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Rome & Byzantine: Unemployment, Persecution, Decline, and Schism

Explore the main reasons for growing unemployment in Rome, persecution of Christians, decline and fall of Rome, the Great Schism, and more in this chapter of Jeopardy! World History.

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Rome & Byzantine: Unemployment, Persecution, Decline, and Schism

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  1. JEOPARDY! Click Once to Begin World History Chapter 7-8 – Rome & Byzantine # 1 October 20, 2017

  2. JEOPARDY! W H O A M I ? 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

  3. JEOPARDY! W H O A M I ? 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

  4. The main reason for growing unemployment in Rome in the 1st and 2nd centuries A.D. Answer

  5. Returning Roman soldiers losing their farms to wealthy landholders

  6. Christians were persecuted under the reign of this emperor for their refusal to do this Answer

  7. Worship Roman gods and the Roman emperor as a god

  8. People who travel about with the purpose of converting others to their religious faith Answer

  9. missionaries

  10. Two major reasons for the decline and fall of Rome in the 5th century A.D. Answer

  11. Population loss due to plague and a governmental system that no longer worked

  12. This event signaled the merging of Germanic, Roman, and Christian elements in 800 A.D. Answer

  13. The crowning of Charlemagne as Emperor of Rome by the pope

  14. The people who swore an oath to take care of the poor in European society after the fall of Rome Answer

  15. Monks (and nuns)

  16. The 11th century event that forever changed the relationship between the Church in the east and west Answer

  17. Great Schism (1054)

  18. Mark Anthony battled for control of Rome with this future Roman emperor Answer

  19. Octavian

  20. This popular Roman general was appointed dictator for life after defeating his chief rival for power Answer

  21. Julius Caesar

  22. The Roman emperor Caracalla changed citizenship requirements by this means Answer

  23. By granting citizenship to all free people

  24. The toga that we associate with Romans was actually borrowed from this people Answer

  25. Etruscans

  26. A period of peace during the Roman Empire that saw large-scale building programs Answer

  27. Pax Romana

  28. Daily Double!!! This Roman emperor set the precedent for choosing provincial leaders himself to ensure loyalty Answer

  29. Caesar Augustus

  30. Rome’s first publicly displayed law code Answer

  31. Twelve Tables

  32. A series of wars that ultimately led to the destruction of Carthage and Roman sovereignty in the Mediterranean Answer

  33. Punic Wars

  34. The group that made up the Roman senate and served for life Answer

  35. patricians

  36. The breaking point that led to a civil war in Rome occurred when Julius Caesar led his army across this river Answer

  37. Rubicon

  38. The Roman general Octavian defeated this Roman opponent and his Egyptian lover, a descendent of Macedonia and Ptolemy Answer

  39. Anthony and Cleopatra

  40. The best description of religion in the Roman state Answer

  41. polytheistic

  42. The Roman technological innovation that aided in the building of massive buildings Answer

  43. concrete

  44. Its translation is “the Roman peace” Answer

  45. Pax Romana

  46. The ‘unseen’ struggle in a city of Rome that was otherwise rich and grandiose Answer

  47. high unemployment and poor living conditions for the poor

  48. Of Rome and Greece, the region that had the ability to feed a large population Answer

  49. Rome

  50. The political chronology of Roman governments from earliest to latest Answer

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