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Rotary District 5450 Grants Training Webinar August 2019

Join Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair, to learn about Rotary's vision, mission, strategic priorities, and ways to enhance engagement and impact through grants. Explore TRF statistics and funding opportunities.

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Rotary District 5450 Grants Training Webinar August 2019

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  1. District 5450Grants Training Webinar August 2019 .

  2. Our Rotary Vision "Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves." Our Rotary Mission We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  3. Rotary’s Four Strategic Priorities and Objectives Increase Our Impact Eradicate Polio and leverage the legacy Focus our programs and offerings Improve our ability to achieve and measure impact Idea: Visit rotary.org and the People of Action Social Media Center to learn how to share the impact you’ve made. Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  4. B. Expand Our Reach! Grow and diversify our membership and participation Create New Channels into Rotary Increase Rotary’s openness and appeal Build awareness of our impact and brand Idea: Capture a moment with your Interact or Rotaract clubs – see how they would like to see Rotary evolve. Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  5. C. Enhance Participant Engagement Support clubs to better engage their members Develop a participant center approach to deliver value Offer new opportunities for personal and professional connection. Provide leadership development and skills training Idea: Attend Zone Institute or Club Training Assembly to attend a breakout session about a topic or initiative that’s new to you. Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  6. D. Increase Our Ability To Adapt Build a culture of research, innovation and willingness to take risks. Streamline governance, structure and processes Review governance to foster more diverse perspectives in decision-making Idea: Make a strategic plan for your club. Include initiatives to encourage new ideas or simplify operations Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  7. TRF Statistics • 35,678 clubs worldwide • $414.7 million Rotarians raised for the Rotary Foundation • 94 scholarships granted by Rotary Peace Fellowships • 1,195,107 Rotarians worldwide • What impact can one donation have? • For as little as 60 cents, a child can be protected from polio. • $50 can provide clean water to help fight waterborne illness. • $500 can launch an antibullying campaign and create a safe environment for children Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  8. TRF Statistics The Rotary Foundation awarded $86,677,399 in funding to 1,306 grants during fiscal year 2018. Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  9. TRF Statistics A new study from Johns Hopkins University has found that #Rotary members commit 45 million volunteer hours a year at a value of $850 million. Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  10. TRF Statistics • Rotarians support The Rotary Foundation through • these funds: • PolioPlus Fund • 1. Dedicated to global polio eradication • Annual Fund • Primary funding source for Foundation grants • and activities • 2. Supports local and international grants through the SHARE system 3. Contributions are credited to the donor’s club and applied to the club’s Annual Fund goal. SUPPORTS TODAY. Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  11. TRF Statistics • Rotarians support The Rotary Foundation through • these funds: • Endowment Fund which supports • the Foundation in perpetuity SUPPORTS THE FUTURE Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  12. 2017-2018 Club Finals 3000 members $575,581 raised in Annual Funds $259, 296 raised for PolioPlus District Designated Fund Grants – 52 total Global Grants – 20 plus over the year 2018-2019 Club Current 2892 Members $509,823.00 raised so far in Annual Funds ($435K goal) $230,914.00 raised so far in PolioPlus Funds ($121K goal) District Designated Fund Grants – 33 plus total Global Grants – 17 plus over the year into year Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  13. How full is your TRF bucket? Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  14. All Rotary Grants (District Designated and Global) depend on Annual Fund contributions made to The Rotary Foundation. • Contributions made 3 years ago provide the District Matching Funds for Rotary Grants ($510K in 2018/2019). • Without supporting The Rotary Foundation from our Rotarians – we would not be here today! • It is the FOUNDATION of The Rotary Foundation! • Donor recognition is available for offering individual and club recognition as well as naming opportunities that enable you to honor a friend or family member with a named or endowed gift. Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  15. ROTARY GIVING > GRANT FUNDING • Every Rotarian Every Year – EREY • Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member • When you give $100 or more per year to the Annual Fund. • Paul Harris Fellow • Recognized at $1000.00 intervals over any period of time. • Paul Harris Society • Sign up and give/commit to $1000.00 or more annually. Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  16. Rotary Foundation Funding Model – How does it work? $100 to TRF $ 50 to World (Global) Fund $50 to DDF $45 stays in World Fund $50 available to District $5 to Funding Reserve Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  17. District 5450 Grants • District Designated Fund Grants (DDF) • Local Humanitarian Projects (Service) • International Humanitarian Projects • Global Grants • International Humanitarian Projects • Six Rotary Areas of Focus • Vocational Training Teams • Rotary Scholar Programs • a. Rotary Scholar ($30,000) • b. Rotary Peace Scholar (variable) • c. Temple Buell Scholarship ($30,000) Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  18. Polio eradication partners Rotary International is a leading partner in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, along with: • World Health Organization• U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention• UNICEF• Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation $2 for $1 match Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  19. Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  20. Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  21. Why Give? The Value for District 5450 For decades, The Rotary Foundation has been doing good in the world. We are heading into the second century of TRF. “I give because The Rotary Foundation provides for EVERLASTING community and world change; it’s the greatest use of the money I have.” Darryl J. Iseppi (Australia) Arch Klumph Society – Trustees Circle, Bequest Society – Level Seven Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  22. Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  23. Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  24. Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  25. Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  26. Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  27. Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  28. ROTARY’S ENDOWMENT • Contributions are professionally invested. • Only the earnings are spent. • Gifts to the Endowment are held in perpetuity. They are professionally invested, with part of the earnings used each year for purposes specified by the Trustees and the donors. • The Endowment offers donors a way to create their own lasting legacy through Rotary. Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  29. Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  30. Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  31. Club recognition 100% Paul Harris Fellow Club For clubs in which all dues-paying members are Paul Harris Fellows. This is a one-time recognition. 100% Paul Harris Society Club For clubs in which every dues-paying member contributes a minimum of $1,000 to the Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or global grants within a Rotary year 100% Foundation Giving Club For clubs that achieve an average of $100 in per capita giving and 100 percent participation, with every dues-paying member contributing at least $25 to any or all of the following during the Rotary year: Annual Fund, PolioPlus Fund, approved global grants, or Endowment Fund. Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  32. 100% Rotary’s Promise Club For clubs in which every dues-paying member supports the Endowment. The commitment may be for a future gift to The Rotary Foundation in an estate plan or an outright gift of $1,000 or more to the Endowment. Every Rotarian, Every Year Club For clubs that achieve a minimum Annual Fund contribution of $100 per capita during the Rotary year, and every dues-paying member must personally contribute at least $25 to the Annual Fund during the year. Top Three Per Capita in Annual Fund Giving For the three clubs in each district that give the most, per capita, to the Annual Fund. Clubs that give at least $50 per capita are eligible. Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  33. ROTARY ALUMNI • Ambassadorial Scholars • Group Study Exchange participants • Rotary Grants for University Teachers • Rotary Peace Fellows • Rotary Volunteers • Rotary Youth Exchange participants • District grant recipients • The Rotary Peace Centers program has over 1,100 alumni in more than 100 countries around the world. • 88 percent of these alumni work in areas related to peace and conflict resolution or in Rotary’s areas of focus. • These are some of the individuals who are considered Rotary alumni. • There are more than 43,000 alumni from scholarships, 70,000 from Group Study Exchange, and 7,000 from other programs. Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  34. 2019-2020 Presidential Citation • The Citation recognizes Rotary clubs that support our strategic priorities by completing certain activities. Clubs have the entire Rotary year to achieve the citation’s goals. Rotary can automatically verify many of your club’s achievements as long as you keep your club and member information up-to-date in My Rotary. To be eligible for the Rotary Citation, clubs need to begin the year as active clubs that are in good standing and remain so throughout the year. • TAKE ACTION • Achieve at least 5 of the following goals (2 TRF OPTIONS): • Appoint an active club Foundation committee comprised of no less than five members and report the chair to Rotary International • Contribute at least $100 per capita to the Annual Fund of The Rotary Foundation Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  35. 2019-2020 Rotary Theme Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  36. TAKE ACTION – ROTARIANS ARE PEOPLE OF ACTION When you donate to The Rotary Foundation, your gift makes a difference in communities that need our help most. It is because of you that Rotarians are empowered to create lasting, meaningful change. Because of your gift, Rotarians are hard at work leading service projects and utilizing grants that support education, fight disease, provide clean water, and promote peace around the world.  Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  37. Thank you, Rotary 5450 Rotarians, for your dedication and continued support of The Rotary Foundation. Dave Willman, Rotary District 5450 Foundation Chair

