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Unit 5. was. flood. There _ _ _ a _ _ _ _ _ here last year. tornado. storm. earthquake. hurricane. wildfire. flood. tsunami. avalanche. landslide. Volcanic eruption. Thunder and lightninhg. hailstones. drought. famine. firefighters. searching. rescue. wildfire. while.
Unit 5 was flood There _ _ _ a _ _ _ _ _ here last year
tornado storm earthquake hurricane wildfire flood tsunami avalanche landslide Volcaniceruption Thunder and lightninhg hailstones drought famine
firefighters searching rescue wildfire while avalanche resort carrying occurred brigades soldiers Weren ´t pushing towards heavy 15-year-old recovering storms lightning struck Riding Lightningstruck ground injuries Rubbertyres Saved
Translate 1.hay - hubo - habrá 2. ¿Dónde era el fuego incontrolado? 3. ¿Cuánta gente estaba fuera de su casa por el fuego? 4. ¿Quién se perdió en el alud de nieve? 5. ¿Qué factores hicieron la operación de búsqueda más difícil? 6. ¿Qué le pasó a John y cómo sobrevivió? 1.thereis/are - there was /were – there will be 2. Where was the wildfire? 3. How many people were away from their homes? 4. Who was missing in the avalanche? 5. What factors made the rescue operation more difficult? 6. What happened to John and how did he survive?
Revision of vocabulary Hurricane Tornado Earthquake push Storm Tsunami Wildfire injuries Flood Avalanche Landslide ground Volcaniceruption Thunder / lightning Hailstones save Firefighters While Soldiers tyres Rescuedogs Searchfor Struck carry
Present and past ... I start/go Youstart / go He starts / goes Westart / go … I am starting/going You´restarting / … He´sstarting / … We are startin g / . … I started/went Youstarted/went He started/went Westarted/ went … I wasstarting/going Youwerestarting/ … He wasstarting/going Wewerestarting/ … … I don ´t start/go You don ´t start/go He doesn ´t start/go … I am notstarting/.. Youaren´tstarting He isn´tstarting / … I didn ´t start/go Youdidn ´t start/go He didn ´t start/go … I wasn ´t starting/… Youweren ´t starting/ He wasn ´t starting/.. … Did I start/go …? Didyoustart/go…? Did He start/go? Didwestart/go …? … Do I start/go …? Do youstart/go…? Does He start/go? Do westart/go …? … am I starting/…? Are youstarting/ .? Is He starting/go? Are westarting …? … Was I starting/…? Wereyoustarting/ .? Was He starting/go? Werewestarting …? … ?
Theyweretalkingabout … Itwasraining a lot Peoplewereleavingtheir … Thewaterwascoveringtheroads Rescueworkerswerehelpingpeopleto escape • Werecoming • Wererunning • Theywerecovering • Wasworking • Werelying • Weretrying • I wasn ´t studyinglastweekend • Ourteacherwasn ´t working … • Youweren ´t listeningto me • Weweren ´t swimmingbecause • Itwasn ´t raininghereyesterday • Myfriendsweren ´t waitingfor me …
Whois he? extreme Tornados, hurricanes Floods and storms He is Brian Coates: a survivor Survivor´s died hit struck Wasvisiting Sawthenews Wereyourparentswaitingforyou at home heard drove tried Weren ´t working Whatdidyou do? while rising Climbed up ontheroof Howlongwereyou flew took Weren ´t took return decided moved destroyed lost Luckyto be alive
Ontotheroof of the hotel Thenewson TV Struck he wasvisiting … Thestormwascoming Was a survivor Tocontact me Didyou do? Died Rising and … Wereyouwaiting Weren ´t working Ustoanemergengy centre Brian Whenthehurricane 1836 people He saw Whentheyheard Theytried Butphones So what Thewaterstarted Weclimbed Howlong Then, theytook
WasBrian´s Dad driving? • Was he drivingfast? • Weretheytravekllingto Texas? • Was Brian goingwiththem? • Werepeopleescapingfrom …? • 2. Translate in English. • Estaba escribiendo en la pizarra cuando Stalin le tiró un boli a Laura en la cabeza • I waswritingontheboardwhen Stalin threw a pen toLaura´s head • 3. Estaba explicando algo en la pizarra cuando Alejandro le llamó retrasado a Antonio • 4. I wasexplainingsomethingontheboardwhen Alejandro calledA.mentallyretarded • 5. Estábamos corrigiendo un ejercicio cuando Pablo comenzó a cantar • 6. WewerecorrectinganexerciseWhen Pablo startedsinging
Adverbs They are A ____ Sherunsfast She drives dangerously Sheshouted at me angrily They are getting in thehousequietly It´ssingingverybadly It´srainingheavily/ a lot
their spelling is Bad easy beautiful careful reasonable energetic angry fast late good calm noisy full