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Plans for Validation and General Observations

Plans for Validation and General Observations. Mohamed Sawan Fusion Technology Institute The University of Wisconsin-Madison. 3 rd RCM on FENDL-3 6-9 December 2011 IAEA, Vienna. Observations on General Purpose FENDL-3.0 Library.

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Plans for Validation and General Observations

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  1. Plans for Validation and General Observations Mohamed Sawan Fusion Technology Institute The University of Wisconsin-Madison 3rd RCM on FENDL-3 6-9 December 2011 IAEA, Vienna

  2. Observations on General Purpose FENDL-3.0 Library • The library is complete with 180 materials that include all missing materials and additional materials requested by users and identified at 2nd RCM (up from 71 materials in FENDL-2.1) • All isotopic data as agreed on at 1st RCM • All high energy data are there except for H3, He3, and He4 that were identified at the 2nd RCM with no high energy data available • Mn55 and Th232 have data only to 60 MeV vs. 150 or 200 MeV for other materials 3rd RCM on FENDL-3, 6-9 December 2011, IAEA, Vienna

  3. Observations on General Purpose FENDL-3.0 Library • No ACE formatted processed library is available to perform validation • We plan to perform benchmark analysis using the processed FENDL-3.0 library • Such calculations are important to uncover possible processing issues as was revealed by calculations for the FENDL-3.0 starter library • Calculations will be performed for both the ITER calculational benchmark and mock-ups used in integral 14 MeV experiments (FNG, FNS) 3rd RCM on FENDL-3, 6-9 December 2011, IAEA, Vienna

  4. FNG Experiments Analyzed Tungsten Bulk shielding Streaming HCPB breeder 3rd RCM on FENDL-3, 6-9 December 2011, IAEA, Vienna

  5. FENDL-3/SLIB2 Calculations for FNG Bulk Shield Experiment • Small difference compared to FENDL-2.1 • Bulk shield mock-up thickness is much smaller than magnet shielding in ITER 3rd RCM on FENDL-3, 6-9 December 2011, IAEA, Vienna

  6. ITER Calculational Benchmark • To quantify impact of data changes, MCNP calculations for a 1-D ITER calculational benchmark was utilized during FENDL development process 3rd RCM on FENDL-3, 6-9 December 2011, IAEA, Vienna

  7. ITER Calculational Benchmark • FENDL-2.1 is the reference library for ITER • Results for flux, heating, dpa, and gas production will be compared to the results of FENDL-2.1 • Results will provide guidance to ITER regarding the need of changing the reference library to FENDL-3.0 or just adding a correction/safety factor to the the current results 3rd RCM on FENDL-3, 6-9 December 2011, IAEA, Vienna

  8. Peak Neutron and Gamma Flux Results with FENDL-3/SLIB2a • Neutron and gamma fluxes at VV and magnet that are heavily shielded by water-cooled SS are higher by 1-3% than predicted by FENDL-2.1 • Calculations will be performed using the latest processed FENDL-3.0 library to assess possible impact on ITER calculations 3rd RCM on FENDL-3, 6-9 December 2011, IAEA, Vienna

  9. Neutron Spectrum at OB Magnet with FENDL-3/SLIB2a • Using FENDL-3/SLIB2a corrected the anomaly in low energy spectrum caused by wrong secondary energy spectra • Energy spectra from FENDL-3/SLIB2a and FENDL-2.1 are close with differences up to ~10% at E>2 MeV 3rd RCM on FENDL-3, 6-9 December 2011, IAEA, Vienna

  10. H-1 Data in FENDL-3 vs. FENDL-2.1 Notable change in FENDL-3 is switch for H-1 from JENDL-3.3 to ENDF/B-VII.0 Lower (n,g) cross sections at high energy could be reason for higher neutron flux (particularly at high energy) in regions heavily shielded by water-cooled SS 3rd RCM on FENDL-3, 6-9 December 2011, IAEA, Vienna

  11. Peak Nuclear Heating Results with FENDL-3/SLIB2a • Using the corrected FENDL-3 starter library (FENDL-3/SLIB2a) removed the large overestimate at deep penetration locations • Nuclear heating at magnet is higher by ~2% than predicted by FENDL-2.1 • Differences with latest version are to be determined 3rd RCM on FENDL-3, 6-9 December 2011, IAEA, Vienna

  12. Peak IB Magnet Nuclear Parameters with FENDL-3/SLIB2a • Nuclear parameters at magnet are higher by ~1.5-3.5% than predicted by FENDL-2.1 • Largest differences are in fast neutron fluence and dpa that are determined by high energy flux • Effects will be assessed with recent version 3rd RCM on FENDL-3, 6-9 December 2011, IAEA, Vienna

  13. Remaining Issues • Release of processed ACE formatted library • Release of processed multi-group library (MATXS format) • Existing benchmarks (calculational and experimental) use materials included in FENDL-2.1 • We need new set of benchmarks to validate data for the new materials added 3rd RCM on FENDL-3, 6-9 December 2011, IAEA, Vienna

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