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Last Year Right here Only she And me Much kiss And promise

Last Year Right here Only she And me Much kiss And promise. By Qin Jun. Missing. But today All's away As one Unknown And gone … …. Gone th' face Gone th' kiss Gone th' promise That is What miss

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Last Year Right here Only she And me Much kiss And promise

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  1. Last Year Right here Only she And me Much kiss And promise By Qin Jun Missing • But today • All's away • As one • Unknown • And gone • … … • Gone th' face • Gone th' kiss • Gone th' promise • That is • What miss • And miss • Like this... …

  2. 繁化简: “人之多言,亦可畏也”   =>人言可畏 “集众思,广众益”     =>集思广益 “青,取之于蓝而胜于蓝也” =>青出于蓝 简化繁: “披荆棘” =>披荆斩棘 “赴汤火” =>赴汤蹈火 “短兵接” =>短兵相接 四、四字格的由来

  3. The mayor of Toledo said in 1932: “I have seen thousands of these defeated, discouraged, hopeless men and women, cringing and fawning as they come to ask for public aid. It is a spectacle of national degradation.” (The Glory and the Dream) 五、英译汉中四字格的运用 William Manchester

  4. The mayor of Toledo said in 1932: “I have seen thousands of these defeated, discouraged, hopeless men and women, cringing and fawning as they come to ask for public aid. It is a spectacle of national degradation.” (The Glory and the Dream) * 托莱多市长在1932年说过:“我见到数千万遭受了挫折的、失去了信心和希望的男人和女人又奉承又乞怜地前来请求救济。这么一个情景给国家丢了脸。” * 托莱多市长在1932年说过:“我见到成千上万的山穷水尽、灰心绝望的男男女女前来请求救济。他们低声下气,苦苦哀求。此情此景,真是丢尽了美国的脸。” 五、英译汉中四字格的运用

  5. To Henry Kissinger, for whose wise counsel and dedicated services far beyond the call of duty I shall always remain grateful. From his friend, Richard Nixon

  6. 2. To Henry Kissinger, for whose wise counsel and dedicated services far beyond he call of duty I shall always remain grateful. From his friend, Richard Nixon * 赠给亨利 · 基辛格:    你总能献出英明的计策,用全部心血进行忘我的工作,积极承担份外的事务,我为此将永远感激你。            你的朋友:理查德 · 尼克松 * 赠言亨利 · 基辛格 善进良策 献身尔职 逾于所司 永志不渝    你的朋友:理查德 · 尼克松

  7. 3. The youngest of the Rocky Mountains, the Teton Range is a spectacular sight. Enhanced by glaciers, deep canyons, snowfields, and lakes, the range shoots up suddenly, with no foothills around it.  作为落基山脉中的小字辈,特顿山脉气势恢弘。它拔地而起,绝壁凌空,冰川映雪地,高峡出平湖,风光绮丽,景色壮观。    原文文字简约,然字里行间意蕴深远,译文中连用几个四字格,利用四字格造型优美、言简意赅、节奏感强的优势,鲜明刻画了特顿山脉的壮观景色,显示出了它的磅礴气势,使读者对特顿山脉顿生景仰之情。译文既忠实地表达了原文的内容,又渲染了文章的意境和氛围,可算佳译。

  8. Since we are friends, we don’t need to beat the push, let’s come to the point. 既然我们是朋友,就不必拐弯抹角,请直言不讳吧。 5. He is all fire and fight. 他怒气冲冲,来势汹汹。 6. Dairyman Crick’s household of maids and men lived on comfortably, placidly, even merrily. 克里克老板牛奶厂里的男男女女,都过的舒舒服服、平平静静,甚至于还嘻嘻笑笑、闹闹嚷嚷。

  9. 7. Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition of business. * 学之为用有三:充娱乐、供装饰、长才干也。充娱乐主要见之于退居独处之时,供装饰于谈吐之顷,而长才干于事物之判断处理。 (高 健译) * 读书足以怡情,足以博采,足以长才。其怡情也,最见于独处幽居之时;其博彩也,最见于高谈阔论之中;其长才也,最见于处事判事之际。   (王佐良译)   对比两段译文,高健先生的译文虽然也准确忠实地译出了原文的内容、思想,但王佐良先生的这段译文,由于恰如其分、成功自如的运用了四字格,语言精练,形式整齐,节奏明显,使译文平添了一份古朴典雅,让人不得不佩服王先生深厚的语言功底。

  10. 译诗 豪杰译

  11. 注意: Louisa (a peasant girl): As you have come to my home, I feel greatly honoured.   路易莎(一位农家姑娘):大驾光临,不胜荣幸!   “您来我家,我真是太高兴了!”

  12. Exercises 1. Drew Pearson, a thirty-four-year-old reporter, described them as “ragged, weary, and apathetic,” with “no hope on their faces.” 2. He was a voracious reader, spending much of his days and evening devouring books. 3. She is cheerful and adaptable, as well as gentle. 4. She was always hurried during the day and tired at night. 5. The trees at that season were very colorful —she had never seen this before.

  13. Exercises • Drew Pearson, a thirty-four-year-old reporter, described them as “ragged, weary, and apathetic,” with “no hope on their faces.” •  有一位三四十岁的记者,名叫德鲁 ·皮尔逊,他描写那些退伍军人,说是“衣衫褴褛,筋疲力尽,神情木然,满脸愁容。” • 2. He was a voracious reader, spending much of his days and evening devouring books. • 他读起书来废寝忘食,夜以继日。

  14. 3. She is cheerful and adaptable, as well as gentle. 她不光是性情温柔,而且爽朗随和。 4. She was always hurried during the day and tired at night. 她白天总是匆匆忙忙,晚上就疲惫不堪。 5. The trees at that season were very colorful —she had never seen this before. 这时节的树木却多姿多彩,这是她见所未见的。

  15. Exercises 香山红叶 杨 朔   早听说香山红叶是北京最浓最浓的秋色,能去看看,自然乐意。我去的那日,天也作美,明净高爽,好得不能再好了;人也凑巧,居然找到一位老向导。这位老向导就住在西山脚下,早年做过四十年的向导,胡子都白了,还是腰板挺直,硬朗得很。   我们先邀老向导到一家乡村小饭馆里吃饭。几盘野味,半杯麦酒,老人家的话来了,慢言慢语说:“香山这地方也没别的好处,就是高,一进山门,门坎跟玉泉山顶一样平。地势一高,气也清爽,人才爱来。春天人来踏青,夏天来消夏,到秋天——”一位同游的朋友急着问:“不知山上的红叶红了没有?”

  16. 翻译理论与实践 Translation Theories & Practice Hubei University For Nationalities

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