  38. Club Qualification RequirementsHugh RadkeClub Qualification Chair

  39. Qualification Requirements • Grant management seminar • Club memorandum of understanding • All Grant Reporting Current • Club in Good Standing with IRS

  40. Club in Good Standing with IRS • Confirmation of Club’s Form 990 Filing • Annual requirement • Submit to Hugh Radke, Club Qualification Chair

  41. Club Qualification Status http://bit.ly/clubqual

  42. Terms of Qualification • Valid for one year • Club responsibility for grant funds • Disclose conflicts of interest • Cooperate with all audits • Use grant funds properly • Implement the club MOU

  43. Stewardship—MOU Stewardship is the responsible management and oversight of grant funds, including: • Standard business practices • Rotarian supervision • Financial records and oversight • Reporting of irregularities • Timely submission of reports

  44. MOU Requirements Club must appoint a member to implement, manage, and maintain club qualification: • Ensure that all TRF grants adhere to proper stewardship and grant management practices • Ensure that all individuals involved in a grant avoid any actual or perceived conflict of interest

  45. Club Qualification Chair • Hugh Radke • Smoky Hill Rotary • Business: 303-268-2149 • Home: 303-741-5739 • E-mail hradke@tymeins.com

  46. District Grants‘Buchi AkpehDistrict Grants SubCommittee Chair November 2018

  47. District 5450 District Grants Club initiated, short-term, humanitarian projects with Rotarian participation addressing a community need, locally or internationally

  48. District Grants • Sponsoring club must be qualified • Attend Grant management seminar • Complete & Submit Club MOU • Submit a current copy of the Club’s Form 990 Filing • All Grant Reporting Current • Separate funding limits for local and international grants • Satellite Clubs can sponsor grants, based on parent Club status

  49. District Grants Requirements • Hands on participation by sponsoring Club’s members • Projects that meet identified community needs • Goals that are specific and measurable • Emphasis on new projects, not long term maintenance

  50. Grant RequirementsInternational District Grants • We encourage pilot projects for a future Global Grant, not a community needs assessment • D5450 Rotarians (or partner Rotarians in country) actively participate at the project site • D5450 Club has full responsibility for Grant implementation

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