Woman’s Fertility – Age dependent www.kiranivfgenetic.com
Woman’s are capable to have their eggs cryopreserved (frozen) and stored to help them have children in the upcoming or future, It is long been known that a woman’s fertility is dependent on her age. www.kiranivfgenetic.com
How is Egg Cryopreservationdone and what does it involve? www.kiranivfgenetic.com
Luckily, we have a technique called ‘vitrification‘, which exactly means ‘turning to glass’. The vitrification procedure includes dehydrating the eggs to eliminate as much water as possible and then quickly transferring the eggs into liquid nitrogen at almost -200 degrees Celsius. www.kiranivfgenetic.com
For more details please contact to the below number or Email us, www.kiranivfgenetic.com Email: info@kiranivfgenetic.com Phone no: +91-95 3340 4400 Hyderabad/Gurgaon/Nepal