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How do these factors influence housing?

Explore the impact of cultural, societal, environmental, economic, technological, and governmental factors on housing decisions. Understand how these influences shape our homes and communities. From architectural design to governmental regulations and societal trends, discover the multifaceted considerations in selecting a living space.

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How do these factors influence housing?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How do these factors influence housing? • Cultural influences (p.51-53) • Societal influences (p.53-58) • Environmental influences (p. 58-61) • Economic influences (p.61-62) • Technological influences (p.62-65) • Governmental influences (p.65-70)

  2. Objective 1.02:Summarize factors to consider when choosing a place to live

  3. Cultural Influences on Housing • Culture is the combination of all customs, beliefs, and traits of a group of people. • Culture in turn influences housing. Wampanoag’s wetu Home of Plymouth settler

  4. Dutch Colonial

  5. French Provincial

  6. Why do we put shutters on houses?

  7. Societal Influences on Housing • Household size – families are smaller • More blended and extended families • Population is aging – more senior adults.

  8. Cost of housing has risen faster than incomes. Often requires dual-incomes to afford a home • More time working means less leisure time for families • More people are telecommuting • Society is more mobile.

  9. EnvironmentalInfluences on Housing • Environmentincludes conditions, places, objects and people around you. • People adapt housing to their environments and also manipulate the environment to their housing • Housing deals with 3 types of environments. • Natural • Constructed • Behavioral

  10. Natural environment: includes land, water, trees, and climate.

  11. Constructed environment includes the natural environment after it has been changed by humans (building a structure that has heating, cooling, landscaping, etc).

  12. Fallingwaterdesigned by Frank Lloyd Wright

  13. Fallingwater is located in southwest Pennsylvania’s Laurel Highlands 90 minutes from downtown Pittsburgh • The main house 5,330 square feet (2885 sq. ft. interior;  2445 sq. ft. terraces) constructed 1936-38, followed by the guest house construction in 1939 (1,700 square feet) • Final cost:  $155,000 (Included $8,000 architect’s fees, and $4,500 for installed walnut furnishings) is the equivalent of approximately $2.4 million in 2009 • Restoration in 2002 was reported at $11.4 million.

  14. Behavioral environment is an area created for human interaction (schools, churches, malls, stores).

  15. Economic Influences on Housing • Whether or not a family can purchase a home or the type of home purchased depends upon: • Unemployment • Interest rates for homes • Inflation • The cost of living.

  16. Technological Influences on Housing • Technology continues to invent new and better ways of meeting human needs • Homes can withstand storms and earthquakes better than in the past • Media rooms/home theaters • Can order groceries through a computer on your refrigerator • Design a home using CADD (computer aided drafting and design).

  17. Governmental Influence on Housing • Federal Housing Administration (FHA) • Provides decent, sanitary housing for low income families.

  18. HUD • US Department of Housing and Urban Development • Mission is to promote a decent, safe, and sanitary living environment for all Americans.

  19. EPA • Environmental Protection Agency • Safeguards the natural environment.

  20. CPSC • Consumer Product Safety Commission • Makes sure all products in a home are safe.

  21. BUILDING CODES • Minimum standards for materials and construction methods

  22. ZONING REGULATIONS • Controls land use • Specifies the type of buildings and activities that are permitted in a certain area.

  23. One more….. • ADA • Americans with Disabilities Act • Requires that all people must be considered equally in the design or redesign of public structures.

  24. Each of these environments interacts with and affects the other. How? Work with your table group and decide on an example.

  25. Video: “What is a House?”Divide a piece of paper into 6 sections and label according to the list below. Write one thing you learn from the video about each area of influence on housing. • Cultural influences • Societal influences • Environmental influences • Economic influences • Technological influences • Governmental influences

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