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The Holocaust and the events that took place after words!. Joseph Goebbels. http://www.biography.com/imported/images/Biography/Images/Profiles/H/Heinrich-Himmler-9339448-1-402.jpg. Byers, Ann. Holocaust Overview. Springfield, NJ: Enslow publishers, 1998. print
Joseph Goebbels http://www.biography.com/imported/images/Biography/Images/Profiles/H/Heinrich-Himmler-9339448-1-402.jpg Byers, Ann. Holocaust Overview. Springfield, NJ: Enslow publishers, 1998. print Moser, Kit. The Crime of Genocide. NJ: Enslow publishers, 2000. print Lace, William. Holocaust Library Death Camps. San Diego: Lucent books, 1998. print
Joseph Goebles Joseph Goebbels is the minister of propaganda. He controls everything that can be used as propaganda. Propaganda is sometimes false or partly false, usually to get you to buy stuff you see on TV. Only in Goebbels case he was using propaganda to get more people to believe in Nazi's. He did this by using media, radio, film, literature, news papers, theater, and some forms of art. Mein kampf was a big piece of propaganda written by Adolf Hitler. Using his propaganda Goebbels ordered attacks on 7,500 businesses during Kristallnacht and killed 96 Jew's. After all he had done, Joseph Goebbels life finally came to an end, on June 6, 1945, they found him dead in in his bunker from poison. He committed suicide.
Heinrich Himmler http://www.biography.com/imported/images/Biography/Images/Profiles/H/Heinrich-Himmler-9339448-1-402.jpg Moser, Kit. The Crime of Genocide. NJ: Enslow Publishers, 2000. print Lace, William. Holocaust Library Death Camps. San Diego: Lucent books, 1998. print Wood, Angela. Holocaust events and their impacts. NY: penguine company, 2007. print
Heinrich Himmler Heinrich Himmler was the chief of the S.S and the Gestapo. Himmler ordered all the Warsaw ghettos destroyed during World War II. After Hitler’s death he saw that they were going to loose the war. In his own personal belief he considered himself leader after Hitler committed suicide, so in response he took control of all the Nazi's and Himmler got control of everything. After Hitler back stabbed the Soviet Union, Himmler and all most every body else in Germany feared the Russians. Himmler was said to have increased the Einsatzhruppen by 16,500 men to 20,000 men. After they had lost the World War II Himmler committed suicide in a British Interrogation camp when he got captured.
Oskar Schindler http://www.albanytribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Oskar-Schindler.png Ayer, Eleanor. Holocaust Library the Survivors. San Diego: Lucent books, 1998. print Ayer, Eleanor. Holocaust. Connecticut: Black Birch Press, 1998. print Wood, Angela, Holocaust events and their impacts. NY: Penguine Company, 2007. print
Oskar Schindler Schindler had a big factory in Plazow. He had a good number of Jews working at his factory. His company was the only one that the Germans got there supplies form, all of then went to him. So he gets a lot of money from his buyers and when he bought his factory, he originally got it with his own money. So we know he was wealthy. Schindler’s factory later on became a death camp and shut down. So using his own money from when he was working at the factory, he moved to a new location in Czechoslovakia. He moved all his Jews and he was always nice to his Jews, he gave them food, and shelter. After the move the factory became his permanent home. Later on he got caught, but that was much later. The only reason Schindler was not caught sooner, was because he had friends in high places. The main friends he had were on the Gestapo, because of this he was very hard to catch. But when they did he managed to escape to Western Europe, where he met up with his fellow Jews that he had saved. As popular as he was amongst the Jews every job attempt he had failed. He was living off the little bit of money the Jews let him have. Then he died in 1974 of old age.
Dr. JosepfMengele http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdt71qQsdf1rk8k5ao1_1280.png Wood, Angela. Holocaust events and their impacts. NJ: Penguine Company, 2007. print Ayer, Eleanor. Holocaust. Connecticut: Black Birch Press, 1998. print Lace, William. Holocaust Library Death Camps. San Diego: Lucent Books, 1998. print
Dr. JosepfMengele Dr. JosepfMengele was a medical doctor that worked in Auschwitz(Nazi Death Camp). Mengele was nick named the “Angel of Death”, because of all the messed up medical experiments he did. He had these weird fascination with Jews and with twins. His goal was to make a perfect race of Aryans(blonde hair, blue eyes, Nazi). He experimented on both dead and alive subjects. Mengele also had the job of meeting the trucks full of prisoners at the fate of Auschwitz and choosing which ones would live and be put to work or die. In the very beginning all the women and children would die and all the able men would be put to work, later on the women would work as maids in houses. After the Germans lost World War II, Mengele fled to South America in Brazil with his wife and kids. Where he had a stroke while in the water at the beach and drowned.
