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Toxic plants

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Toxic plants

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    1. Toxic plants

    2. Toxic plants Datura plant (thorn apple): Distribution Grows widely in Egypt, Europe, South America and South Asia Active principles: Hyocine, hyosciamine and traces of atropine

    3. Toxic plants Datura nigra

    4. Toxic plants Datura alba

    5. Toxic plants Datura capsule

    6. Toxic plants Datura seeds Datura stramonium

    7. Toxic plants Datura Seeds Datura fastuosa

    8. Toxic plants Differential diagnosis of datura fastiosa seed 1- capsicum seed

    9. Toxic plants Differential diagnosis of datura fastuosa seed 2- Egg plant seed

    10. Toxic plants Differential diagnosis of datura fastuosa seed 3- Sesam seed:

    11. Toxic plants Differential diagnosis of datura fastiosa seed

    12. Toxic plants Differential diagnosis of datura stramonium seed 1- Black pepper seed:

    13. Toxic plants Differential diagnosis of datura stramonium seed 2- Onion seed:

    14. Toxic plants Differential diagnosis of datura stramonium seed

    15. Toxic plants Papaver somniferum plant Distribution: Europe to Asia and grow in Egypt Active principles: 1. Convulsants: Papaverin, thebaine, narcotine 2. Hypnotics: Morphine, codeine, narcine

    16. Toxic plants Papaver Somniferum capsule

    17. Toxic plants Papaver Somniferum capsule

    18. Toxic plants Papaver Somniferum seed

    19. Toxic plants Strychnus Nux Vomica seed

    20. Toxic plants

    21. Toxic plants Vegetable Purgatives 1- Castor oil seed Distribution: all tropical regions and has been introduced to temperate regions. Active principle: Ricin

    22. Toxic plants Vegetable Purgatives 2- Croton seed: Distribution: Tropical areas. Active principles: Rotin is a toxalbumin and crotoside is a glucoside

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