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Qualitative Approaches in Research Situations: Test Your Knowledge!

Test your ability to match research situations with qualitative traditions - Ethnography, Phenomenology, Grounded theory. Explore studies on diverse topics like cancer diagnosis experiences, end-of-life caregiving, and more. Enhance your understanding of qualitative research methods.

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Qualitative Approaches in Research Situations: Test Your Knowledge!

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  1. Chapter 14 Qualitative Designs and Approaches Test Yourself!

  2. Test Your Knowledge: Qualitative Approach • Research situations for five fictitious studies will be described. For each, indicate which qualitative tradition likely would be used: • A (Ethnography) • B (Phenomenology) • C (Grounded theory) • Please answer A, B, or C for each question.

  3. Test Your Knowledge: Qualitative Approach • 1. Smith studied the experience of learning of a parent’s cancer diagnosis, from the perspective of adolescents aged 15 to 18. • A (Ethnography) • B (Phenomenology) • C (Grounded theory)

  4. Test Your Knowledge: Qualitative Approach • 2. Petrik studied end-of-life caregiving for elders living on a Hopi reservation in Arizona. • A (Ethnography) • B (Phenomenology) • C (Grounded theory)

  5. Test Your Knowledge: Qualitative Approach • 3. Federle studied the meaning of the respite experience of family caregivers of patients with dementia. • A (Ethnography) • B (Phenomenology) • C (Grounded theory)

  6. Test Your Knowledge: Qualitative Approach • 4. Viator explored how pregnant women managed the process of deciding on and implementing a home birth. • A (Ethnography) • B (Phenomenology) • C (Grounded theory)

  7. Test Your Knowledge: Qualitative Approach • 5. Panara’s study focused on reciprocal care-seeking and caregiving behavior among patients within the culture of an in-patient mental health care facility. • A (Ethnography) • B (Phenomenology) • C (Grounded theory)

  8. Test Your Knowledge: Qualitative Approach • 1. Smith studied the experience of learning of a parent’s cancer diagnosis, from the perspective of adolescents aged 15 to 18. • ANSWER: B (Phenomenology) • Smith’s study focuses on a lived experience that would likely be explored using a descriptive phenomenological approach.

  9. Test Your Knowledge: Qualitative Approach • 2. Petrik studied end-of-life caregiving for elders living on a Hopi reservation in Arizona. • ANSWER: A (Ethnography) • Petrik’s study focuses on how members of a particular American subculture provide end-of-life care.

  10. Test Your Knowledge: Qualitative Approach • 3. Federle studied the meaning of the respite experience of family caregivers of patients with dementia. • ANSWER: B (Phenomenology) • Federle likely used an interpretive phenomenological approach to study what respite meant to caregivers who care for a family member with dementia.

  11. Test Your Knowledge: Qualitative Approach • 4. Viator explored how pregnant women managed the process of deciding on and implementing a home birth. • ANSWER: C (Grounded theory) • Viator’s study focuses on the process of decision making and following through on a decision and would most likely use grounded theory methods.

  12. Test Your Knowledge: Qualitative Approach • 5. Panara’s study focused on reciprocal care-seeking and caregiving behavior among patients within the culture of an in-patient mental health care facility. • ANSWER: A (Ethnography) • Panara undertook a focused ethnography of the cultural norms and behaviors of patients in residence at a mental health care facility.

  13. Test Your Knowledge: Qualitative Approach • So the answers are: • B A B C A • How many got all five right? Congratulations!!!

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