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6. C H A P T E R. Program Planning. Topics Covered in Chapter 6. The Value of Planning Approaches to Planning Elements of a Program Plan. R A C E. Research Action Communication Evaluation. The Value of Planning. The second step in the public relations process is planning.
6 C H A P T E R Program Planning
Topics Covered in Chapter 6 • The Value of Planning • Approaches to Planning • Elements of a Program Plan
R A C E Research Action Communication Evaluation The Value of Planning • The second step in the public relations process is planning. • Planning is the “Action” in RACE. • Action means the organization starts making plans to do something about an issue or situation. • Public relations planning should be strategic, and it sets the organization’s direction proactively, avoiding ‘drift’ and routine repetition of activities.
The Value of Planning cont. • When in the planning process, a practitioner must do the following: • Think about a situation • Analyze what can be done about it • Creatively conceptualize the appropriate strategies and tactics • Determine how the results will be measured • To achieve specific results, planning also involves the coordination of multiple methods, including news releases, special events, press kits, news conferences, and media interviews.
Approaches to Planning • There are two approaches to planning: Management by Objective (MBO) and a Strategic Planning Model. • Both approaches emphasize asking and answering questions to generate a roadmap for success. • MBO approaches helps practitioners generate the building block for planning, the Strategic Planning Model for Public Relations helps practitioners move towarda clear situation analysis needed to make planning relevant to the client’s overall objectives.
Approaches to Planning cont. • Management by Objective • MBO provides focus and direction for formulating strategy to achieve specific organizational objectives. • MBO planning ensures the “production of relevant messages and establishes criteria against which campaign results can be measured.”
Approaches to Planning cont. • Management by Objective • Nine basic MBO were developed to act as a checklist and to help a practitioner conceptualize what should be completed in the planning process. • (1) Client/Employer Objectives • (2) Audience/Publics • (3) Audience Objectives • (4) Media Channels • (5) Media Channel Objective • (6) Sources and Questions • (7) Communication Strategies • (8) Essence of the Message • (9) Nonverbal Support
Approaches to Planning cont. • A Strategic Planning Model Facts • Category facts • Product/Service issues • Competitive facts • Customer facts • Goals • Business objectives. • Role of public relations • Sources of new business
Approaches to Planning cont. • A Strategic Planning Model • Audience • Target audiences • Current mind-set • Desired mind-set • Key Message • Main point
Elements of a Program Plan A public relations program plan identifies what is to be done, why, and how to accomplish it. The plan makes certain that all the elements have been properly considered and that everyone involved understands the “big picture.” Public relations firms prepare a program plan for client approval before implementing a public relations campaign.
Elements of a Program Plan cont. The eight basic elements of a public relations plan are: (1) Situation (2) Objectives (3) Audience (4) Strategy (5) Tactics (6) Calendar/timetable (7) Budget (8) Evaluation
Elements of a Program Plan cont. Situation Three traditional situations often prompt a public relations program: (1) To overcome a problem or negative situation; (2) To conduct a specific one-time project to launch a new product or service; or (3) To reinforce an ongoing effort to preserve its reputation and public support.
Elements of a Program Plan cont. • Objectives • A stated objective should be evaluated by asking: • Does it really address the situation? • Is it realistic and achievable? • Can success be measured in meaningful terms? • There are two types of objectives: informal and motivational. • Objectives must be measurable.
Elements of a Program Plan cont. Audience Public relations programs should be directed toward specific and defined audiences or publics. Market research can identify key publics by such demographics as age, income, social strata, education, location and existing ownership or consumption of specific products. At times, the media is identified as a “public,” but usually, they are the channels used to reach defined audiences.
Elements of a Program Plan cont. Strategy A strategy is a somewhat broad statement describing how an objective is to be achieved. A strategy provides guidelines and key message themes for the overall program and a rationale for the actions and program components that are planned. A plan could have a single strategy or several strategies.
Elements of a Program Plan cont. Key Messages Public relations plans often contain a listing of key messages that the campaign wants to get across to the target audiences and the media.
Elements of a Program Plan cont. Tactics Tactics are the nuts-and-bolts or tactical part of the plan. Tactics describe the specific activities that put each strategy into operation and help to achieve the stated objectives. Tactics are the most visible part of any plan. Tactics involves using various methods to reach target audiences with key messages.
