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ECSTASY . Made by Charlotte and Nicholas. DEFINITION. Chemical Name: Methylenedioxymethamphetamine MDMA. is a strong drug that acts as a stimulant and can cause hallucinations. . Ecstasy. is a narcotic drug. . Ecstasy. Description .
ECSTASY Made by Charlotte and Nicholas
DEFINITION Chemical Name: • Methylenedioxymethamphetamine • MDMA • isa strong drug that acts as a stimulant and can cause hallucinations. Ecstasy • is a narcotic drug. Ecstasy
Description • MADE OF:It is a combination of chemicals made in drug labs and it is a hallucinogens that is also similar to amphetamines. • Ecstasy usually comes in gelatin capsules or small pills. The pills can be any color and often have a design like a dove, a diamond, or a hammer and sickle stamped on them. It can also come in a powder, which is snorted or dissolved and injected.
Some EFFECTSofEcstasy • Mental : hallucinations,sleep problems • Emotional : depression, paranoia, anxiety, aggression • Physical : muscle tension, jaw soreness, sexual activity, sleep problems,painsensitivity, blurred vision, rapid eye movement, faintness, chills, sweating
LegalORIllegal ? • Yes, Ecstasy is illegal and its possession, use, and sale carry heavy prison sentences and fines and disciplinary consequences.
So…WHY? Then, why do people use this drug? • At first this had us stumped. Why would people take a drug of which could kill you, or cause you permanent damage in your brain? After a while, we came to realize that sometimes people want those things; sometimes people come to raves to live in a fantasy world, where they don’t have to actually live their real lives. When you really think about it, some of the people in this world are really twisted, and some just don’t know right from wrong, so you can never actually know for such what they want to gain from taking this.
Ecstasy Overdose Story EDMONTON — Cassandra Williams' body was dying, even as the 14-year-old lay in her hospital bed, hooked up to life support. An overdose of ecstasy Friday night shocked her small body so badly that her heart stopped beating in the middle of a West Edmonton Mall underage party. Paramedics restarted it and raced her to hospital, but it failed again soon after. As she faded Saturday afternoon, a nurse turned off the visual monitor, and her mother sat quietly by her side. Soon, a nurse said it was over. "All I said was, 'I know,'" said Angie Eyre, her mother. "They didn't have to tell me. I could feel it. "Her body took over. They let her go on her own, really.“ Another 14-year-old girl who was at Friday night's Rock 'n' Ride party, a monthly youth event at the mall's Galaxyland amusement park, said drug use there was rampant. Most teens stuff the drug down their shirt or their pants so it isn't found when they enter. The girl said everyone her age who goes to the mall knows where to go if they want ecstasy — and if they don't, they can learn in five minutes. A West Edmonton Mall spokesman would not comment Sunday. Brandon Ferko and Chris Courtenay, both 16, said they were with Cassie and her friend at a West Edmonton Mall underage party when Cassie's friend pulled a napkin out of her bra. In it were 12 pink pills of triple-strength ecstasy they said they bought while waiting in line. Each girl took six. The friend survived. Cassie didn't. Cassandra, or Cassie as her friends called her, was an independent-minded girl who was into pink and images of skulls. She was the "eyeliner queen," said her mother, cradling a recent school photo Sunday evening. She brushed her thumb against her daughter's chin. It was a re-shoot. Cassie wasn't satisfied with the first, and Eyre stayed up late the day before to help paint the bottoms of Cassie's hair pink. “If Cassie called in sick for school, it was only because she slept in too late to properly straighten her hair”, Eyre said, smiling. And they talked about drugs. Just last week, Cassie told her mother she would never take them. "What, are you crazy?" Eyre said her daughter told her. "All that stuff will wreck my complexion." "Why she took it, we'll never know," said Sunday. The suspected drug seller was arrested downtown Saturday afternoon. He passed out during the arrest but was in stable condition that evening. The recent deaths have left many teens freaked out, said a Leduc mother, Sylvia, whose son, 14, was also at Rock 'n' Ride last Friday. He was offered ecstasy, but an adult was with their group. "West Edmonton Mall needs to step up and figure something else out," she said. "It's scary, way too scary. Young lives are snuffed out in an instant." Thinking of the young victim's mother, she said, "it just sends a pang through my chest."
Our Opinion • Personally, we think that if God spoke to user of this substance, he would definitely not be pleased whatsoever. This is a harmful drug which can kill. I don’t understand how someone in the world could possibly know all of these facts, and yet, still not care that they are putting it in their body; harming their body with every dose of it. God tells us that our body is like a temple, and to treat it like that. Putting deathful drugs in the body which God created uniquely is not exactly thanking him very well. I think that he gets pretty disappointed when he sees that happening. I mean, who wouldn’t?
The Bible Tells Me So… • 1 Corinthians 6: 16-20 ‘There's more to sex than mere skin on skin. Sex is as much spiritual mystery as physical fact. As written in Scripture, "The two become one." Since we want to become spiritually one with the Master, we must not pursue the kind of sex that avoids commitment and intimacy, leaving us more lonely than ever—the kind of sex that can never "become one." There is a sense in which sexual sins are different from all others. In sexual sin we violate the sacredness of our own bodies, these bodies that were made for God-given and God-modeled love, for "becoming one" with another. Or didn't you realize that your body is a sacred place, the place of the Holy Spirit? Don't you see that you can't live however you please, squandering what God paid such a high price for? The physical part of you is not some piece of property belonging to the spiritual part of you. God owns the whole works. So let people see God in and through your body.’ • Basically, we think that it is saying just that. Your body is God’s temple, and when you just treat it like trash, not caring about what you put in it. It doesn’t only hurt you and your health, but God is hurt that you would be and act so carelessly and ungrateful towards him, and what he has provided for you.