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Meet Franklin's A-Team caring for your education - counselors, teachers, and more. Achieve your goals through academics, attendance, behavior, and college readiness. Understand policies on attendance, dress code, and student conduct while preparing for graduation and college. Learn about anti-bullying measures and student rights.
2016-2017 School Year Mr. Salas, Principal Mr. Salama, Assistant Principal Ms. Zarif, Assistant Principal Mrs. Gayle, Assistant Principal Mr. Taylor, Assistant Principal
Franklin's A-Team Cares!: Mr. Salas, Mr. Salama, AP 6th-8th & 12th Mr. Taylor, AP 10th Mr. Zarif, AP 11th Mrs. Gayle, AP 9th
Who else cares about you & your education?: • Counselor – Counseling Dept. • Guidance Techs. – Career Center • We Care Team - Wellness Center • Teachers • Main Office, Attendance, Registration, & Staff
You must do your part: Accomplish your Goals? • High level of Academics • Excellent Attendance • Positive Behavior • Depth of Knowledge (Rigor) • College & Career Readiness
Road to Graduation Franklin H.S. Diploma By the end of 9th Grade You will earn 60 credits By the end of 11th Grade You will earn 180 credits By the end of 10th Grade You will earn 120 credits By the end of 12th Grade You will earn 240 credits How would you like your four years to look like? Academic, Attendance, Attitude + College & Career Readiness I’m going to College
What is Franklin’s new BOARD APPROVED policy for ATTENDANCE?: The Board Policy for excused absences that was approved on June 26, 2013, it states that: “the parent MUST present the reason for the students absences within five days of the last date of absence.”
What is Franklin's Dress Code 2014-2015 • Per the Stockton Unified School District Board Policy #5132 and Education Code Law §35294, the following clothing items or styles are not to be worn to school and will be enforced (Subject to disciplinary action): • Baggy/Sagging trousers and shirts or holes in clothing showing undergarments • Clothing with underwear showing • House slippers and pajamas, Blankets • White muscle tank shirts, underwear shirts • Athletic spirit phrases with a double meaning – teams are asked to get Assistant Principal approval prior to making spirit shirts.
Dress Code Continued -Back-less blouses or shirts (shirts that do not cover the back entirely) -Bare midriff (stomach may not be exposed) -Strapless/tube tops or shirts, off-shoulder or single strap garments, excessively low-cut tops or shirts, see-through tops, -Halter-tops, tube tops or spaghetti straps (even with a jacket) Spaghetti straps (straps must completely cover the undergarment) or thin wrap skirts -Short shorts or short skirts and skirts with slits up to the thigh area
Dress Code Continued: • Offensive/Illegal Activity: • Clothing with symbols that are known to be affiliated with illegal activities, including alcohol, tobacco, drugs, death and violence is prohibited (i.e., Scarface, guns, marijuana, etc...) • Clothing or jewelry with the playboy symbol or the word “Hustler” • Garments displaying logos of racist groups or juvenile gangs, obscene language, vulgar gestures, racist, ethnic or sexual symbols or slurs or symbols of hate, prejudice, intolerance or discrimination.
Dress Code Continued: • Apparel advertising alcohol, tobacco, drugs, death and violence • Sport jerseys of any type • Gang-related apparel • Skirts – must be at arm’s length • Head Coverings:Bandanas/beanies/baseball caps or any other type of head covering • No Red/Blue Policy: All apparel that is red or blue of any shade is prohibited (i.e.; shoelaces, shoes, belts, shirts, shorts, pants, handkerchiefs, etc.)
Other Concerns: • The B-Building is closed during both Lunches • Use of Electronics is prohibited • Restroom vests must be worn properly – Detention will be given out • Do Not Park in Staff Parking – Students parked or going through staff parking may be cited and/or sent to ALC • Dress Code Violations during Testing – Students will be sent to ALC • Students are NOT allowed to go to Jackets it’s considered off-campus
How does Franklin's No-Fight Rule work? Students who are involved in one fight will be placed in a No-Fight contract. If the student violates the No-Fight contract, by having two fights in an academic year or three fight in the student’s high school career, the student will be recommended for expulsion.
Student IDs • Student must wear IDs on lanyards per SUSD Board Policy. • Consequences • Detention • Parent calls • ALC (in school suspension)
Suspension/Expulsion: Ed. Code, State law, & Federal Law Bullying (1) "Bullying" means any severe or pervasive physical, emotional or verbal act or conduct, including communications made in writing or by means of an electronic act or social media, and including one or more acts committed by a pupil or group of pupils as defined in Section 48900.2, 48900.3, or 48900.4.
What is Negative Social Media Behavior? • What is Negative Social Media Behavior? • Bullying • Harassment • Sexual harassment • Inappropriate photos What is Social Media? • Facebook • Instagram • Twitter • Snap chat • Etc.
CELL PHONE POLICY • There will be ZERO tolerance for cell phones. We will confiscate all phones in sight. The following consequences will be issued: • 1st OFFENSE - You may pick up your phone in the Discipline Office at the end of the following school day (24 hour rule) • 2nd OFFENSE - A parent must pick it up. • 3rd OFFENSE – Cell Phone will be kept until the end of the school year. Suspension and a parent conference. • Any students who is defiant using cell phones in class will be subject to disciplinary action.
What is Social Probation? • Franklin High School will enforce Social Probation for students that violate school rules. This means that students may NOT participate in any extra curricular activities or attend any outside school events. For example: playing sports, attend home and away games, rallies, dances, field trips, and performing arts events: *3 Day Suspension = 45 Day Suspension
4. Depth of Knowledge (Rigor) “We care about your learning”
5. College & Career Readiness * What will you do after you graduate from Franklin high school?
How can you be successful at Franklin? • Attend school everyday • Set goals • Get involved • Make good choices and decisions • Use available resources • Plan and prepare for your future