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Magento Product Customization Extension is a tool which provides a design platform to the e commerce retailer with immense amount of customizations for the desired personalization and lets the users create printable designs of their imaginations. <br>To Know More :https://www.appjetty.com/blog/magnify-product-customization-magento-tool/
MagnifyProductCustomizationwithaFantasticMagentoTool! E-commerceandsocialmediahavetransformedthe world we respirein. Peoplearehighlyactiveonsocialmediatodayandithasblossomedthe lives of e-commerce. We all love its ease and flexibilities but the real question is, whyhavepeople clinged towards this change? https://www.appjetty.com/
Reasonsaremanifoldbuttheavailabilityofchoiceshastobeoneofthe bestreasonsfortriggeringthisdigitalrevolution.Theonline competition is booming with more and more technological innovations and to increase the number of sales, these e-comms ought to provide personalizationand a scopeof customization to their customers. People are attracted towards the products which are an indication of theirpersonalityandindividuality.Productswhichlet them express their thoughtsfreelyiswhattheycravefor. Personalization isoneperfect way to give the customers their own customisations which can eventually instigate thebusiness growth. Customization of apparels, handbags, shoes, jewellery, eye lenses, etc are a few range of products which can be targeted for providing personalization. But how to provide these personalizations on the e-commerce website? ProductCustomizationExtensionisa tool thatallows the web merchants togivetheircustomersanopportunitytocreatetheirownpersonalized printable designs, which the customers can use in the products they order. Too many are the product design extensions available today, but Magentoproductcustomizeristhemostwidelyusedextensionbythe Indian e-commerce websites. https://www.appjetty.com/
Let us figure out the peculiarities of Magento Product Customisation Extension. Fully Responsive Design This becomes extremely crucial as it has a direct impact on the productivity of astartupandtheirprospectivecustomers.Thisfeature allows the tool to be used anywhere through any mobile orcomputer devicesasitcomeswitharesponsivedesign.Italsoprovideshassle-free browsing compatibility regardlessof theplatform. Wider Range of Custom Options The MagentoProductCustomizationextensionrenders features like draganddrop,cliparts,fonts,Coloringpallets,etc;whichareimperative forallowingtheuserstodesignpersonalizedproductsoftheirpreferred choice. The added picture uploading option can also be utilized for product customizationbytheusers.Theuserscanalsoincludesometextwitha personalized image to get the completely changed lookoftheproduct whichisexacttothespecifications.Theadvancedcolouringoptionalong with different styles and fonts also allows the users to design fully customized teeshirts,buttons,signs,stickers etc. https://www.appjetty.com/
Powerful AdminPanel/Backend It gives the administrator commanding authority to manage the fonts, colourpatterns,samplequotes,artworks&categories.Admincanmake changes to thenumberof themes and cliparts. Admincancontroltheprizesofcliparts,layouts,photouploads texts etc in accordance with thebusinessneedsand requirements. Notjusttheprizing,buttheadministratorcanalsomanagetheproduct designtemplateand can also setup multipleorspecial artworks colour. Easy Ecommerce Platform Integration This is a trait which allows the printing retailer or the storekeeper to provide seamless user experience to the potentially new and existing customers.Itismadeforthewebtoprintindustrywheretheuserscan be theprintingvendorswhodealincustomizedprintedproducts,print brokersortheonlinestoreswhichsellthecustomizedandpersonalized products. The productcustomizeris easy toinstall,anditcanbeeasilyusedthe customers for creatingprint readydesigns. https://www.appjetty.com/
Treatfor the Customers Customers can create theirown customdesignsunder“My Account” and canalsosharetheirdesigns with theirfriends. They can transformtextor artworks from library free of cost. To add on and maximize the personalizationexperience,theuserscanalsocroptheuploadedphoto. Eventhephotocanbeuploadedfromgalleryorfromsocialconnection plugins. The responsive user interface allows the user to design freely using tablets and other mobile devices. The user interface itself is simple enough for faster design. These features provide ample amount of freedomtotheusers,administratorand retailers;ultimatelyfulfillingthe goal of providing customizations to the users for creatingpersonalized printabledesigns. TheMagentoProductCustomizerallowstheuserstocreate customized designsin these variants: https://www.appjetty.com/
T-ShirtDesigner The T-shirt designer is a tool which allows the users to express their thoughtswiththet-shirtasthemedium.Variouscustomizationoptions availableinthetoolintendtolettheuserscreatepersonalizeddesigns. The text features, the fontsgallery,personalizedimageupload,clipart customizationprovidedbytheMagentoextension,magnify thescopeof product customization that theuser can utilise. CardDesigner Cardscanbemadeattractiveusingthedifferent clipart,fonts,preloaded templates.Thesecarddesigncustomizationcanalsobeadministeredin https://www.appjetty.com/
accordance of the cost. The groupdesigningfeatureisthemostuseful featurehere,whereseveraldesignobjectscanbegroupedtogetheron the canvas and their position can be modified for the likeable personalizedprintabledesign. GiftDesigner Mugs and other gift equipment can be allowed to design as the store desires.Thesedesigniscreatedonthe canvasand theprintisappliedon the object t after the order. For the design, customers can not only uploadimagebutcanalsogivethemspecialmaskingeffectstogetthe desiredoutputs. Mobile and Laptop SkinDesigner ByenablingGooglefontsinthedesigntool,theadmincanlettheusers choose different fonts supported by Google. Admin can also upload various TTF format fonts which the users can utilise for adding textto theirdesigns. Sign andPoster Designer The customers can design both sides of the posters or they can be restrictedtoanysinglesidedependingontheprinting capabilityand cost considerations. This can bedeterminedfrom theback end settings. https://www.appjetty.com/
Value Added Features • Name and Numbers - The customers can print their • name/numbersin tandemon theapparel. • Full Screen View - The design studio can be displayed in • fullscreen mode to get a distraction free interface for designingproducts. • Print Color Management - If the printer supports specific • Colors,thisfeatureallows theadministrator torestrict theuser fromusingcertainColors. • Quotes Management- Popular quotes can beaddedunder • multiple categories to let the customers find them and use themwhiledesigning. • Design Preview - Customers can be given a full screen preview to theircreativedesignof theproducts theydesign. MagentoProductCustomizationExtensionis a tool which provides a design platform to the e commerce retailer with immense amount of customizationsforthedesiredpersonalizationandletstheuserscreate printabledesignsof theirimaginations. https://www.appjetty.com/
Variousproductssuchasthet-shirts,greetingcards,businesscards,gift objects, mobile skins, signs and posters can be designed using the productcustomizerand canbeprinted whenordered with ease. The vast customizationoptionsavailablein the tool magnifies thescopeofdesign. Magentomagnifiesandamplifiestheproductcustomizationandit gives personalizedbrushesandcolorstothecustomerstodesigntheworldof theirdesires. https://www.appjetty.com/