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"Join our workshop to educate on conscious sexual behaviors and prevent reproductive illnesses. Learn about risky behaviors, risk factors, protection factors, and psychological consequences. Raise awareness on HPV infections and cervical cancer prevention."
NOT SO BEAUTIFUL TEENAGE The prevention of reproductive organs ilnesses, conciouss sexual behaviours. The workshop implemented by: SEB-TEAM Edyta Jaworska Coach: Małgorzata Rzymyszkiewicz ‘’Equal in health – prevention and early detection of cancers as well as health promotion in the Poviat of Kwidzyn”” co-financed by Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 and state budget within Programme PL 13 Reducing social inequalities in health
We decide on it in a conciouss way, being aware of the consequencess (health, psychological, legal) • They satisfy our physical, psychological and social needs • They are related to conciouss and responsible parenthood CONCIOUSS SEXUAL BEHAVIOURS – THE ATTEMPT OF DEFINITION
They are related to undertaking different forms of sexual activity in a compulsive way • Underestimating the threats resulting from the existance of sexually transmitted diseases • Dislike towards safe sex resulting from e.g. faulty beliefs RISKY SEXUAL BEHAVIOURS – THE ATTEMPT OF DEFINITION
RISKY SEXUAL BEHAVIOURS – THE ATTEMPT OF DEFINITION • They carry the risk of negative consequences (both to physical health – sexually transmitted diseases – as well as mental health) • Criminal sexual behaviour (sexting, stalking, cyberbullying, pornography) • Sexual health does not only mean the lack of illness or disability but the integration of biological, emotional, intelectual and social aspects of sexuality neccessary to positive development of personality, communication, love. • (WHO, 2001, p.17)
RISK FACTORS • Sexualisation present in the massmedia, • Vulnerability to external influence (the need of acceptance, affiliation) • Consumption lifestyle, 'supermarket' identity type
Strong emotional bond with family • Interest in education, hobby • The sense of affiliation to a group (e.g. Art group, sport, scouting) • Religious practices, the respect towards values • The respect towards the provisions of the law, the possession of authority PROTECTION FACTORS
HIV/AIDS • Initially without any symptoms • Flu-like pathological changes: weakness, sore throat, the lack of apetite, lymphadenopathy, fever, pain in muscles and joints, diahorrea • The appearance of spread eczemas Photos - source: http://hardinmd.lib.uiowa.edu/dermnet/
HPV is Human Papilloma Virus which is sexually transmitted and through direct epidermal contact. There are circa 100 types of the virus, some types cause mild changes such as warts on skin (blisters, warts on feet) as well as venereal warts (cauliflower growths on genital organs and in the area of anus). The most dangerous are these types which cause cervical cancers and penile cancers. HPV Photos source: http://hpvvirusinwomen.com/pictures-of-hpv.php
HPV types of low level of oncological risk • Cause warts, plantar warts, other skin warts, mild wart changes on reproductive organs, venereal warts • The symptoms may appear even few months after the contact with the infected person, • When it comes to women warts appear mainly on labia, in a vagina, on the cervix and in the anal area • When it comes to men warts can be usually found in a foreskin, at the urinary meatus, on the body of penis, in the anus and the rectum, a phimosis is a complication of warts • It is also possible that wart changes appear also on the oral mucosa or throat. In this case the problem returns after some time. The factors which increase the risk of HPV infection are risky sexual behaviours such as: early beggining of sex life, numerous partners, low level of intimate hygiene. HPV Projekt pn „Równi w zdrowiu – profilaktyka i wczesne wykrywanie nowotworów w powiecie kwidzyńskim” finansowany ze środków Norweskiego Mechanizmu Finansowego 2009-2014 oraz budżetu państwa w ramach Programu PL 13 Ograniczanie społecznych Opracowała Małgorzata Rzymyszkiewicz
HPV types of high level of oncological risk (oncogenic type) • the risk of infection with oncogenic types of the virus is the highest for women throughout their entire life of sexual activity beginning with sexual initiation • An intensified number of cervical cancers appearance can be observed within women between the ages from 16 to 26 • It is considered that warts and venereal warts are precancerous stage of cervical cancer and other cancers. Therefore the usage of condoms during sex as well as undertaking immediate specialised treatment if the first symptoms of the disease can be observed are extremelly important. • The performance of pap smears is important as they enable the quick identification of cell changes • The vaccination against human papillomavirus has been available in Poland for several years. HPV
