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February 23, 2010 Brussels. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ŠKODA AUTO RADEK ŠPICAR, M. Phil . Director of External Affairs. ŠKODA AUTO : OVER A 100-YEARS TRADITION. Skoda Auto is the biggest privat company in the Czech Republic over 26 153 employees (1 335 in foreign subsidiaries)
February 23, 2010 Brussels CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ŠKODA AUTO RADEK ŠPICAR, M. Phil. DirectorofExternalAffairs
Skoda Auto is the biggest privat company in the Czech Republic over 26 153 employees (1 335 in foreign subsidiaries) production more than 684 000 cars annually represents 4% of the country GDP cca 8% of total exports of the Czech Republic production plants in 6 countries (Czech Republic India, China, Russia, Ukraine, Kazachstan) leader on the field of research, inovation and company’s education in the Czech Republic, etc. Good economic health is necessary conditionto widen our environmental and social activities Skoda Auto Introduction
2009 ASSEMBLY PLANTS ABROAD Russia (Kaluga) 10/2007 Ukraine (Solomonovo) 09/2002 Kazakhstan (Ust-Kamenogorsk) 08/2005 China (Shanghai) 03/2007 India (Aurangabad) 10/2001 101 countries 684,000 cars 91% shareofexport
ECONOMIC PILLAR • Corporate Governance • Transparent relations with shareholders • Internal relations among supervisory board, bord of directors and management • Independent audit • Code of conduct • Supliers and consumers relations • Long-term partnership • Respect to their demands • Encourages suppliers to fulfil the highest technical, ecological and social standards though e.i. ISO 14001, 9001 etc. (96% of them fulfil)
. SOCIAL PILLAR Skoda Auto invests annually more than €11 mil. into social projects. • Age related projects • Protected workplaces • Physiotherapy • Re-qualifications • Health related projects • Healthy food in canteens • No smoking areas • Conditional programmes • Vaccinations against flu
SOCIAL PILLAR • Genderrelatedprojects • Growofnumberofwomen in management • Support women on maternity leave (leaving car andcomputerfortheirneeds) • Contribution on nurserycostup to 30% • Diversity management • 1700 foreignemployeesfrom 28 countries in thecompany • Creationofgoodworkingcondition forallgroupsofemployeesfocusing on age, sex andnationality • Languagecourses, interculturaltraining formanagers,…
. ENVIRONMENTAL PILLAR Total investments in ecology in last 15 years € 370 million.
The company´s ecological policy is focused on: Environmental production Recycling and using environmentally friendly products - (reduction and sorting of waste, 96% of supliers fulfil the highest ecological standards, etc.). Reduction of negative impact on environment - (reduction of water, heat and energy consumption per car) Natural sources protection - (biomass combustion in the Skoda Auto power-station = reduction of 10 % emission of CO2 ) Combined traffic - (60% of production transported by trains). Environmental products E85, LPG, Greenline ENVIRONMENTAL PILLAR
EU should: support the CSR initiatives of the companies promote the best practices regulate the CSR framework through multilateral trade agreements (WTO, the International Labour Organisation etc… ) adoptvoluntaryapproach lead campaigns for social and environment friendly EU external trade EU should not: create restrictive or strict CSR related legislation increase price of trade related external social policies make barriers against free trade flow… Business expectation
Thank you for your attention Radek Spicar, M. Phil. Director, External Affairs Skoda Auto a.s. V. Klementa 869 293 60 Mlada Boleslav Tel: + 420 326 811 717 Fax: + 420 326 811 938 E-mail: radek.spicar@skoda-auto.cz