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Y8 Options Evening March 2011

Y8 Options Evening March 2011. Starting KS4 in Year 9. Vertical teaching – where are we going?. Two phase curriculum: Phase 1 – Year 7 and 8 - taught horizontally Phase 2 – Years 9,10,11 taught horizontally in core taught vertically in options subjects (one option per year)

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Y8 Options Evening March 2011

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  1. Y8 Options EveningMarch 2011 Starting KS4 in Year 9

  2. Vertical teaching – where are wegoing? • Two phase curriculum: • Phase 1 – Year 7 and 8 - taught horizontally • Phase 2 – Years 9,10,11 • taught horizontally in core • taught vertically in options subjects (one option per year) • taught vertically for enrichment courses

  3. What does this mean for me? • In Year 9 you will begin your GCSE courses in your core subjects at some point during the year • Core subjects include maths, English, science, RE, PE and ICT. • All students will begin Triple Science courses in Year 9 • As well as your core subjects you will choose one GCSE option to study in Year 9. This course will be completed and examined at the end of Year 9. • You will be able to choose a 2nd GCSE option subject to complete in Year 10 and a third option which will be studied in Year 11. You do not have to choose your subjects for Year 10 and 11 until later.

  4. Benefits of vertical groupings • Frees up additional time in maths, English and science • Puts an additional 60 teaching hours into the options subjects – impact on grades • Allows us to offer more subject choices • Potential for running smaller groups • Reduces stress for students particularly in Y11 • Students can choose a new option subject each year • Where a course is oversubscribed older students get preference • Provides enrichment time in the curriculum

  5. Enrichment • Volunteering and community work • Language courses • Practical hair and beauty courses • First aid courses • Counselling/mentoring courses • Literacy, Numeracy and Language leaders • Sports leaders, JSLA, CSLA, Personal Trainer, Dance leader • Enrichment choices available later in the term

  6. Curriculum pathways

  7. What can I choose? • Wide range of subjects and types of courses • GCSEs, BTECs, OCR Nationals • We always try hard to give first choices but there are no guarantees

  8. What are the different qualifications worth? • BTECs -2/4 GCSE equivalence • OCR Nationals – 1GCSE equivalence • GCSE subjects – 1 GCSE

  9. What do I need to know before I make my choices? • The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) • Students awarded an additional certificate that recognises A*-C passes in English, Maths, 2 Science GCSEs, Humanities and a foreign language

  10. What do I need to know before I make my choices? • BTEC courses – what are they worth? • Grammar schools require 5 Grade Bs for entry into 6th Form • Top universities are looking for A/A*s at GCSE • Options form • First, second and third choices • College/employment/university plans • Careers guidance interviews • Early interviews • Parent attendance

  11. What should I take into consideration? • What topics does the course cover – am I interested? • Will it help me with what I want to do at college or in the job I want? • Do my assessment levels tell me that I can study it and do well? • What is the learning style – practical/academic? • Is it exam or coursework based – which method of assessment am I best at? • TALK TO YOUR TEACHERS ABOUT WHAT THEY THINK!

  12. How should I choose? • Choose subjects that you are good at and enjoy • Choose subjects that will support you in college and employment • DON’T CHOOSE SUBJECTS BECAUSE YOUR FRIENDS HAVE CHOSEN THEM!! • Struggling to choose? Request an early careers guidance interview when you complete your options form.

  13. Option Process • Y8 Parent & Options evening – 17th March • Options forms handed out on 17th March • To be returned to school by Friday 25th March • Career interviews will begin after half term

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