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Institute of Research into the Fundamental Laws of the Universe Astrophysics Division CEA Saclay, France. WFI Consortium Meeting Presentation of our activities for X-ray astrophysics and interests for Athena / WFI. Aline Meuris On behalf of the Astrophysics division a line.meuris@cea.fr.
Institute of Research into the Fundamental Laws of the Universe Astrophysics Division CEA Saclay, France WFI Consortium MeetingPresentation of our activities for X-ray astrophysics and interests for Athena / WFI Aline Meuris On behalf of the Astrophysics division aline.meuris@cea.fr Garching– January 28, 2014
outline • Introduction to CEA-Irfu • Science: lead programs and instrument developmentsand interests for ATHENA+ • Hardware: past, present, future connected to ATHENA+ CEA/Irfu | WFI Consortium meeting Garching | January 28, 2014
Groups in cea-irfuconnected to athena+ Institute of Research into the Fundamental Laws of the Universe CEA Saclay~800 people Astrophysics, High EnergyPhysics, NuclearPhysics and associatedinstrumentation Astrophysics division (~200 people) Astrophysics Technical services Space instrumentation Observation Interpretation Simulation Instrument lead Architecture and design Detector R&D Quality AIV Front-end electronics, Mechanicalengineering… Scientificresponsibilities in instrument developments and observation programs Developments close to the detectionsystems CEA/Irfu | WFI Consortium meeting Garching | January 28, 2014
Scientific interests in X-ray astronomy • Main fields of interest: • • Compact objects: X-ray binaries, GRB, isolatedpulsars, Sgr A* • • Supernovaeremnants • as probe of extremephysics, e.g. particule acceleration • with XMM-Newton, INTEGRAL, RXTE, Chandra, Swift • in synergywithH.E.S.S., Fermi, radio telescopes • • Galaxyclusters • as probe of structure formationwithXMM-Newton and Planck • Intensive use of XMM-Newton since PV phase • PI-shipof 7 large programs and 1 very large program • Expertise in spatiallyresolved and time resolvedspectroscopy CEA/Irfu | WFI Consortium meeting Garching | January 28, 2014
Implication in Athena • Stronginvolvement in next X-ray large mission since 2001 • XEUS • Member of the steering group and ESA Science Advisory group (M. Arnaud) • IXO • Memberof the ESA Science Definition Team (M. Arnaud) • Members of instrument working group (O. Limousin for WFI/HXI, C. Pigot for calorimeter) • Athena(+) • Member of the AthenaStudy Team (A. Decourchelle) CEA/Irfu | WFI Consortium meeting Garching | January 28, 2014
Stronginterest in athenathemes • The Hot Universe: How doesordinarymatter assemble into the large scale structures thatweseetoday? • "The Astrophysics of galaxy groups and clusters withAthena+"Support paperby S.Ettori,G. Pratt et al. • The EnergeticUniverse: how do black holesgrow and influence the Universe? • The physics of accretion • Luminousextragalactictransients • Athena+ observatorycapabilities • "The astrophysics of supernova remnants and the interstellar medium" Support paper by A. Decourchelle, E. Costantiniet al. • "End points of stellarevolution" Support paper by C. Motch, J. Wilms et al. (J. Rodriguez) CEA/Irfu | WFI Consortium meeting Garching | January 28, 2014
realizations for X-RAY astrophysics • XMM-Newton (1999): 0.2-12 keV • Development of the EPIC MOS CCD Controller and Recognition Unit • Involvement in MOS CCD cameras calibration at Orsay • Contribution to the Science Survey Center • INTEGRAL / ISGRI (2001): 15-200 keV • Development of the ISGRI instrument (1024 cm2CdTe) Polycell = ceramicwithCdTecrystals and ASIC CEA/Irfu | WFI Consortium meeting Garching | January 28, 2014
realizations for X-ray astrophysics • SIMBOL-X: French-Italian hard X-ray telescope (2009) • Detector R&D (2004-2012): • IDeF-X 32-channel front-end ASICs • Caliste-HD hybridwith 8 ASICs, 256 pixels • MACSI with 8 Caliste-HD, 2048 pixels(2-100 keV) LowEnergy Detector (MPE) Si DEPFET High Energy Detector (CEA/Irfu) 64 cm2CdTe Simbol-X Focal plane CEA/Irfu | WFI Consortium meeting Garching | January 28, 2014
spaceprojects in implementation phase • Astro-H (JAXA) • Radiation damage study on CdTe detectors and ASICs • SVOM: GRB mission with China (PI institute) • MXT (0.2 – 10 keV): PI, Development of the camera • ECLAIRs (4 - 250 keV): Thermal design of the telescope, Design and qualification of front-end ASIC IDeF-X ECLAIRs • Ground segment • Solar Orbiter (ESA M1) • Development of the X-ray spectrometersfor STIX • Euclid (ESA M2) • Consortium lead (Y. Mellier IAP/CEA) and lead supports • Control electronicsandAIV of the VIS focal plane Caliste-SO prototypes CEA/Irfu | WFI Consortium meeting Garching | January 28, 2014
