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AGENCY FOR WORKFORCE INNOVATION Trade Adjustment Assistance Training “ PUT IT WHERE IT COUNTS”. Presented by Mershal Noble. TAA Program History. Trade Act of 1974 – Amendments 1988,1993, 1998, 2002

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  1. AGENCY FOR WORKFORCE INNOVATIONTrade Adjustment Assistance Training“PUT IT WHERE IT COUNTS” Presented by Mershal Noble

  2. TAA Program History • Trade Act of 1974 – Amendments 1988,1993, 1998, 2002 • USDOL issues certification - Eligibility for Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance (ATAA) • North America Free Trade Agreement/ Transitional Adjustment Assistance (NAFTA/TAA). Petitions filed for NAFTA required the SWA to do a preliminary investigation. • Trade Act of 2002 – Repealed NAFTA and provided for additional benefits to trade-affected workers.

  3. TAA Program Benefits The TAA Program is a training component and only provides for the following: • Training (TAA) • Trade Readjustment Allowances (TRA) • Job Search Allowances • Relocation Allowances • Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance (ATAA) • Health Coverage Tax Credit

  4. TAA Eligibility Determination – One Stop Staff Review • Workers laid-off as a result of increase imports or a shift in production • Petition filing has been certified approved • The affected worker was separated from the trade-affected company due to permanent lay-off

  5. TAA Eligibility Determination One Stop Staff Review • The affected worker’s last day with trade affected company is through the official termination date • The trade-affected employer identifies the affected workers covered under the approved petition

  6. TAA Services • Rapid Response Assistance • Reemployment Services • Job Search Allowances • Relocation Allowances • Training • Income Support – Trade Readjustment Allowances (TRA)

  7. TAA Services • Training Waivers under TAA • Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC)

  8. TAA Performance Principles 1. Assess each worker’s skills and abilities 2. Develop an individualized service strategy 3. Co-enroll with other One-Stop Programs 4. Work with staff at all levels to achieve common goals 5. Provide effective placement services 6. Get workers jobs quickly

  9. TAA Performance Principles 7. Get workers jobs that last 8. Get workers jobs that pay 9. Report outcomes accurately and timely 10. Know and achieve national performance goals

  10. Integration of the Workforce Investment System Service Strategy • Coordinate with WIA is a high priority for ETA • Trade-affected participants are “dislocated workers under WIA • Trade Act of 2002 requires for Rapid Response to be made available to workers • Early intervention is a key principle to return affected workers to the workforce

  11. Integration of the Workforce Investment System Service Strategy • Trade Act of 2002 requires closer coordination with WIA services • Trade-affected workers depend on placement services delivered by One-Stop partners to obtain reemployment

  12. Determining Eligibility – TAA Coordinator • Verify separation date from trade-affected employer and reason for separation • Verify petition number affected worker is covered • Establish 8/16 week enroll in training deadline • Verify that the trade-affected worker has filed for regular unemployment insurance.

  13. DeterminingEligibility - TAA Coordinator • Initial assessment • Review TAA Bona fide Application (WIA Intake Application) • Comprehensive assessment through WIA (assisted core and intensive services) • Apply TAA six program criteria • Select Training Program within a demand occupation

  14. Determining Eligibility- TAA Coordinator • Select Training Provider from Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) • Determine the length of time to complete the training program • Identify prerequisites that are required for the training program • Determine the total cost of training to be completed (tuition, fees, books, supplies etc.)

  15. Determining Eligibility- TAA Coordinator • Verify the date the individual will be allowed to participate in training • Ensure your approval date (enrollment in the TAA program) is within 30 days of the participation in training date, if appropriate

  16. TAA Training Approval Criteria • There is no suitable employment available to the worker • The worker would benefit from training • There is a reasonable expectation of employment following completion 4. Training is reasonably available to the worker

  17. TAA Training Approval Criteria • The worker is qualified to undertake and complete the training • Training is suitable and available at a reasonable cost. Note: There is no entitlement to receive training. All six (6) criteria must be met before training is approved.

  18. Waiver of Training Requirement It may be necessary to issue a Waiver of Training Requirement if training has not been approved. Note: If applicable, a waiver must be issued prior to the worker’s participation in training and the enrolled in training date.

  19. Waiver of Training Requirement An adversely affected worker may be granted a waiver of training requirement for the following reason(s): • Enrollment Unavailable • Training Unavailable • Recall • Marketable Skills

  20. Waiver of Training Requirement • Retirement • Health Note: A waiver can be issued for six months or longer. The waiver must be reviewed every 30 days to determine if the condition for issuing the waiver is still valid.

  21. Waiver of Training Requirement Additionally, issuing a waiver for an extended period of time can prevent an individual from receiving additional TRA benefits when looking at the 210 day deadline.

  22. TAA Training Program Requirements Must be in training on a full-time basis Approved training can include remedial education with occupation skills training following Remedial education cannot be approved as a stand alone. If approved, occupation skillstraining must be included in the Training Plan. Note: Issued in a recent TEGL, Remedial ESOL can be approved as a stand alone as long as the affected worker has marketable skills.

  23. TAA Training Program Requirements Participation in an approved training program cannot exceed 104 weeks or 130 weeks if remedial education is required. Training Vendors must be selected from the Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL). Occupation skills training must be identified on the demand occupation list.

  24. TAA Training Program Requirements Multiple funding sources can be used for training i.e., (TAA funds, WIA local funds (DW), Pell Grant. Note: TAA participants are prohibited from paying any portion of their approved training cost not funded through the above funding sources.