Elements of a Program Plan cont. Calendar/Timetable Plan implementation can take less than three months or more than a year. When developing a calendar, it is important to develop a campaign when key messages are most meaningful to the intended audience, properly schedule tactics and compile a calendar.
Elements of a Program Plan cont. • Budget • A budget is often divided into two categories: • Staff time • Out-of-pocket (OPP) expenses • OOP includes such collateral material as news releases, media kits, brochures, video news releases, transportation, and even photocopying.
Elements of a Program Plan cont. Evaluation The evaluation element of a plan relates directly back to the stated objectives of the program. Evaluation criteria should be realistic, credible and specific. A plan’s evaluation section should restate the objectives and then name the evaluation methods to be used.
公共关系策划 • “四步工作法”的灵魂与核心 • 《中国公共关系大辞典》对策划定义: 人们为了达成某种特定的目标,借助一定的科学方法和艺术,为决策、计划而构思、设计、制作方案的过程。 • 公共关系策划的原则 • 整体性与目的性,独创性与连续性, • 计划性与灵活性,客观性与可行性
公共关系策划 • 定义:人们为了达成某种特定的目标,借助于一定的科学方法和艺术,为决策、计划而构思、设计、制作策划方案的过程。 • 公共关系策划的涵义:策划人员为了达到组织目标,在充分进行调查研究的基础上,对总体公共关系战略专门公共关系活动和具体公共关系操作进行谋略计划和设计的工作。
公共关系策划与创造性思维 • 灵感的激发 “今年二十,明年十八” • 想象的突破 中国银行“海峡两岸台北—北京长跑活动” • 诸因素的组合 可口可乐100年纪念活动 • 思维的超常与碰撞
分析信息 确定目标 确认公众 设计主题 选择媒介 选择时机 计划编制 经费预算 方案审定 策划书形成 标题、主题、目标 组合分析、活动步骤、传播渠道、经费预算 效果预测 公共关系策划过程
公关策划的方法 一、制造新闻 前提: 尊重事实、不损害公众利益 原则: (1)以事实为依据 (2)有较高新闻价值 (3)抓住公众心理 “顾客是我们的衣食父母,让顾客真正站到‘上帝’的位置上,是我们不倦的追求”
二、借冕增誉 • 将组织及其产品与声望高、权威性强的名人、知名组织、有影响的事物、事件联系起来,借助他们的名望及权威来扩大组织的影响和知名度。 • 案例: 健力宝进军美国市场 希拉里畅饮健力宝
三、小题大做 • 注重小节,在小事上发掘大道理,在小事上展示自己的大观念,强化形象。 • 案例: 超市当众倾倒牛奶 卫生部门检测仍然可以饮用 海尔张瑞敏砸冰箱 一滴水能反映太阳的光芒
四、以攻为守 • 当组织与社会环境发生矛盾、环境对组织的生存发展构成严重威胁时,应主动出击,对环境施加积极影响,变被动为主动、化不利为有利。 • 案例: 成都酒家“二次消毒” 对没洗手的顾客拒绝上菜
五、以诚换诚 • 当公众产生不满、误解、抱怨时,要首先摸清情况,作出善意解释,采取相应措施,以实际行动换取公众的谅解。 • 原则: 真诚地对待公众 积极行动、勇于承担 • 案例: IBM的服务、美国第一银行
六、宁为鸡头 • 三星集团董事长李健熙—— “创世界一流产品,不是第一位也是惟一。” • 案例:七喜汽水“非可乐饮料”
信息的分析 目标的确定 公众的辨认 主题的设计 媒体的选择 计划的编制 经费的预算 方案的审定 策划书的形成 策划过程分析— 调查、策划、实施、评估
策划书的制作 • 标题 • 主题 • 目标 • 组合分析 • 活动步骤 • 传播渠道 • 经费预算 • 效果评估
寻找新生活的奥妙 • 一、活动背景/项目背景 • 二、活动策划/项目策划 • 三、活动实施/项目实施 • 四、活动评估/项目评估
项目背景 项目调查:挑战和机遇 项目策划: 公关目标、目标受众、目标媒体 传播主题、公关策略 项目实施 准备阶段 媒体宣传 正式启动 项目效果评估 媒体报道情况 咖啡的时尚魅力