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APUS Gov t. Ch. 1 Cards for Review

. Who said that politics is a failure of government to respond to citizen's needs?. Harold Haswell. . . A long-standing structure that performs certain functions for society is called a(n) ____________.. . an institution.. . What is wrong with a test for voters?. . It violates democratic theory..

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APUS Gov t. Ch. 1 Cards for Review

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    1. APUS Gov’t. Ch. 1 Cards for Review

    2. Who said that politics is a failure of government to respond to citizen’s needs?

    3. Harold Haswell

    4. A long-standing structure that performs certain functions for society is called a(n) ____________.

    5. an institution.

    6. What is wrong with a test for voters?

    7. It violates democratic theory.

    8. How much knowledge does the average American have about their representatives and what they can do for them?

    9. They have very little knowledge of both.

    10. When and how was the test for voters banned?

    11. By the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

    12. What would it take to make a test for voting to be legal again?

    13. An act of Congress.

    14. ______ as a concept means the condition of having no government and no laws.

    15. Anarchy

    16. _________ as a concept means government controls all aspects of the political and social lives of a nation.

    17. Totalitarian

    18. The concept of _________ means the ability to cause others to modify their behavior.

    19. Power.

    20. The concept of ________ means accepting and carrying out authoritative decisions.

    21. Compliance.

    22. Decisions which are authoritative are those which can be backed up by __________ power.

    23. Legitimate

    24. To say that authority is _________ is to suggest an obligation to comply with decisions.

    25. legitimate

    26. _______ is a process that regulates conflict within a society.

    27. politics

    28. _____ is the institutions that have the power to enforce rules.

    29. Government

    30. When does it become necessary to establish a government?

    31. When a society reaches a certain level of complexity.

    32. Compelling obedience because of ascribed legitimacy is a characteristic of _________.

    33. Authority.

    34. An act of referring legislative or constitutional measures to the voters for approval or disapproval is called __________.

    35. A referendum election.

    36. A _________ is a form of government in which officials are elected to make and enforce laws and politicies.

    37. A representative democracy

    38. A ________ is an indirect democracy.

    39. republic

    40. Rule by the best suited, through virtue, talent or education is _______.

    41. An aristocracy.

    42. The concept of _________ is procedure whereby voters can propose a law or amendment within a state.

    43. initiative

    44. The Greek term for “rule by the people” was _________.

    45. democracy

    46. A procedure allowing the people to vote to dismiss an elected official from office before his or her term has expired is called _________.

    47. recall

    48. Teledemocracy somewhat resembles ___________ democracy.

    49. Athenian (or direct)

    50. The most important feature of Athenian democracy was its ________.

    51. legislature

    52. ______ is based on rule by an elite.

    53. Oligarchy

    54. When was universal suffrage achieved in the United States?

    55. In the 1960’s with the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

    56. An upper socioeconomic class that rules is called a(n) _________.

    57. elite

    58. In an elite system, the primary goal of government is ________.

    59. Stability.

    60. Political scientists Dye and Ziegler propose that American elites are _____ devoted to democratic principles and rights than are most members of the mass public.

    61. more

    62. A _______ government is based on the principle of a limitation on the power of the government.

    63. limited

    64. To ensure that majority rule does not become oppressive, modern democracies guarantee __________.

    65. The rights of the minorities.

    66. The concept of ______ _______ means the right of all people to vote for a representative in government.

    67. Universal suffrage

    68. Some versions of elite theory do not suggest elites rely on the input form __________ within society.

    69. Interest groups

    70. The concept of _________ _________ refers to the process by which beliefs and values are transmitted to individuals.

    71. Political socialization

    72. The primary source of political socialization is _________.

    73. The family.

    74. What are the three most important values in the dominant culture of the U.S.?

    75. 1) Judeo-Christian ethics 2) Individualism 3) Private property rights.

    76. ________ see public policy as a resulting from competing group interactions.

    77. Pluralists

    78. _________ is interest groups controlling government decisions, rather than the government acting.

    79. Hyperpluralism

    80. A ________ ________ is a patterned set of political beliefs, ideas and values.

    81. Political Culture

    82. The process by which political culture is transmitted is called _______ ________.

    83. Political socialization

    84. In early American culture, the pursuit of happiness was closely related to the idea of _______.

    85. Property

    86. John Locke states that man’s rights were to _______, ________, and ________.

    87. Life, liberty, and property.

    88. _______ means considering the needs of others.

    89. Fraternity

    90. A complete set of beliefs about the nature of people and the role of government is called ________.

    91. ideology

    92. Advocacy of positive government action to improve the welfare of individuals is called __________.

    93. liberalism

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