Skillsdevelopedalong 20-year experience • Radiation hard low power low noise front-end ASIC • (ESA) Space qualification of ASIC and hybrid components • System (thermal, mechanical, electrical) architecture and design • Instrument modeling, integration, calibration CEA/Irfu | WFI Consortium meeting Garching | January 28, 2014
possible contributions to athena+ wfi Microelectronics Collaboration on very front-end electronics design Parallelanalog-to-digital conversion ASIC Fabrication management and space qualification Tests and qualification Space qualification of full-custom components Detector and electronics radiation damage studies • OWB-1 chip: R&D fundedin 2012-2014 by CNES • canbe the basis for a specificdevelopment • Wilkinson architecture withdelay-lockedloop add 4-5 bit precisionwith the same conversion time • Chip test: 32 channelconverted in parallel in 2.7 µsto get 13-bit resolution • 1.5 mW per channel CEA/Irfu | WFI Consortium meeting Garching | January 28, 2014
possible contributions to athena+ wfi Hybridization Chip and EEE assembly and ceramichybridization, interconnects Hybridization qualification System and architecture Mechanical design, thermal design and modeling of the focal plane Background simulation • Example: • MXT detector board prototype • Collaboration with MPE • Layout by CEA, fabrication by a French space-certifiedcompany • Mounting of ASIC and pnCCD by MPE CEA/Irfu | WFI Consortium meeting Garching | January 28, 2014
possible contributions to athena+ wfi Warm front-end electronics Real-time processingin interface with the cold front-end electronics to guarantee system performance • Similar challenges experiencedwith Herschel/PACS. • Example: • MXT front-end electronics prototype • « Pixel sequencer » and « frame sequencer » based on spacegrade FPGA CEA/Irfu | WFI Consortium meeting Garching | January 28, 2014
Conclusion CEA-Irfuhighlyinterested in taking part in WFI consortium Astrophysics groups defendingAthena+ science case Experience in detection system design and realization at differentlevelsto serve the instrument performance • THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION. CEA/Irfu | WFI Consortium meeting Garching | January 28, 2014
Back-up slides CEA/Irfu | WFI Consortium meeting Garching | January 28, 2014
The OWB-1 ADC : Global architecture • Architecture WilnkinsonwithDLL (delay-lockedloop) • The conversion time of this N+M bits ADC is : Adding 𝑴 conversion bits for a same time compared to a conventional Wilkinson architecture CEA/Irfu | WFI Consortium meeting Garching | January 28, 2014
The OWB-1 ADC : Main features ASIC OWB-1 : analog to digital conversion optimized for the readout of self-triggered ASIC for CdTe detectors. Design for low count rate applications. CEA/Irfu | WFI Consortium meeting Garching | January 28, 2014
The OWB-1 ADC : Modes of operation • Data format : Channel (5 bits) + Code (14 bits) • Data transfer during conversion: • Two modes of DATA (code) transfer : // and serial CEA/Irfu | WFI Consortium meeting Garching | January 28, 2014
WFI central part: proposalwithcea chips • Remplacement of the MUX stage of Veritas by 64 ‘small’ output buffers to getparallel outputs • Direct bonding of Veritas outputs to OBW-1 inputs add 1,5 W to 2 W on central part • Suppression of differential output amplifiers Veritas* Switcher 256 256 OBW-1-ATHENA: 128 channels, concatenation of 4 OBW-1 (50 µm pitch) CEA/Irfu | WFI Consortium meeting Garching | January 28, 2014
The OWB-1 ADC: reducing the power consumption • Design not optimized for low power but other configuration possible : • Zero suppression • Detection of a zero by the ADC • Adjusting the detection threshold above the zero signal • Reducing the power consumption • Optimisation of the output digital stage for thisfrequency [V] VIN OK VRAMP VRAMP_MIN VIN ZERO EVENT DATA TRANSFER VCOMP NO EVENT NO DATA TRANSFER [t] CEA/Irfu | WFI Consortium meeting Garching | January 28, 2014
ISGRImonopixel 4 x 4 mm2 (2 mm thickCdTe, 120V, 0°C) R&D CALISTE-HD – 256 pixels, 580 µm pitch (1 mm thickCdTe, 400V, -4°C) 0.57 keV FWHM à 13.9 keV 5.60 keV FWHM 0.67 keV FWHM From INTEGRAL/ISGRI to CALISTE 2001 2012 @ 13.9 keV 40 60 0 80 20 Energy (keV) | PAGE 21