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With the world moving at such a rapid pace, new stuffs are coming out at a speed never before. Regardless of your age, gender, how educated you are, where you are from, how much money you have or which position you hold in a company, embracing changes and learning new things should have become a way of life. Otherwise, you’ll soon find yourself becoming obsolete… or even redundant. Looking back, in a matter of just 10 years, the amount of information and data has increased by 10 folds. That’s a lot! On the other hand, the amount of time that we have in a single day – 24 hours – is exactly the same as it was 10 years back. So, that also means with the same amount of time that every one of us has, we now have at least 10x more information to consume and digest, with more coming out every day. This can be really overwhelming! Therefore, to keep pace, we all have to learn how to learn faster. In this deck, I share with you 7 ideas that might help you learn new stuff more efficiently. I hope you find them useful.
How To Learn Anything Faster Hwy‘ '1' IIEEREEQ’ V .7 ‘. ,j ' L w‘
One skill you want to master in tbis day and age we live in, you want to bare an extraordinary life, is tbe ability to learn rapidly. Tony Robbins American motivational speaker l and self-help author , , , . 51' V
'0 ‘S n-I _ B i _ V "In! . I . I . _ ' J ' For mounig of US, There aura S0 mwng more things we want 1' 0 mar n than we have the mm for. i I! ’ J- ‘
“w‘. " -. . . _.‘_ . _. _ wiiln all kinds of infbrmalion becoming more readilig available and accessible on The Internet, The number of things we want to learn has onlg increased.
) (‘ mar also means, The onlg variable we have control over, is the M we spend learning flnem.
shortening the learning curve is ' a topic that's been studied tor / , mang gears, and this deck Will i »’i’7/~»~—$ cover the fundamental core principles of learning taster. « / ~ J
L/ lultitaslaing can be one of the biggest hurdles preventing us from learning taster.
it is something that we've all developed in the age at constant notifications and mobile applications.
Like gour computer, when gou run too mang applications all at the same time, it Will begin to slow down and takes longer to process everg action afterwards. Loading. .. —: | Please wait
studies have shown that when an individual gets distracted, it takes an average of 25 minutes to ‘ return to the task at hand. /
i/ tang of us arent able to dedicate the e to ie plus ' Wi0ii1'VS 1'0~i4eS 1'0 iealrii a be0allSe 01' The COWi1'ieSS new projects, ideas, 0Y hobbies that come OW wag. 1
And when we decide to shift our focus to a new distraction, its much more difficult to find the same passion and drive to focus on the previous skill
to achieve maximum results, focus solelg on learning and improving on just one thing and avoid learning angthing else until gou've mastered it.
when we are learning something new, we have the tendencg of underestimating the amount of time and effort that can be saved bg getting help from someone who's olreadg learned it.
to achieve masterg faster, our Isl step should be to consult the top plagers in the field, and model the path theg have alreadg carved out for us.
4.4,/1' , ,7‘ . ..§, _ I it E if gou can find someone who . i ‘ll ‘-3 40‘ is alreadg getting the results that gou want and take the same actions theg are taking, 0101) can get the same results. . ._. .tj~
aood artists copg (great artists steal Pablo Picasso Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, stage designer, poet and playwright
The more gou use gour brain, the better its going to perform for gou.
' ‘W. For example, learning a new musical instrument improves gour skill of translating something gov see (sheet music) to something gou actuallg do (plaging the - instrument).
Learning a new language exposes gour brain to a different wag of thinking, a different wag of expressing gourself. I lli Iiola ' til i “ i—iaiié
You can even literallg take it a step further, so and learn how to dance. . . i . . x‘ — ’ , ‘ i .3 ‘ .3 . ' 1 g‘ H J p p . F . 2 E‘ -1? gm? ’ . A. . AW“
You can even literallg take it a step further, and learn how to dance. studies indicate that learning to dance helps seniors avoid Alzheimer's. not bad, huh?
Learning reoiuires freguencg of and persistence in V performing the same skill over and over ag ’ i 2 & until gou can subconsciouslg, fl without hal/ lng to w think about ii’.
expert—level performance is primarilg the result of expert—level practice, not due to innate talent.
The best performers in the world understand this “secret” to learning faster and become the best, get rarelg talk about its importance because of how msexg it sounds.
6g actuallg doing something new over and over again, gour brain . wires new pathwags that help/ gou 2 ‘ do this new thing better and faster.
the next step to hacking the learning curve is to break down what gou are learning into its basic, fundamental components.
Break down the pts and find the most important things to practice first
Pareto's Principle states that, for mang phenomena, 20% of invested input is responsible for 60% of the results obtained. . ' "/4 V " 1 » . i.i. §;‘-§il4.: l:ii§'= §%‘
it turns out that this concept can applg to almost angthlng in life, including:
it turns out that this concept can applg to almost angthlng in life, including: 6usiness (60 percent of sales comes from 20 percent of customers)
it turns out that this concept can applg to almost angthlng in life, including: 6uslness (60 percent of sales comes of customers) app-W“ (60 percent of results comes from 20 percent of emplogeesi
it turns out that this concept can applg to almost angthlng in life, including: Happiness (60 percent of happiness comes wwom from 20 percent of (60 percent of results comes from 20 percent of emplogeesi
embracing this wag of thinking onlg goes to show that verg few things actuallg make a difference in ang aspect of our lives, including learning. Focus on 20% that matters.
our goal then, should be to separate the 7.0 percent of our learning materials that will ive us 60 percent 0 the result.
exercise does not just work gour bodg; it also improves the fitness of gour brain. F HH ) ' it ‘ “ *“ ‘“ 6 i i / -- l , - , = V l l I l
even brieflg exercising for 20 minutes facilitates information processing and memorg functions.
cut its not just that - exercise actuallg helps gour brain create those . . new neural connections I‘ __ 7 I i‘, ‘ i '__ 6' / “T , ‘ ~ 1 l. t. ‘ , r s.
wM~l. lllW‘l‘illl', ,_. Q Is. e= &wW You will learn faster, gour alertness level will increase, and gou get all that bg moving gour bodg.
unfortunatelg, mang of us give up before or during what seth eiodin calls "The Dip. ”
~ 1 ‘ ‘ Although its important to know when to oiuit, mang potential winners dont reach success because theg oiuit before the dip.
PSlg0h0i0giSTS have also studied whats iLl'l0Wll as the trans/ /ion cgc/ e