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Awareness and treatment for colour blindness

Awareness and treatment for colour blindness<br>

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Awareness and treatment for colour blindness

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  1. Awareness and treatment for colour blindness The most basic meaning of colour blindness is a condition in which the subject loses the ability to see and differentiate colours under normal circumstances. This can be witnessed when the person is unable to know the difference between the red, green and sometimes in blue colour. The science behind colour blindness There are two types of cells in the retina of the eye that allows light to pass through helping us see an object. While the rods are made up of one-type of pigment that helps detect light, the cones are the cells that determine the colour vision power of the eyes as they are overtly-sensitive towards light and colours. Colour blindness is a genetic condition. These conesare typically of three types and have different pigments present in them to control the colour interpretation by the eyes. For a normal eye that can distinguish all types of colours, the pigment present in the cones are of varying types. However, if the pigment is less or there is an issue with the pigment, the person will have issues comprehending colours. This is what colour blindness is all about. Colour blindness has different levels – while some people face mild colour disabilities where the subject can see in normal light but faces problem in dim light, there are others that are unable to differentiate colours even in normal light. Colour blindness treatment methods The approach towards proper treatment of colour blindness deficiency is still a bit vague. For there is no known treatment that exists to resolve the problem. Colour blindness treatment can be cured to some extent by wearing lenses and glasses available in the market. These optic aids have specific featured filters to handle the deficiency to some extent. Fortunately, the sight and the vision of majority of colour-blind people is normal in all other vision related aspects except for this one area. But, unfortunately there has till date been no known treatment for colour blindness. In the recent years however, some kind of holistic healing is being tried to see if such a deficiency can be treated. In India especially, some ingenious ideas have to the forefront where doctors have reported success from specific colour blindness treatment methods. These people from the medical fraternity are using the traditional allopathic treatment techniques in combination with alternative treatment methodologies to find reliable cure options for colour blindness. Their innovative techniques definitely blend two or more different worlds of medicine to improve the natural ability of the eyes. New-age brilliant and original colour blindness treatment methods The treatment methods are based on the thought-process thatnatural vision can be restored at any age and that all types of vision-related problems can be rectified provided the right technique and knowledge-base is used for the same. These proprietary techniques of colour blindness treatment usually involve reviving the cone cells thereby helping treat patients with all types of colour deficiencies – total deficiency, blue-yellow colour deficiency and red-green colour deficiency. Some of these clinics and doctors have reported hundred percent success rate and have proven track record for years to prove the same.

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