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Exercise 1

Exercise 1. Coordinates: 1. X0, Y0, Z-0.25 2. X4, Y0, Z-0.25 3. X4, Y3, Z-0.25 4. X0, Y3, Z-0.25 5. X1.375, Y1.125, Z-0.125 6. X2.625, Y1.125, Z-0.125 7. X2.625, Y1.875, Z-0.125 8. X1.375, Y1.875, Z-0.125. Exercise 1 - part program. % Program start flag :1007 Program number

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Exercise 1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Exercise 1 Coordinates: 1. X0, Y0, Z-0.25 2. X4, Y0, Z-0.25 3. X4, Y3, Z-0.25 4. X0, Y3, Z-0.25 5. X1.375, Y1.125, Z-0.125 6. X2.625, Y1.125, Z-0.125 7. X2.625, Y1.875, Z-0.125 8. X1.375, Y1.875, Z-0.125

  2. Exercise 1 - part program % Program start flag :1007 Program number N5 G90 G20 G40 G80 Setup defaults N10 M__ T_ Tool change to Tool #6 N15 M__ S___ Spindle on clockwise at 1500 rpm N20 G__ X___ M__ Rapid move to X-0.5, coolant on N25 Z____ Rapid move down to Z-0.25 N30 G__ X_ F__ Feed move to point #2 at 15 ipm N35 Y_ Feed move to point #3 N40 X_ Feed move to point #4 N45 Y_ Feed move to point #1 N50 G__ Z____ Rapid move up to Z0.25

  3. Exercise 1 - part program (cont.) N55 X_____ Y_____ Rapid move over to (X1.375, Y1.125) N60 G__ Z______ F_ Feed move down to point #5 N65 X_____ Feed move to point #6 N70 Y_____ Feed move to point #7 N75 X_____ Feed move to point #8 N80 Y_____ Feed move to point #5 N85 G__ Z_ Rapid move up to Z1 N90 X_ Y_ M__ Rapid move to (X0, Y0), coolant off N95 M__ Spindle off N100 M__ Program end

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