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Welcome to Bower Park Academy! Our shared vision is to strive for excellence, transforming life chances for all students. Make informed choices for your future - consider aspirational courses, the EBacc subjects, and a well-rounded curriculum. Follow the timeline for course selection and fill out the Options Form to shape your academic journey. Take ownership of your learning and excel in a supportive environment.
Options Evening Aspire to Achieve, Enjoy and Excel Welcome
Our Shared Vision and Values Our vision is to strive for excellence to transform the life chances for all. Every child will excel to obtain outstanding outcomes across a breadth of experiences. Students will develop into well rounded valued citizens, ready and equipped for a future world.
4 choices – TOP TIPS • Choose courses that you enjoy • Choose courses you are interested or talented in • Choose a broad and balanced range of subjects • Consider aspirational choices - aim high (or reach for the stars) • Consider the type of course • Consider any GCSEs essential for your career choice but remember plans can change! Keep your choices broad • Use the exam board website to find out more • Ask questions so you canmake informed choices
Mrs Stannard Vice Principal
Timeline for the Process • Tuesday 19th March Options Assembly • Wednesday 20th March Options Evening • Wednesday 3rd April Options due • Monday 29th April – Friday 3rd May DoL interviews • Thursday 13thJune Options confirmed PLEASE NOTE that your child may not automatically get the subjects they choose! Some subjects can accept only a limited number of students and if too few students choose a subject it will not run. You must select two reserve choices which you would be happy to study! N.B. There should be minimal option changes after this point and none from 1st October.
Core Curriculum – compulsory subjects! • English Language GCSE • English Literature GCSE • Mathematics GCSE • Double Award Science x 2 GCSEs • French (for the majority) • Core Physical Education (non examined)
The English Baccalaureate Why study the EBacc subjects? • It’s now an expectation from the government • An indication of Academic ability • The EBacc subjects are known as facilitating subjects. These are the subjects most commonly required or preferred by universities to get on to a range of degree courses. To achieve the EBaccstudents must opt for: • French • History or Geography
Why Languages matter • Skills like problem solving and dealing with abstract concepts are increased • Expand your world view and make foreign travel easier • Be better at multitasking (make fewer errors when driving!) • Have all University options open to you! • You’ll be competing against people who have an additional language • You’ll be more employable • Improve your skills and grades in Mathematics and English at GCSE • Add between 10-15% to your salary • Enhance your opportunities in a range of careers e.g. business, medicine, law, technology, military, marketing, etc.
The Options Form Option Subjects Music BTEC will run as an additional GCSE during lesson 6 (2.30-3.30pm).
SIMS Options Online Step 1: You will receive a registration code to your email address from noreply@sims.co.uk tomorrow. Check your spam. If you have not received this by Friday please contact Katharine Howard howardk@bowerpark.co.uk Step 2: Register You will need to enter your child’s date of birth
Step 3: Once registered you can log on in www.sims-options.co.uk Step 4: Select Parent from the Current role drop down Step 4a: Students create their own logon using their school email address through the same process
Step 5: Click on the name of the subjects you wish to choose. This will then turn blue and appear on list of choices on the right hand side. Select subjects in order of preference! Step 6: Once you have made your choices and then select your reserve choices. Click on reserve button beside the subject you wish to pick.
Own your learning; own your future You are hardworking, highly motivated and contribute fully to learning.You are enthusiastic and co-operative with staff and collaborate very effectively.You take full responsibility for your own learning, show perseverance, meet all deadlines and complete work to the very best of your ability. You respond to all feedback given to improve your work. You complete research, preparation and home learning thoroughly and are fully equipped for lessons.