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Education Adjustment Program. Setting the EAP Context. The Education Adjustment Program (EAP) is part of the systemic response to the Ministerial Taskforce on Inclusive Education for Students for Disabilities (2004).
Setting the EAP Context The Education Adjustment Program (EAP) is part of the systemic response to the Ministerial Taskforce on Inclusive Education for Students for Disabilities (2004). It is part of national and international trends seeking to develop inclusive education practices within an adjustment approach.
Educators identify and respond to the learning needs of ALL students. Education adjustments are typically made as early as possible after identifying that the student is experiencing difficulties: accessing the curriculum achieving curriculum outcomes and participating in school life. These are professional and legislative obligations. Setting the EAP Context
The legislative basis: Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act (1991) Disability Discrimination Act (1992) Disability Standards for Education (2005) Education (General Provisions) Act, EGPA (2006). Setting the EAP Context
Definition of Disability • Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Commonwealth) Section 4 (1) • Disability, in relation to a person, means: • (a) total or partial loss of the person’s bodily or mental functions; or • (b) total or partial loss of a part of the body; or • (c) the presence in the body of organisms causing disease or illness; or • (d) the presence in the body of organisms capable of causing disease or • illness; or • (e) the malfunction, malformation or disfigurement of a part of the person’s • body; or • (f) a disorder or malfunction that results in the person learning differently • from a person without the disorder or malfunction; or • (g) a disorder, illness or disease that affects a person’s thought processes, • perception of reality, emotions or judgment or that results in disturbed • behaviour; • and includes a disability that: • (h) presently exists; or • (i) previously existed but no longer exists; or • (j) may exist in the future (including because of a genetic predisposition to that disability); or • (k) is imputed to a person. • To avoid doubt, a disability that is otherwise covered by this • definition includes behaviour that is a symptom or manifestation of the disability. Current October 2009
“The Education provider must take reasonable steps to ensure that a student is able to participate in the courses or programs provided by the educational institution and use the facilities and services provided by it on the same basis as a student without a disability and without experiencing discrimination” from Disability Standards for Education 2005 Part 5.2 (1) Setting the EAP Context
Disability Definitions The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) definition of disability applies to a greater number of students than those identified through the Education Adjustment Program.
The Education Adjustment Program (EAP) commenced in 2005. The Education Adjustment Program contributes to promoting inclusive and accountable curriculum for students with disabilities provides foundation for resourcing processes Education Adjustment Program
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Hearing Impairment (HI) Intellectual Impairment (II) Physical Impairment (PI) Speech-Language Impairment (SLI) Vision Impairment (VI) EAP Disability Categories
EAP Quality Assurance Quality Assurance Points Recognised Specialists Approved Statewide Verifiers Principal authorises accuracy Validation process Step 1 Identification Step 2 Obtain & record parent permission to start process Step 3 Diagnosis / Specialist Assessment Step 4 Register student on database (AIMS) Adjustments Step 5 Verification of Disability Step 6 EAP Profile completed and submitted Step 7 Validation
Verification Quality Assurance Points Recognised Specialists Approved Statewide Verifiers Principal authorises accuracy Validation process Step 1 Identification Step 2 Obtain & record parent permission to start process Step 3 Diagnosis / Specialist Assessment Step 4 Register student on database (AIMS) Adjustments Step 5 Verification of Disability Step 6 EAP Profile completed and submitted Step 7 Validation
Centralised verification commenced in 2006. All disability categories were reviewed from 2006-2008: revised criteria for HI, PI and VI implemented for the 2008 verification cycle revised criteria for ASD, II and SLI implemented from Semester 2 2009 video presentations of the verification reviews are available on the EAP website http://education.qld.gov.au/students/disabilities/adjustment/videopresentations.html Verification
All disability categories have two criteria: Criterion 1 relating to impairment Criterion 2 relating to activity limitations and participation restrictions for the student at school resulting from the impairment. Criteria
EAP Disability Criteria Criterion 1 Impairment + Criterion 2 Activity limitations/ participation restrictions = Disability Adapted from: World Health Organisation’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) (WHO, 2001)
Criterion 1 Diagnosis or specialist assessment of the impairment is required from the relevant specialists listed for each EAP disability category.
