keep the high initial thermal creep resistance. The fabrication processes are still to be optimized, e.g. with respect to mechanical and thermal treatment. Potential use of ODS-Layer plated to FW R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
ODS-EUROFER EUROFER A) Creep Behaviour of ODS-EUROFER compared to EUROFER Gain in creep strength • ODS-EUROFER: • The temperature-window increased by~100 K to 650ºC R. Lindau, FZK R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
M23C6 EUROFER 97 2nd Generation ODS-EUROFER 1m 1st Generation ODS-EUROFER (FeCr)23C6 1m B) Impact Energy Values and Comparison with EUROFER-97 KLST Specimens M. Klimiankou et al., FZK M. Rieth, FZK R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
Tungsten and Tungsten Alloys He-cooled Modular divertor with multiple jet Cooling HEMJ 10 MW / m2 Potential application: W and W-alloys are promising materials for high temperature structural applications, e.g. the hottest part in the “high heat flux, high temperature heat removal units” of gas cooled divertors. Requirement for this application: Advantages of W-alloys: High melting point, high thermal conductivity and good thermal shock resistance, (low vapour pressure, high erosion resistance). Critical issues of W-alloys: Creep rate and strength (700 to 1300°C), fracture toughness (RT to 1300°C), DBTT usually well above RT, ductility, recristallisation, low and high cycle fatique, low oxidation resistance above 490°C, behaviour under irradiation, P. Norajitra, FZK W tile: max. allow temp. 2500°C max. calc. temp. 1711°C DBTT (irr.): 700°C Thimble: max. allow. temp. 1300°C max. calc. temp. 1170°C DBTT (irr.): 600°C ODS-Eurofer: He-out temp. 700°C He-in temp. 600°C DBTT (irr.): 300°C R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
Strategy for Tungsten-alloys This W program is worldwide a unique effort. Scientific understanding and database are very limited. No obvious development path exists. Alloying elements should not affect good thermal properties and low activation. First screening tests started to improve most critical properties (fracture toughness) and a limited irradiation program. Main development route: Refinement of microstructure by production of ultra fine grained (UFG) materials. • Material investigated: • W, • W 1%La2O3 (WL10), • W potassium doped (WVM). • W-Re no longer pursued. 30 MPa√m • Findings: • Fracture toughness at RT increases to ~ 30 MPa√m (increase by a factor of 5, still low compared to other materials like steel). • DBTT is shifted towards lower temperatures, • WVM is promising. R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
Pistons Fixed Rotating Sample F 1µm 1µm F Thermal Stability - Microstructure Severe Plastic Deformation (SPD): e.g. High Pressure Torsion (HPT) Thermal treatment in vacuum furnace at 1200°C for 1 hour (requirement: thermal stability for 1000 h at 1200°C) BSE investigation HPT-W, e = 64 HPT-W, e = 64, Before and after annealing at 1200°C for 1 h R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
SiCf/SiC Ceramic Composites • SiCf/SiC composites are a promising structural material in the advanced LiPb self-cooled breeding blanket concepts offering high thermal efficiency. • Advantages: • Low activation characteristics (at short and medium term) and low afterheat, • Engineerability to cover wide range of properties, • Good creep strength and life time properties up to high temperatures (1000- 1200°C), • High corrosion resistance in LiPb • Critical issues: • Primary basic issues • Nuclear transmutation products: H, He production due to (n,p), (n,α) reactions, • Radiation stability of physical (thermal conductivity) and mechanical properties. • Technological issues • High porosity and high permeability requiring coatings, • Fabrication and joining (brazing) of large components, • Development of guidelines for designing components (inherent brittleness, anisotropy). R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
fibre matrix pore fibre fibre fibre SiCf/SiC Ceramic Composites • Composites have been fabricated industrially as plates (area 20x20 cm2) in the EU by Chemical Vapour Infiltration (CVI) (MT Aerospace AG, Germany). • Properties of SiCf/SiC composites depend on • Fibres: Tyranno SA-3 fiber (UBE Industries, Japan), • Fibre architecture: 2D and 3D fabrics, • Interphases: single layer of pyrolithic carbon of 80 nm thickness, • Matrix: CVI SiC. • Density: 2.70 g/cm3 (2D), 2.65 g/cm3 (3D). • Specified properties for 2D and 3D SiCf/SiC composites were achieved. 3D composites (MT Aerospace) R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
European Modelling Programme of Irradiation Effects in RAFM Steel Objectives: • Study of the radiation effects in EUROFER under fusion relevant conditions from RT to 550°C and in the presence of high concentrations of nuclear transmutation products (i.e. H, He). • Development of tools: • to correlate results from MTRs, fast reactors, spallation sources, accelerators, fusion neutron sources, etc., • to extend the understanding of the effects of irradiation damage to the high fluence and high He & H concentrations relevant for DEMO and fusion power reactors. • Experimental validation of the models and the derived tools. R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
