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Marketing strategy. Presentation created by Mag. Maria Peer based on the lecture BBM1 – Marketing Mag. Andreas Zehetner FH Steyr. First, those who make things happen Second, those who watch things happen Third, the rest who wonder what happened
Marketing strategy Presentationcreatedby Mag. Maria Peer based on thelecture BBM1 – Marketing Mag. Andreas Zehetner FH Steyr
First, thosewhomakethings happen • Second, thosewhowatchthings happen • Third, therestwhowonderwhathappened • The firstgroupdetectedwhatstrategicmarketingmeans. Thereare 3 kindsofcompanies Mag. Maria Peer
Meanstoindentify a groupofcustomersforwhomthe firm has a differential advantageandthenpositioningitself in themarket. Strategy Mag. Maria Peer
Geographic:locationofheadquarter/subsidiaries; accessibilityoflocation, placestodeliverproducts • Demographics:industry, companysize • Operating variables: technology, userstatus, customercapabilities, sizeof order • Purchasingapproach: centralized, dezentralized, internal power structure, purchasingcriteria • Personal characteristics: focus on companieswhosepeople/valuesaresimilartothebuyer‘s, risktaking/riskavoidingcustomers; high/lowloyaltycustomers Target groupsegmentationforbusinesscustomers Mag. Maria Peer
Single-segmentstrategy • Selectivespecialization • Productspecialization • Market specialization • Fullmarketcoverage Five different targetmarketstrategies Mag. Maria Peer
= concentratedstrategy: onemarketsegmentisservedwithonemarket mix; • The choiceforsmallercompanieswith limited resources Single-segmentstrategy Mag. Maria Peer
Multiple segmentstrategy = differentiatedstrategy • Different marketingmixesareofferedto different segments • The productitselfmayormay not be different • In manycasesonlythepromotionalmessageorthedistributionchannelvary Selectivespecialization Mag. Maria Peer
The firm specialises in a particularproductandtailorsitto different marketsegments Productspecialization Mag. Maria Peer
A firm specializes in serving a particularmarketsegmentandoffersthatsegment an arrayof different products Market specialization Mag. Maria Peer
Massmarketingstrategyoffering a singleundifferentiatedmarketing mix totheentiremarket • Differentiatedstrategyoffering a separate marketing mix toeachsegment Fullmarketcoverage Mag. Maria Peer
The marketing mix istailored on an individual customerbasis Individual marketing Mag. Maria Peer
SMART • = specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely Targetingandgoalsetting Mag. Maria Peer
Is a coreelement in eachmarketingstrategy • Definesthebenefitof a productorservicethatcansatisfytheneedsofthetargetgroup in thebestpossibleway • Itsresultisthepositionitoccupies in customers‘ minds relative tocompetingproducts • The positioninghastobeunique (=differentiating) andoriented on needsanddemands Positioning Mag. Maria Peer
Unique: there must beenoughdifferencebetweenyourproductandthecompetitors‘ ones (USP) • Orientation on customer‘sneedsanddemands!!! Terms Mag. Maria Peer
1940 Ludwig von Misessaid: • A companycanbeat ist competitorsonlybyconsideringtofulfilcustomer‘sneedscheaperandbetter Lookingfor a competitiveadvantage Mag. Maria Peer
A searchingprocess, whichtriestodevelopnewsolutionstofulfildemandsbetter, cheaperor quicker (thanthecompetitors) in order togain an economicadvantage out ofthat. Competition Mag. Maria Peer