Criterion 2 Description of activity limitations and participation restrictions is required from members of the school team using all the information gathered. The evidence required varies according to the disability category. These requirements are outlined in the Education Adjustment Program Handbook and also on the disability-specific EAP Verification Forms and prompts. http://education.qld.gov.au/students/disabilities/adjustment/
Further information on the verification is available at:http://education.qld.gov.au/students/disabilities/adjustment/verification/index.html Further Information
EAP Profile Quality Assurance Points Recognised Specialists Approved Statewide Verifiers Principal authorises accuracy Validation process Step 1 Identification Step 2 Obtain & record parent permission to start process Step 3 Diagnosis / Specialist Assessment Step 4 Register student on database (AIMS) Adjustments Step 5 Verification of Disability Step 6 EAP Profile completed and submitted Step 7 Validation
The EAP Profile A questionnaire focusing on what adjustments school personnel currently make to support a student with disabilities in school.
The EAP Profile It records the education adjustments being made tosupport a student in accessing curriculum, achieving curriculum outcomes and participating in the life of the school. The profile records the frequency of a sample of education adjustments for students with disabilities in Prep to Year 12.
Underlying Principles and Assumptions: designed to report the adjustments currently being made for a student not intended to capture every adjustment made for a student samples the adjustments schools make to meet a student's needs selecting and prioritising the appropriateness of education adjustments is integral to the way teachers plan and deliver a quality curriculum. EAP Profile
EAP Profile The revised EAP Profile implemented from 13 July 2009: replaces the original EAP Profile and the Beginning School Profile (BSP) used for students from Prep to Year 12 eliminates the need to be familiar with multiple tools includes intent of questions on the profile. Revised EAP Profile video presentation is available on the EAP website: http://education.qld.gov.au/students/disabilities/adjustment/
Revised Profile Changes Deleting six (6) questions Rewording of some questions Clarifying the question intent Changing frequency response options of some questions Adjusting the layout of the profile Using one EAP Profile for all students from Prep to Year 12
EAP Validation Quality Assurance Points Recognised Specialists Approved Statewide Verifiers Principal authorises accuracy Validation process Step 1 Identification Step 2 Obtain & record parent permission to start process Step 3 Diagnosis / Specialist Assessment Step 4 Register student on database (AIMS) Adjustments Step 5 Verification of Disability Step 6 EAP Profile completed and submitted Step 7 Validation
Validation A quality assurance process that ensures the accuracy of adjustments being recorded by schools on submitted EAP Profiles ensures consistencyinreporting adjustments on EAP Profile is maintained over time and across school settings continues the supportive processes to assist schools become confident with the use of the EAP Profile
Linking to QCARF The P-12 Curriculum Framework sets the expectation that schools and teachers will enable all students to access and achieve the learning described in the mandated curriculum documents. Taken from Policy, Principles and Guidelines for Queensland Schools Version 1 2008
What does Validation mean for schools? Validation confirms that the school’s documentation adequately reflects the frequency, range and complexity of adjustments recorded for students with disabilities.
Validation Process Statewide Validators facilitate the process Statewide Validators will work in teams to implement the process and will have a statewide responsibility for validation Statewide Validators will consult with schools, districts and regions to validate a sample of EAP profiles
EAP Validation Process Centralised analysis of EAP Profile data Discuss Validation Process with regional and districtpersonnel Sample selection Notify schools of Validation sample Communicate with Principals School consultation and collection of documentation Analysis of school documentation Validation Outcome Feedback with school team district and regional personnel
Centralised identification of profiles for Validation Centralised sample of EAP Profiles selected across: disability categories school sectors districts students with hearing impairment, physical impairment and vision impairment who attend non-state schools and are supported by Departmental staff (AVTs)
Discussion with Principal and HOSES (if applicable) including focussed questions on Student population School community EAP process including profile completion and documentation of adjustments Whole school context School profile data analysis Collection of school documentation Documentation may be submitted electronically School consultation process
Following analysis of documentation, the Statewide Validation team Determines validation outcome Provides feedback including recommended actions and timelines for completion Validation Outcome
Key Messages… Validation ensures data obtained through the EAP profile is valid and reliable Schools present documents to support current adjustments Statewide Validators determine outcome and provide feedback to schools and regions
Further information on the Validation process is available at:http://education.qld.gov.au/students/disabilities/adjustment/validation/index.html Further Information
Further Information on EAP EAP Website (http://education.qld.gov.au/students/disabilities/adjustment/index.html) EAP Handbook, Forms, Validation Presentation, etc