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Discover the origins, techniques, and key artists of Cubism, a groundbreaking art movement that revolutionized painting and sculpture. Dive into Cézanne’s influence, explore Cubist techniques, and create your own Cubist face. Research the history of Cubism and present your findings in a newspaper page.

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  1. Cubism Working level ____________ Target level ________ Name___________________________________ Group__________________________________ Weaknesses Strengths And Next Steps

  2. Background Cubism • Cubism • Cubism was founded in or around 1906(dates vary) by pioneering artists including Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. Heavy influenced by the late work of Paul Cezanne, his use of colour and shape was evident in early Cubist work. • Cubism revolutionised both painting and sculptures as well as inspiring other art movements such as music. • In cubist artworks objects are broken up, and re-assembled in a new form, instead of making direct copies. Art works often show the object from many different view points at the same time, giving the work an illusion of movement. • Timeline • 1907-1911 Analytic Cubism • 1911-1919 Synthetic Cubism1919 Surrealist Movement Cubist artists Pablo Picasso Georges Braque Otto Gutfreund Jacques Lipchitz Juan Gris Alexander Archipenko Gertrude Stein Fernand Leger

  3. Cubist artworks

  4. Cubist artworks

  5. Task one Explore Cézanne’s Painting Approach Braque and Picasso greatly admired the paintings of Cézanne. (Paul Cézanne, The Grounds of the Château Noir circa 1900-6) Select a small section of Cezanne’s painting and copy it in the space below.  Use pastels or crayons to copy the colour’s and marks that he has used.

  6. Task two Explore Cubist Techniques Draw 3 images of the same object from different view points (for example above looking down, from one side, straight on or looking up at the object from below). Cut the sketches up into 8 sections. Choose 2 sections from each original sketch and put them together to make up a 'cubist' style image.

  7. Task two

  8. Task two

  9. Task two- Final image

  10. Task three Simple shapes: Some Cubist paintings and sculptures used simplified shapes to represent the features of the face. Look at the photos of Gareth Barry here try to simply his features and create your own Cubist face. (To gain a higher grade use colour)

  11. Task Four Research: Look at the history of Cubism :- make notes related to your findings. Who were the artists? Where did they work? In what media? How many exhibitions were they? You will need to use your findings for task five. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  12. Task Five Use your research notes to develop a newspaper page about Cubism. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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