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Explore how to adapt teaching practices and identities to improve student learning. Learn from the Adaptive Schools model and Cognitive Coaching approach for effective collaboration and professional growth. Discover strategies and tools to increase teacher proficiency and support student achievement. Join the journey towards becoming proficient collaborators in education.
Coaching Jacque Melin
We want to Increase Student Learning In order to do this…..how Adaptive are we? Adaptive Definition: Changing form (practice) while changing identity. Focusing Questions: Who are we? Who do we need to be? Why are we doing this? Why are we doing this this way? From Adaptive Schools - Garmston & Wellman
Companies that are adaptive…(or not) • Adaptive • Target • Google • 3M • Amazon • Apple • Not • Blockbuster • Sears
Dilts Nested Levels of LearningOne level impacts the other… Identity WHO? Beliefs, Values, Assumptions WHY? Capabilities HOW? Behaviors WHAT? Environment WHERE?
Dilts Nested Levels of LearningOne level impacts the other… Very powerful in highlighting the link between what we think, what we do, and the results we get. Identity The roles we play Beliefs, Values, Assumptions Beliefs &values we hold as important to us. Capabilities Skills & knowledge Behaviors Actions & Reactions Environment Result/Outcome
Dilts Nested Levels of LearningOne level impacts the other… Things you can do to improve your effectiveness as a science teacher. Reflect on the environment around you. It is what you want it to be? Are you achieving the results you want? Identity The roles we play Beliefs, Values, Assumptions Beliefs &values we hold as important to us. Capabilities Skills & knowledge Behaviors Actions & Reactions Environment Result/Outcome
“All the good work in schools is just tinkering unless we clarify our identities as collaborators and inquirers.” - Michael Fullan
Vision for School ChangeThe Elements of Professional Community 3. Collaborative culture 1. Compelling purpose and academic focus 2. Collective efficacy and shared responsibility for student learning 5. Relational trust in one another 6. Individual and group learning based on ongoing assessment and feedback 4. Deprivatized practice From Adaptive Schools - Garmston & Wellman
Collaboration Collaboration does not happen by chance; it has to be taught, practiced and learned. Developing collaborative cultures is the work of leaders who realize that a collection of superstar teachers working in isolation cannot produce the same results as interdependent colleagues who share and develop professional practices together. - Garmston and Wellman
Outcomes for this part of the workshop • Gain an emerging understanding of the benefits of Cognitive Coaching℠ • Examine skills needed to be a proficient collaborator • Explore a communication tool that supports collaboration From Cognitive Coaching ℠ - Costa and Garmston
Model From Cognitive Coaching ℠ - Costa and Garmston • List what you observe about: • The interaction • The coach’s behavior • The coachee’s thinking
Mission Statement • The mission of Cognitive Coaching℠ is to produce self-directed persons with the cognitive capacity for high performance both independently and as members of a learning community. • The metaphor of a stagecoach is one used to understand what a coach does—convey a valued person from where s/he is to where s/he wants to be. From Cognitive Coaching ℠ - Costa and Garmston
How Proficient Collaborators Think and Act • Which of these strategies do you use? Does your staff use? • Which of these strategies might need to be modeled and practiced to encourage students/adults to use? From Cognitive Coaching ℠ - Costa and Garmston
Positive Presuppositions • “Given our shared concern about student achievement, let’s examine our assumptions about what might be causing the gaps in learning.” From Cognitive Coaching ℠ - Costa and Garmston Instead of asking, “Does any body here know why the kids aren’t learning?
Positive Presuppositions • As you reflect upon the lesson, • As you examine the data, • Based upon past successful experiences, • As an experienced educator, • As a successful teacher, From Cognitive Coaching ℠ - Costa and Garmston
Pausing • Wait time. From Cognitive Coaching ℠ - Costa and Garmston
Paraphrasing/Listening Set Asides Paraphrasing Listening Set Asides Attend fully Capture the essence of the message Paraphrase before asking a question Use the pronoun “you” instead of “I”. Autobiographical Inquisitive Solution From Cognitive Coaching ℠ - Costa and Garmston
Principals of Paraphrasing Paraphrasing sends three messages • I am listening • I am interested/I care • I understand you (or I am trying to) From Cognitive Coaching ℠ - Costa and Garmston
Levels of Paraphrasing From Cognitive Coaching ℠ - Costa and Garmston
Planning Conversation • Occurs before a colleague conducts or participates in an event, resolves a challenge, or attempts a task. The coach may or may not be present during the event or available for follow-up conversation. You try…
Exit Card • Armed with all of the information from this workshop, what are YOUR next steps?