  25. TAA Training Program Requirements There is no time limit affecting approval for enrollment in training for TAA Paid Training. However, the worker’s eligibility for TRA benefits will be affected if not enrolled in an approved training program by the 8/16 week enrolled in training deadline.

  26. TAA Training Program Requirements Florida may apply 45 days for extenuating circumstances to the enrolled in training date. Allow for approved scheduled training breaks not to exceed 30 days. Note: Scheduled training breaks do not include weekends, but take in account normal school days and run consecutive for each identified break published by the training institution.

  27. TAA Training Program Requirements Participants can be disqualified, if training cease without justifiable cause, refuses to accept, continue or fails to make satisfactory progress in approved training.

  28. Trade Readjustment Assistance Regular Unemployment Benefits 26 weeks Basic TRA Benefits 26 weeks Additional TRA Benefits 52 weeks Remedial TRA 26 weeks

  29. Trade Readjustment Assistance Eligible trade-affected workers may qualify for up to 104 weeks of income support while in approved training or 130 weeks, if approved for remedial education. Note: If remedial education is approved, under the TAA program, it is considered approved training with occupational skills training to run concurrent or immediately following the completion of remedial training.

  30. Required Documents – Program Enrollment • Wagner Peyser Job Seeker Registration • WIA Intake Application (Contact Details, Demographics and Program Details • Individual Service Strategy/Career Plan • Voucher

  31. Required Documents – Program Enrollment • Applicant Acknowledge Form • Request By Workers For Training Approval Allowance While in Training (ETA 858) • Discrimination Complaint Procedures Form

  32. Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance (ATAA) What is ATAA? A component under the Trade Act of 2002 that provides a wage subsidy to older workers who become reemployed with 26 weeks from the trade-affected company.

  33. Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance (ATAA) Eligibility Criteria • At least age 50 at the time of reemployment • Obtain reemployment by the last day of the 26th week after the worker’s qualifying separation from the trade-affected employer.

  34. Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance (ATAA) • Current reemployment wages must be less than those earned from the trade-affected employer. 4. Must not be expected to earn more than $50,000 annually in gross wages (excluding overtime pay) from the current reemployment.

  35. Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance (ATAA) • Employed full-time as defined by state law • Cannot return to work for the trade-affected employer from which the worker separated • Must establish a valid Florida unemployment compensation claim Note: In order for affected workers to qualify for this benefit, the petition must be approved for ATAA and the worker must meet the criteria above.

  36. OSMIS Data Entry Instructions The One Stop Management Information System is used to track participant information. Through this state management information system, we are able to report to the USDOL information required for each individual program (WP, WIA and TAA).

  37. OSMIS Data Entry Instructions Information entered in OSMIS should mirror documentation in your manual file. This will allow for successful data validation of records and monitoring of a participant’s file.

  38. OSMIS Data Entry Instructions It is imperative that information entered in OSMIS for TAA participants reflect actual time participating in training with enrolled in training date, actual training start date, actual training end date, document when approved breaks have occurred in the case notes, ensure partner programs are displayed in the participant’s record for WP, WIA, TAA etc. and proper funding sources are used for assisted core, intensive and training activities.

  39. OSMIS Data Entry Instructions It is encouraged that for an assigned training activity for TAA participants, you use TAA funds. If funds are not available, you can request for supplemental funds.

  40. OSMIS Data Entry Procedures PUT IT WHERE IT COUNTS!!!!!

  41. Job Search Allowances A job search allowance may be granted to an adversely affected worker who meets all eligibility requirements to assist the worker in securing a job outside of the commuting area, but within the United States.

  42. Job Search Allowances Criteria A worker may receive approval if the following conditions are met: • The worker is covered under a certified petition. • The worker has been totally separated from trade-affected company through the official termination identified by the employer.

  43. Job Search Allowances Criteria • The worker has an active job seeker registration on file through the One Stop Center (Wagner Peyser). • The worker has a TAA bona fide application in OSMIS (WIA Intake Application). • The worker has no reasonable expectations of securing employment within the commuting distance.

  44. Job Search Allowances Criteria • The worker must provide documentation of actual date of interview, time, position title. There must be an existing job opening for which the worker is being interviewed. Information must be confirmed with the employer by the One Stop Center staff. • Job Search Application must be filed prior to interview.

  45. Job Search Allowances Criteria • An application must be filed by the 365th day after the date of the certification in which the worker is covered or the 365th day after the date the worker’s last total separation, whichever is later or • The 182nd day after the concluding date of the approved training

  46. Job Search Allowance Forms • Request for Job Search Allowance (MA-861) signed, dated and completed prior to interview • Certification of Suitable Employment (MA-861A) completed by One Stop Center staff and must include receipts with amounts expended including daily mileage for the job search

  47. Job Search Reimbursable Amount • Job Search Allowance 90 percent of the total allowable costs of transportation, lodging, and meals • The total Job Search Allowance must not exceed $1,250 regardless of the number of job searches

  48. Job Search Reimbursable Amount Travel: Cost will not exceed the lesser of (1) the actual round trip cost by reasonable public transportation or (2) cost per mile at the prevailing federal mileage rate from the worker’s residence to the area of job search and return to residence (round trip)

  49. Job Search Reimbursable Amount Lodging and Meals: Cost allowable for lodging and meals will not exceed the lesser of (1) actual cost to the worker of lodging and meals while engaged in the job search or (2) 50 percent of the prevailing federal per diem allowance rate for the locality in which the job search is conducted.

  50. Relocation Allowances A relocation allowance may be granted to an adversely affected worker who meets all eligible requirements to assist the worker in securing a job outside of the commuting area, but within the United States.

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