1. AASM Pediatric Task Force – Chair: James F. Pagel MS/MD
Infant Sleep Editor – Normal Sleep: Carin Lamm MD
Infant sleep – SIDS and respiratory: Lee Brooks MD
Contributors: Dr. James Pagel
Dr. Carin Lamm
Dr. Naim Bashir
Dr. Lee Brooks
Contact information:
American Academy of Sleep Medicine
One Westbrook Corporate Center, Suite 920
Westchester, IL 60154
Ph 708 492-0930AASM Pediatric Task Force – Chair: James F. Pagel MS/MD
Infant Sleep Editor – Normal Sleep: Carin Lamm MD
Infant sleep – SIDS and respiratory: Lee Brooks MD
Contributors: Dr. James Pagel
Dr. Carin Lamm
Dr. Naim Bashir
Dr. Lee Brooks
Contact information:
American Academy of Sleep Medicine
One Westbrook Corporate Center, Suite 920
Westchester, IL 60154
Ph 708 492-0930
2. 2 Sleep in Infancy Development of sleep
Cross cultural differences in sleep behavior
Infant Apnea and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome This presentation explores the development of sleep during infancy and cross cultural differences in infant sleep behavior. The sleep of infants and children has unique features that slowly evolve into the adult characteristics of sleep. There are developmental changes in sleep patterns (how much and when infants sleep), sleep states (Active-REM and Quiet-NREM sleep) and sleep architecture (the distribution of the states throughout a 24 hour cycle). Newborns sleep approximately 70% of a 24 hour cycle. The average newborn will sleep approximately 16 hours per day but there is individual variation (range, 14 – 18 hours). Newborns sleep for approximately 3 – 4 hours at a time and are awake for approximately 1 – 2 hours. Sleep occurs randomly during the day and night.This presentation explores the development of sleep during infancy and cross cultural differences in infant sleep behavior. The sleep of infants and children has unique features that slowly evolve into the adult characteristics of sleep. There are developmental changes in sleep patterns (how much and when infants sleep), sleep states (Active-REM and Quiet-NREM sleep) and sleep architecture (the distribution of the states throughout a 24 hour cycle). Newborns sleep approximately 70% of a 24 hour cycle. The average newborn will sleep approximately 16 hours per day but there is individual variation (range, 14 – 18 hours). Newborns sleep for approximately 3 – 4 hours at a time and are awake for approximately 1 – 2 hours. Sleep occurs randomly during the day and night.
3. 3 How much do Infants Sleep?