Medical Experiments http//www.ushmm.com Ayer, Eleanor. Holocaust. Connecticut: Black Birch Press, 1998. print Wood, Angela. Holocaust events and their impacts. NY: Penguine Company, 2007. print Lace, Williams. Holocaust Library Death Camps. San Diego: Lucent Books, 1998. print
Medical Experiments Medical experiments happened in almost all the camps, the worst one happened at Auschwitz, preformed by Dr. JosepfMengele. Most of the experiments that went on were very disturbing. The test were supposed to make more Germans and some of them were to make cures for any of the Germans that got hurt during World War II. They tested to see how much pain a human could take before they died. When they tested what would be safe to drink they had the Jews drink it first to see if it is safe. They made the Jews drink salt water. In many of the messed up experiments trying to make more Germans, they indected a bunch of chemicals in the testes and ovaries to see what would happen. Jews were sent naked out into the freezing temperatures to see how long they could last without going crazy. They also took jews out and shot then to simmulate battle wounds and try to find a cure for it. The Germans did it all no matter how messed up it was.
Nuremberg Laws http//www.ushmm.com Wood, Angela. Holocaust events and their impacts. NY: Penguine Company, 2007. print Freman, David. The Holocaust Heroes. Springfield, NJ: Enslow Publishers, 1998. print Byers, Ann. Holocaust Overview Springfield, NJ: Enslow Publishers, 1998. print
Nuremberg Laws The Nuremberg laws were held by the Germans. They were named Nuremberg Laws because they originated in Nuremberg, Germany, passed by all the Germans. There were hundreds of laws, one stated that it was illegal to marry any jews, and that if you are found trying to protect the jews in any way you would get into big trouble. The Germans considered this law would protect the Aryan(German, Nazi) race blood so that they would be pure. Other laws were passed in the very beginning of the Holocaust. These were the laws that were taking away all the jews things, like there property, personal belongings, and forced them to live in Ghettos.
Nuremberg Trials http//www.ushmm.com Wood, Angela. Holocaust events and their impacts. NY: Penguine Company, 2007. print Byers, Ann. Holocaust Overview. Springfield, NJ: Enslow Publishers, 1998. print Moser, Kit. The Crime of Genocide. NJ: Enslow Publishers, 2000. print
Nuremberg Trials The Nuremberg Trials were basically the jews turn to have there revenge. Unlike the Nuremberg Laws held by the Germans, the Trials were held by the jews. The Trials started being held six months after the end of World War II. They were held between November 1945 and October 1946. Now as you should have guessed not all the Germans could be tried. But the main purpose of the Trials were to catch the major Nazi war criminals for crimes against humanity. The jews were originally supposed to joke the Trials in Berlin, but since Berlin was totally destroyed they decided to hold it where the laws were got passed, in Nuremberg.
Simon Wiesenthal http://www.moriahfilms.com/atf/cf/%7B66A8A21D-CF06-453B-B7E1-D1DA0CE72523%7D/Simon_Wiesenthal.jpg Ayer, Eleanor. Holocaust. Connecticut: Black Birch Press, 1998. print Wood, Angela,. Holocaust events and their impacts. NY: Penguine Company, 2007. print Snyder, Louis. Hitler’s Elite. NY: Hippocrene, 1989. print
Simon Wiesenthal Simon Wiesenthal was born in polish, Galicia. After World War II he started an organization that’s main purpose is to catch all the Nazi war criminals. He started it because he was one of the jews during that time, he had spent four years in many different concentration camps. Wiesenthal’s greatest catch or triumph was catching Eichmann. Eichmann was traced back to being the murderer of 89 of Wiesenthal’s relatives. When he found where Eichmann was he told the Masada and they went and got him and brought him back for a Trial. His organization is still around today.