Untreated syphilis can cause: • injures of the nervous system, • loss of the eyesight, • psychic disturbances • The damage of cardiovascular system, bones, joints and of parenchymal organs, • in some cases might cause death. One can get infected with syphilis through sexual contacts (vaginal, oral, anal) as well as thruogh the contact with a rash on the skin of infected person or intrauterine (mother-foetus). Then disadvantageous changes in child's nervous system might occur. SYPHILIS Photos source: http://www.e-przychodnia.org/galeria/index.php?id=45http://caretest.pl/kila-dlaczego-polacy-lekcewaza-chorobe/ Projekt pn „Równi w zdrowiu – profilaktyka i wczesne wykrywanie nowotworów w powiecie kwidzyńskim” finansowany ze środków Norweskiego Mechanizmu Finansowego 2009-2014 oraz budżetu państwa w ramach Programu PL 13 Ograniczanie społecznych Opracowała Małgorzata Rzymyszkiewicz
men: purulent urethrorrhoea, stingy and painful micturition women: vaginal discharge, the disturbance of the menstrual cycle, the abundant menstruationLater the infection spreads to the entire urinary-reproductive system (or anus, throat), sometimes through blood vessels. When it is untreated the it is leading to inflammatory disorders, the appearance of abscesses, pelvic inflammatory disease and in the consequence to infertility, as well as pathological changes in distant organs, e.g.: joints, heart Gonorrhoea Photos source:http://fitness.wp.pl/zdrowie/wirtualny-poradnik/art772,nowa-grozniejsza-rzezaczka-.html
itchiness louse and eggs can be seen beneath livid, purple spots on the body Pediculosis Photos source:http://odkrywcy.pl/kat,111406,title,Wszy-przezyly-wielka-zaglade,wid,13291857,wiadomosc.html?smg4sticaid=61133e
Fidelity in relationship • Avoiding risky sexual behaviours • Resignation from stimulants • Caring about intimate and surrounding hygiene • Using condoms • Observing your own body attentively if there are any symptoms visible and quick intervention (the visit at the doctor's) • self-examination of reproductive organs during hygiene (tactile breast check, testicles) THE PREVENTION OF REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS DISEASES
Preventive cyclical examinations. • Pap smear – screening examination towards cervical cancer. It enables to evaluate the state of the cervix and to detect possible changes – not only precancerous but also erosion, inflammation or the infection triggered by human papillomavirus. . • The pap smear should be performed for the first time at the time of the beginning of sex life. • Pap smear should be repeated every year with the exception when previous examinations were positive 3 years in a row and a women does not belong to the cervical cancer risk group – then the examination could be performed every 3 years. THE PREVENTION OF REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS DISEASES
this sphere of our body requires particular protection and it regards both of the way of washing, cosmetics, as well as draining intimate places after having a bath;we should choose products especially composed for the intimate care, which have pH similar to the reaction of intimate places;we should have a separate towel for draining intimate places, we should not use washing gloves or sponges as they are the source of fungus having a shower before and after the intercourse prevents from the transfer of the bacteria under the foreskin to the vagina;the irrigations of vagina make the reproductive organ barren and expose it to infections (blastomycosis, colpitis, appendages inflammation), because it is deprived of the protective microflora for a few days THE PREVENTION OF REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS DISEASES – INTIMATE HYGIENE
coitus interruptus or having sex few days after the menstruation aren't the methods of contraception • Natural contraceptive methods - they require great self-discipline and the extensive knowledge of your own body • A condom it protects against sexually transmitted diseases provided that it is well worn, and its size was selected to the size of the penis • Hormonal contraception • Girls below 16 must visit the gynaecologist with their parent/ with legal guardian since they have to give their consent to conduct the gynecological examination, diagnostic procedures and treatment (including prescribing contraceptives). Between 16 and 18 years all diagnostic-treatment procedures are made by a teenager and his parents parallelly. In practice it means that a 16 year-old can visit the gynaecologist alone and ask him to prescribe contraceptives but parents must give their consent to it. THE METHODS OF CONTRACEPTION
NOT SO BEAUTIFUL TEENAGE MEANING THE STORY ABOUT TEENAGE PARENTS The stages of the development of love: • Infatuation • Fascination • Falling in love • Getting to know each other • Establishing emotional bonds
NOT SO BEAUTIFUL TEENAGE MEANING THE STORY ABOUT TEENAGE PARENTS • How do you imagine your life in a few years? • When would you like to establish a family, have children? • How would your plans associated with further education, undertaking a career, the realisation of dreams chenge if it turned out that soon you would become mothers/fathers?
Thank you for your attention.Coach: Małgorzata RzymyszkiewiczThe workshop was implemented by: SEB-TEAM Edyta Jaworska, kontakt mail: e.jaworska@seb-team.pl Projekt pn „Równi w zdrowiu – profilaktyka i wczesne wykrywanie nowotworów oraz promocja zdrowia w powiecie kwidzyńskim” finansowany ze środków Norweskiego Mechanizmu Finansowego 2009-2014 oraz budżetu państwa w ramach Programu PL13 Ograniczanie społecznych nierówności w zdrowiu.