Long Term Prediction Primary Damage Short Term prediction Displacement Cascades Micro -- ShortTerm Recovery Diffusion Ballistic Phase Thermalisation structure 10-15 s 10-10 s - 15 10-13 s - 8 10 s 10 s 10 -11 s Lifetime of Components Molecular Dynamics Rate Theory Atomic Kinetic Monte Carlo Monte Carlo on Objects Molecular Dynamics Monte Carlo on Events no long range strain Only effect of dislocations is their bias and action as sink. Radiation Modified MicrostructureScale and tools for multi-scale modelling Lifetime of components R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
40 nm Tensile Surface strain distribution 5 µm Radiation-induced HardeningScale and Tools for Multi-scale Modelling • Molecular Dynamics: • void-dislocation interaction 2. Discrete Dislocation Dynamics One dislocation Collective Behavior Increasing strain 3. Crystalline plasticity Finite Elements: low-alloy steel Average Tensile strain 5 % Experiment Computation Average Tensile strain 9 % Experiment Computation S. Sekfali, PhD, 2003 Strain ε R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
He Thermodynamics & Desorption • Ab initio solution energies: substitutional He: the stable configuration C.C. Fu, F. Willaime, CEA • Ab initio energies: 1) Em(Hei) = 0.06eV. 2) Eb of Hei with point defects. • He-desorption: presence of C in He-impl. Fe needs to be considered M.J. Caturla, Uni. Alicante Ab initio for pure Fe: Ef (V) = 2.0 eV, Em (V) = 0.67 eV Experimental Ef (V) & Em (V) of Fe-C1: Ef (V) = 1.6 eV & Em (V) = 1.1 eV 1 C. Moser et al.: Atomic defects in metals R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
The Issue of additional Helium and of Testing structural Materials under Fusion relevant Conditions Degradation of mechanical properties under irradiation strongly depends on irradiation temperature and the amount of transmutation products produced. Fission neutrons produce about a factor of 40 less He than 14.1 MeV ones. Hence, irradiation in fission reactors gives only non-conservative results. Various tricks or methods were used to produce higher He and H to dpa ratios in the absence of an intense fusion neutron source (B and Ni-doped steels or Fe54 enriched steels). Any of these methods is still short by about a factor of 10 to 5. Other facilities can be used, but also have their own shortcomings. • Mixed spallation-neutron spectrum in a spallation target: ~102 appm He/dpa, • But due to many other transmutation products and inhomogeniety of irradiation conditions it is difficult to draw conclusions. • Energetic (20-100 MeV) alpha particle implantation: ~103 -104 appm He/dpa. • Dual/triple beam irradiation (JANNuS) (Ion E ~a few MeV): up to 104 appm He/dpa. • But only few microns depth, so no mechanical testing, only microstructure. Consequences: (1 ) Modelling and understanding of irradiation results obtained under various conditions are clearly needed. (2) A fusion relevant neutron source is mandatory for a “correct” characterisation of the materials in the sense that they become licensable: IFMIF R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
Conclusions (1/2) Development of RAFM steels: • Properties of unirradiated EUROFER are now well known. • Short-term (ITER): For the use of EUROFER in the fabrication of TBMs some technology issues (welding, joining, HIPping, PWHTs) are to still be solved. • Long-term (DEMO): Effects of high He concentrations on degradation of mechanical properties are to be studied. IFMIF and modelling are complementary. Both are mandatory. • ODS steels (9%Cr EUROFER-type and 12-14%Cr ferritic): Potential of higher upper operational temperature limit. Improvement of production processes ongoing, irradiation campaigns to address fundamental issues (on oxide stability and He trapping by oxides) will provide first answers on the time frame and the amount of further R&D needed before their application. R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
Conclusions (2/2) Development of materials for high-temperature application: • SiCf/SiC: Industrial production of larger samples with acceptable properties. Knowledge and data base on fundamental issues (He-effects and radiation stability) to be increased. First production run of SiCf/SiC for flow channel inserts in dual-coolant concept (application requires less strength, issue is the radiation stability of the low electrical conductivity). • Tungsten-alloys: R&D started in 2003, still in the phase where (a) the required properties are far from being achieved collectively, (b) the understanding of irradiation behaviour is very limited. It first needs a broader science driven basic programme. Modelling of irradiation effects: • Effort increased to understand better the irradiation effects on microstructure in bcc Fe-Cr-C steels. Important intermediate results were achieved. Modelling will help in optimization of irradiation campaigns and understanding of physical properties under DEMO-relevant conditions. • Experimental validation of models and computational tools to be enforced using MTRs, fast reactors, ion beam facilities (JANNUS) and IFMIF. R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
END R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
RAFM ODS Steel: HFR Neutron Irradiation Medium dose irradiation - outstanding results: • EUROFER ODS shows substantial work hardening (equivalent to significant elongation improvement) • EUROFER ODS shows almost no loss of uniform elongation E. Materna-Morris and R. Lindau, FZK R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw
Budget Sharing within the Materials Development Area Budget: ~ 3 M€ /yearCEC R. Lässer, 24th SOFT, 11-15 Sept 2006, Warsaw