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Improving Quality and Productivity at Work: Community Strategy 2007-2012 on Health and Safety at Work. EBC Conference Improving health and safety in construction SMEs Brussels, 23 February 2009 Antonio Cammarota European Commission, DG EMPL/F4 - Luxembourg
Improving Quality and Productivity at Work: Community Strategy 2007-2012 on Health and Safety at Work EBC Conference Improving health and safety in construction SMEs Brussels, 23 February 2009 Antonio Cammarota European Commission, DG EMPL/F4 - Luxembourg "Health, Safety and Hygiene at Work"
A new strategic framework for a more integrated OSH policy at European level • Commission Communication COM(2007) 62 final of 21.2.2007 • Ongoing, sustainable and uniform reduction in accidents at work and occupational illnesses continues to be the main objective • An ambitious goal: 25% reduction of the total incidence rate of accidents at work
Why do we need a new EU Strategic Framework on OSH? • A safe and healthy workplace: • is aright for all citizens of the Union • is a key factor to the Lisbon EU's Growth and Jobs Agenda • helps to address the demographic change
OSH in the EUA mixed picture • According to the evaluation of the former 2002-2006 OSH Community Strategy - SEC(2007) 214: • The rate of fatal accidents at work in the EU-15 has fallen by 17% (extrapolation: period 2000-2004) (source: Eurostat) • The rate of workplace accidents leading to absences of more than 3 days has fallen by 20% (extrapolation: period 2000-2004) (source: Eurostat) • Nevertheless: • In 2004, 4 million accidents resulting in more than 3 days off work and 4 400 fatal accidents at work (EU-15) • Occupational illnesses and accidents keep being a heavy burden on European economy and society
OSH in the EUA mixed picture • According to the latest results of the Fourth European Survey of Working Conditions (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2006): • 28% of workers in the EU say they suffer from health problems caused or likely to be caused and/or exacerbated by their job • 35% perceive their job as putting their health at risk
OSH in the EU A mixed picture • Occupational hazards are still high: • For certain categories of workers (young, older, migrant workers, workers with insecure jobs) • In certain types of companies (in particular SMEs) • In certain sectors (construction, agriculture, fishing, transport, health care, social services) • Specific illnesses are on the rise (psychosocial, MSDs, etc.)
OSH in the EU A mixed picture • Main challenges for the future: • Demographic change (ageing of the work population) • New employment trends (increase in self-employment and SMEs; outsourcing/subcontracting; fragmentation of working life) • Migrant workers • New risk factors
The New EU Strategic Framework Improving quality and productivity at work: Community strategy 2007-2012 on health and safety at work COM(2007) 62 final • Main areas of action: • Improving, simplifying and better implementing existing legislation • Fostering development of coherent national strategies • Stimulating research (better identifying and assessing potential new risks) • Mainstreaming OSH into other substantive policy areas
Strengthening implementation of Community legislation • Enforcement • Complementary tools • Practical guidance • Consultation mechanisms
Improving and simplifying the EU regulatory framework • Towards a common methodology to evaluate OSH legislation? • Initiatives within the ACSH (new structure of national implementation reports; pilot project on evaluation) • EC Evaluation of the implementation of European Directives (92/57/EEC, 92/58/EEC, 92/91/EEC, 92/104/EEC, 92/29/EEC and 93/103/EC) • Taking sistematically into account the need for possible simplification (e.g. WRMSDs) • Legislation made easier to apply (reduced number of reference texts) • Less burdensome (simplification of administrative and technical obligations) • More effective (facilitate practical implementation and enforceability)
Fostering the development of national strategies • Promote the adoption of a strategic approach to OSH policies at all levels • Stronger interface between the European and the national levels of governance • OSH Community strategy acting as a catalyst for Member States to develop more integrated OSH policies • The role of the ACSH as the ideal tripartite forum for coordination and exchange of information on national strategies • Developing monitoring tools
Towards a Common EU Preventative Culture • The fostering and promotion of a common preventative safety and health culture is the fundamental basis for improving OSH performance in the long term • OSH legislation has contributed to bring about changes in behavioural patterns, but a strategy aimed at promoting a general preventative culture must address all part of society and go beyond the workplace and the working population
Towards a Common EU Preventative Culture • Finding new synergies between OSH policy and other substantive policy areas (education, public health, research) • Better identifying and assessing potential new risks trough more research, exchange of knowledge and practical application of results
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